The Patsy
The Patsy
NR | 24 June 1964 (USA)
The Patsy Trailers

When a star comedian dies, his comedy team decides to train a 'nobody' to play the Star in a big TV show (a Patsy). But the man chosen, bellboy Stanley Belt (Lewis), can't do anything right. The TV show is getting closer, and Stanley is getting worse.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
moonspinner55 Accident-prone bellhop at the Beverly Hilton is groomed for stardom by a group of show biz people eager to keep their cushy jobs after their star-client perishes in a plane crash (oh, the hilarity!). Jerry Lewis in another plush Paramount comedy, which he also directed and co-wrote with Bill Richmond, but one that doesn't have any central interest in its own plot. Lewis' klutz is supposed to be replacing a TV comedy star, but first he has to cut a hit record and lip-synch it on a teenage dance show. One isn't sure if the project got away from Lewis or if he just lost interest in seeing the picture through. He's assembled a colorful cast of old pros, and there's a hilarious bit involving music teacher Hans Conried, but after the first 30 minutes it's just frittered away. The worst line is given to Ina Balin, describing Jerry's bellboy: "He's really very shy." Who were they kidding? *1/2 from ****
MartinHafer A famous celebrity dies in the opening scene. His group of handlers are sad--not just at his death but because they're out of jobs. Then one gets a brainstorm--pool their talents and create a new star. Then, they can keep their jobs. They're a cocky group and decide it doesn't matter if they guy they pick has talent and they pick the first schmuck they meet--a loud and clumsy bellboy (Lewis). They then proceed to make him a star--singing one of the most annoying ditties I've ever heard. There's more to it than that, but frankly I couldn't make myself finish the movie--it was THAT annoying.This film began with the worst possible job of mugging for the camera I have ever seen--with Jerry Lewis WAY overdoing EVERYTHING. He drops glasses and each time he picks up ice, it slips out of his hands--again and again. And the way he talks....uggh!! He never finishes a single sentence and this is what is supposed to be comedy?! I was so annoyed but decided to keep couldn't get worse. And I was right, it didn't get any worse...but it didn't get any better. It's a shame, as I have watched a bunch of his movies lately and enjoyed most of them. This one, however, just seemed VERY self-indulgent, loud, poorly timed and unfunny. It's a shame, as he could be funny and likable--here he's just obnoxious and lacks humanity. A clear misfire and I don't seem to see what some others loved about this film--it's just no enjoyable in the least.
thinker1691 It isn't often a great talent is properly packaged in the guise of a man, most people would not give a second look. Yet, when the popular comedy duo of Martin and Lewis broke up, the worry centered on Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis on the other hand was so multi-talented, no one gave much though that he would succeed. This exceptional comedian assembled his talent and created movies like this one. It's called " The Patsy " and tells the story of Standley Belt (Jerry Lewis) a virtual no-body who is selected by a group of agents, trainers and talent specialists to replace their lost meal ticket. The problem which is central to the group is that Standley possesses little or no natural talent and despite the best trainers,seems doomed to failure. Jerry Lewis wrote, directed and starred in this grand production which includes top name actors. Ina Balin, plays Ellen Betz, the one person in the group who does care for Standley's success. Of course there are others like Everett Sloane, Phil Harris, Keenan Wynn, Peter Lorre, John Carradine, Richard Deacon and of course the late great Hans Conried. Together, under the auspices of Jerry, this film become one of a dozen triumphs. With Lewis as the Patsy, it has becomes a Classic. ****
edge-16 If your a big Jerry Lewis fan, and I am, you will enjoy The Patsy. It's not his funniest, at least on a consistent basis, but it does have it's share of big laughs. The premise is that a big music star perishes in a plane crash and his associates, including Claude Raines and John Carradine, need to find a replacement. In steps bumbling Jerry as a hotel employee who must be turned into the next big music star. Some hilarious scenes such as Jerry being groomed in a beauty salon, being "taught" how to sing by the always dependable Hans Conried and Jerry's attempt at lip-synching his hit song on TV. again, not his best but enjoyable and funny enough for me!