The Last Flight
The Last Flight
PG | 05 November 2009 (USA)
The Last Flight Trailers

Aviator Marie Vallières de Beaumont goes on a journey to find her lover Bill Lancaster after his plane disappears in the Sahara. After her plane is forced down in the Ténéré she meets Lieutenant Antoine Chauvet of the French Camel Corps who joins in the hunt for Lancaster. As the two endure hardships in the desert, they begin to develop feelings for each other.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
karyne-richard Big fan of French and foreign films. Huge fan of both mains actors. I really don't understand how they ended up in such a boring and disappointing movie. No storyline, no action, there's not even an end to this movie. It's like they didn't have enough money to finish filming this garbage. To say i'm even a fan of intellectual type movies, this doesn't even qualify in that category. I had almost bought it new at 35$ because i'm a fan of both actors and french films and i didn't... Bought it used at 4.99$ and i still think it was too much. I'm so disappointed and wasted an evening. The only good thing was the music: very middle-east, Morrocan type, which is why i gave this a 2 out of ten.
jotix100 A small French regiment in the Sahara is having difficulties in their position about an enemy that looms not far away. Into their camp a small two engine plane arrives. To everyone's surprise it is a woman pilot. Marie Valliers de Baumont has come to the area where she believes her fiancé must have had an accident. The French officers, especially Antoine Chauvet, is skeptical the fallen aviator survived, but in Marie's heart, she knows they made a pact and she will find him.When a sand storm destroys Marie's airplane, she has no other choice but to stick around the soldiers, something Chaubet is reluctant to allow. Marie prevails and become part of the small division. After being attacked and suffering casualties, Chaubet and Marie do everything possible to continue, but the Sahara has another idea for them.The film directed by Karim Dridi, who co-adapted the material from a novel by Sylvain Estibal. He was trying to re-create an atmosphere in the inhospitable Sahara desert with a built in romance. It was inevitable that Marie and Chaubet ended up together because the passion their encounter provokes in spite of their differences when they first meet. One thing though, Marie had the best intentions for locating the remains of the lost plane, which turned out to be closer than what they thought it would be.Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet had collaborated with more success before. Their appearance in this movie will not add anything to both of their careers. The gorgeous locations were photographed by Antoine Monod and Le Trio Jourban contributed to the tuneful musical score.
Daniel Vazquez The film has some good points. It begins as a film about a French lieutenant in French Sahara who is trying to prevent his idiotic captain from causing a full-on crisis between the army and the Touareg. Along comes a French woman looking for her lost lover. At first it's just a distraction from the main, more interesting plot. Thus, for the first hour I really got into the film and was expecting to see the conflict between the French and the Touareg lead to an exciting climax. However, as the woman's story takes over the film turns into a disaster of boredom.None of the characters are well developed, and it is particularly sad that none of the Touareg were developed as characters. On the good side, the visuals are nice, the soundtrack excellent, and Marion Cotillard is pleasant to look at. Overall, this film is a prime example of could-have-been-better. A greater focus on the Touareg characters and their motivations, a more in-depth representation of the conflict between the French and the Touareg, and subjugating the love story to the background could have made this a great film.
Diego Quilhot To begin with, the plot is absolutely uninteresting. We have a french aviator woman, who comes in the Sahara to search for her missing husband, and an anti-colonialism french soldier who wants to defend the nomadic people.So what happens in the movie ? Well... they move through a part of the desert, and... that's pretty much it. One or two sub-plots are started, but not finished, the movie wants to focus on its characters, but the total absence of background makes them empty, and we don't care for them a second.To sum it up : no story, boring characters, uncreative cinematography, and a slow, horrible pace.