The Ladies Man
The Ladies Man
NR | 28 June 1961 (USA)
The Ladies Man Trailers

After his girl leaves him for someone else, Herbert gets really depressed and starts searching for a job. He finally finds one in a big house which is inhabited by many, many women. Can he live in the same home with all these females?

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
JohnHowardReid Make that 7.5! As might be expected of a Jerry Lewis vehicle, "The Ladies Man" (sic, no apostrophe) is a very broad, slapstick farce. What is not expected, however, is the movie's gorgeous settings and its exquisite color photography. In fact, as might be anticipated, the photography and the sets are far more pleasing than the "comedy". True, the Lewis film starts well with a good (if none too well-timed) gag borrowed from W.C. Fields, and then moves to a well- timed graduation ceremony with Lewis delightfully exploding through the serried ranks of be-gowned graduates. After this delightful intro, we have to wait for near the end of the movie when Lewis arrives in Hollywood to wreck havoc on the brilliant $500,000 set for which the art directors should have won an Academy Award. Incredibly, they were not even nominated! I regard it as the best single set ever created for a motion picture. Also on hand are no less than 31 gorgeously attired ladies, including former child star, Gloria Jean. Needless to say, the dress designer wasn't nominated for an award either. Never mind, at least Gloria and Miss Traubel do get to sing a couple of songs. Like "The Bellboy", this film is episodic and disjointed, but it does have some splendid interludes with George Raft and Harry James (playing themselves). Lewis' direction is much more sure and competent than his previous essays behind the camera. Sure there are still mediocre scenes that he allows to run too long. And worse still, there are scenes so nauseating that they should have been left on the cutting-room floor! Needless to say, as often happens with movies that offer a mixed bag that varies from the sublime to the pits, box-office takings of $3.1 million were somewhat less than the negative cost, and Lewis was never again given a budget of this size to play around with.
cynthialovessnoopy1 This is a great Jerry Lewis comedy with a lot of heart. I am touched by how Herbert wants to be treated with understanding by the ladies in the boarding house. As he does each chore and delivers the mail to the ladies he wants them to at least say thanks one rehearsing a scene and others ignore him, he wants to be needed. My favorite scene is when Fay one of the boarders tell him that nice people are needed everywhere. I laughed at the funny moments like with Baby that first dog with a roar like a lion then a lion at the end.. also as he greets this gangster and breaks the string on his hat oh what a patient Stanley who was nervous.
Jackson Booth-Millard I really enjoyed the original version of The Nutty Professor by the star and director I first saw in The King of Comedy, and I was looking forward to another film of his, especially if it featured in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Basically Herbert H. Heebert (Jerry Lewis, also directing) is a young man has suffered severe heartbreak when his girlfriend has left him for someone else, and he becomes depressed swearing he will never want romance again. With nothing much else to hope for he finds himself a job working in a large house doing such things as cleaning, delivering mail and other general responsibilities, but he has no idea until they all come out that it is a womens' boarding house. The genteel house is run by Miss Helen N. Wellenmellon (Helen Traubel) who irritates him with the nickname "Herby", he is treated by all of the girls as a helpless servant, and of course his fear of women is getting him down, he tries to escape a couple of time. Young and beautiful Fay (Pat Stanley) is the only one he can really confide in, and she helps him to overcome his fear of women, and after many chaotic and slapstick disasters, including an important woman appearing on television in the house, the girls accept that he may want to leave, but of course Herbert cannot bring himself to do it, being in love as well. Also starring Kathleen Freeman as Katie, George Raft, Harry James, Marty Ingels, Buddy Lester as Willard C. Gainsborough, Hope Holiday as Miss Anxious and Lillian Briggs as Lillian. Lewis is fantastic being the highly nerdy, overly nervous and physically infantile character, it reminds you of the style Jim Carrey would bring in his career, the story is simple enough, but it is for the inventive jokes that the film works so well, all timed well, even the simplest thing like a broken bed is really funny, a great comedy classic. Very good!
JWLJN For good, clean, family laughs, I highly recommend this film. Skits and cameo appearances fill this delightful entry into the Jerry Lewis film library. An amazing set is the center piece for this film, with lavishly decorated rooms.