The Last Kiss
The Last Kiss
R | 02 August 2002 (USA)
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Giulia and Carlo have been happy together for three years, but Giulia's announcement that she is pregnant sends him into a secret panic. Terrified at his imminent entry into the adult world of irreversible responsibilities, Carlo finds himself tempted by a bewitching 18-year-old girl, Francesca, whom he meets by chance at a wedding. The possibility of one last youthful crazy fling before the impending prison of parenthood proves to be too attractive to resist.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Weredegu 'The chords ring so familiar / To a man who's heard it all before' - or also to a woman who's heard it all before, as we could paraphrase the above line from a song included in the film score. 'L'ultimo bacio' is really made up of situations recycled from stuff seen and even read before, stuff that had been heard before even in the age of William Shakespeare. But. You can't help but enjoy it. You have to take no effort to stay with this movie. It takes you through the well-charted territory of mismanaged human relationships, the betrayal and the begging for forgiveness part, and makes it a joyride thanks to good pacing and wonderful acting that at times brings out your most gloating self from you. OK, if you have done everything perfectly in your life so far, you might not start laughing... But otherwise you'll simply feel like being in the middle of this all the way. The movie is filled with the sort of everyday desperation that is fed mostly by everyday desperation which just doesn't make sense but is there for most of us.As far as the acting's concerned, Giovanna Mezzogiorno and Stefano Accorsi are definitely in the focus here, but even the supporting cast is doing great and have a lot more than bit parts. OK, I zeroed in on Giovanna Mezzogiorno most of the time, but that doesn't blind me to the value in the others' performance. So, make fun of yourself and watch this film, recommended.
Close_The_Door The generation of 30-year-old is under study in Italy nowadays. Between jobs, high rents, low salaries, prefer stay with their parents and not getting married. But they also give the impression they reject responsibility and adult life (fancy the French film "Tanguy" was drawn from an Italian law case!). Check out "I laureati" by Leonardo Pieraccioni to find a film with a similar subject.But there is not only the 30-year-old crisis, there is also a 50-year-old crisis shown in the film. Which enlarges the focus of the picture to love life and commitment in general. Love is shown in its "mortality". It ends. Family life is disappointing and suffocating, for the 30-year-old just as for the 50. The temptation of escaping is great.But it may be too late. Or you don't have courage enough. Or it is not really what you want. Then staying at home and resigning oneself seems to be the next best thing, but the only available one. Is this happiness? I don't know. Someone may be satisfied with the "happy end" where every thing is put together, but I personally retained a feeling of uncomfortableness. Pay attention to the very last moments of the film. The "we reap as we sow" message.Actors: I loved Stefania Sandrelli, courageous and ironic enough to let the director film her CLOSE and show all the wrinkles, the years that have passed by. She is credible and expressive. I also love Sergio Castellito, always great. Martina Stella is very "fresh" and also credible in her role. What I really could not stand are Stefano Accorsi and Giovanna Mezzogiorno!!! I don't know if it is a personal dislike, for Accorsi it may be since I hate him in almost all the films he makes, instead I liked Giovanna Mezzogiorno very much in "La finestra di fronte". But the way they acted here, always panting, this jarring repetition of "huh-huh-huh". I've read comments here wondering if this behavior is "normal". No, in my (Italian) opinion it sounds fake.In conclusion, I advise you not to watch this film if you are planning your wedding.
Philip Van der Veken "L'Ultimo Bacio" is probably a movie most men will recognize themselves in all too well, because it was based on what most of us actually feel when they are finally expected to grow up when they are around thirty. They are expected to settle, to get married and to start a family. All very important decisions and we never feel very comfortable making them. Do we want to give up life as an irresponsible "bachelor", will we try to spend the rest of our lives with only one woman, are we ready to raise kids...If you expect any answers from this movie, than I'll have to disappoint you, because you won't really find any good ones. It shows how four male friends desperately try to be free. One of them meets an 18-year old schoolgirl at a wedding party, falls in love with her and betrays his pregnant fiancée, jeopardizing his entire future and family. One of the others only fights with his wife, the third one wants to escape form his dying father and the last one wants to keep living as a hippie. They all have their reasons to leave their actual lives and they start making plans to make a trip around the world, but will they leave or finally accept the real life...In a way this is a very typical Italian movie. Personally I love that, but I guess there are several people who don't. The style, the music, the acting, it all can be found in similar Italian movies and less in other European productions. So if you absolutely hate Italian movies, than you better don't even start watching it. In my opinion this isn't a movie for very young people either. I'm not saying they shouldn't watch it, but I think an 18-year old probably can't understand all too well why it's so difficult to make that important step once you're thirty, just because he or she doesn't have to think about it yet. Being almost 27 myself, I know all too well, what it means.All in all this is a very nice movie that I would recommend to most people. Despite what you might think this isn't a very corny movie and has absolutely nothing to do with how most Hollywood comedies with such a message would look like. It's wonderful, it's realistic, it's everything I need in a movie and that's why I give it an 8/10.
emattie97 Great for Italian speakers and those who do not know the language. This film captures the authentic Italian "way" while making you laugh. I think if you will enjoy this film regardless of age or gender (although I suggest it for people who are at least 17). On a more wistful note, Ultimo Bacio allows you to contemplate how the characters and storyline relate to your own life. Raises the challenges that we face when we love - the conflict that we feel. The movie skillfully addresses the struggle between responsibility to self and others, doing what is right and expected vs. doing what one wants and thinks will make him/her happy. Fast-paced cuts from one scene to another make the film easy to watch while keeping your attention. You will love this film! Fantastico!
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