2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams
2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams
R | 20 July 2010 (USA)
2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams Trailers

When this year's round of unsuspecting Northerners fail to show up for their annual Guts N' Glory Jamboree, the residents of Pleasant Valley take their cannibalistic carnival on the road and head to Iowa where they encounter spoiled heiresses Rome & Tina Sheraton and the cast and crew of their "Road Rascals" reality show. Performing "The Bloodiest Show on Earth", our Southern Maniacs prove more than ratings killers in what John Landis has called "one of the rare sequels that surpasses the original".

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
GazerRise Fantastic!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
chococat-02474 Look, I LOVE bad horror movies, but this was just bad in the regular connotation. This looked interesting (ie Bill Moseley, Ogre) but it was a pile of crap. The gore was uninteresting, the plotline wasn't even funny enough to be funny. I wish I got my time back from watching this, seriously.
D Rahul Raj Jsd Today is also Mr. Tim Sullivan's (July 2) Birthday, so my second feature was 2001 MANIACS : FIELD OF SCREAMS, which is the second installment in the series. In this one, The Immortal, Iconic Horror Legend Mr. Bill Moseley plays the leader, Mayor George W. Buckman. Scream Queen Lin Shaye, Christa Campbell, Ryan Fleming and Adam Robitel reprised their roles. This one is different from the first chapter. It's more of a comedy with sleazy, dirty dialogues and jokes, kinda cartoonish. Tons of nudity, sexuality, and of course, it has tons of blood and gore, awesome inventive brutal kills. You've got Barrels, Buzz Saw (this scene blew my F'N mind, the C Section), Pooch Box (this scene was a real shocker) and more. Whenever you're watching a horror film with my top fave Bill Moseley in it, you know he's gonna have many lines which will truly be incredible, unforgettable and original (fave quote - Hey Two Eyes, Suck My Dixie). Loved the man's voice, the way he laughs. His voice was also featured in a song at the end, credits called Lord Let Me Help You Decide, he's awesome!!! Ms. Lin Shaye was so amazing too, I really loved her performance, the scene where she was dancing, she really killed it. Don't know why there are lots of negative reviews for this movie, must be PG fans for the Twilight films, can't stand those films, but if Bill Moseley was in those Twilight films, I would surely F'N watch that. Wouldn't miss anything with Bill in it. The man's performance has a powerful force that will always make your eyeballs stick to the screen. Salute To Mr. Tim Sullivan for this blood soaked, looney, country cannibal chapter, packed with double bare knuckle fists of gore, sex, comedy, rockin tunes and more!!! Full of fun!!! Really hope there's a third, and I liked Tim Sullivan's idea of Bill Moseley facing off against the man who portrayed Mayor Buckman in the first chapter, The King of Horror, Mr. Robert Englund. If you're not gonna go to the South, The South Will Come To You, and The South Is Gonna Rise Again, I know it will!!!
FemalefanLotR While I liked the 2005 remake, 2001 Maniacs mainly because of Robert Englund. This one should have never been made.Acting: The acting was terrible and not even a good actress like Lin Shaye could save it. Perhaps if Robert Englund had returned it would have been watchable. The writing: It was badly written and how did they get a school bus and where did they learn to drive? Overall: I hated it and I'd advise anyone wanting to watch it to skip it and find something to watch. Other things wrong with it: The nudity was too much and at times unnecessary, the plot was predictable and ended basically the same way the first one did and it was boring
TdSmth5 How to review a movie like this? There was a time when straight-to-video movies were B-movies, that is a notch below A movies, less budget, less fancy locales and effects, fewer A-list cast members. These days a straight-to-video usually means something D-Z quality.I liked the the first 2001 Maniacs and was quite shocked to see that this one is directed by the same guy. What on earth happened from the time of the first to this? Rather than improve and do something bigger and better they went the other way.The good cannibals from Pleasantville are going through hard times. No Yankees stopping by. So they decide to go on the road and take their Southern charm to the north in the form of a circus of sorts. As luck will have it, a filming crew filming a reality show based on two bleached blond young bimbo friends/sisters gets a flat tire on the circus grounds.Rather than just kill the cast and crew the maniacs force them to watch their circus routines before killing them. What follows is an series of embarrassing skits that are nowhere near funny. If you're attempting to do comedy, you need a writer who can pull it off. Politically incorrect jokes shouldn't be too hard to come up with, but the people behind this movie apparently couldn't find a comedy writer.But what ruins this movie from the start is the terrible audio. No ambiance audio is used at all, it's all re-recorded, on cassette tape it seems and without a timer. If you don't have the budget to re-record, don't do it, or wait till you have the money. That deficiency puts the movie immediately in Z-movie territory. The awful script and direction doesn't help a bit. As a director you need to be able to tell the difference between what works on paper or in a comic but doesn't work on film. Here no one bothered to think that through.Not only does the director return from the first part but also plenty of the cast is back. Poor Bill Moseley and Lin Shaye do their best but not even they can save this mess. There are few positives to this movie: lots of gore and lots of pretty topless girls. And that's the only thing worth seeing here. Just because you have a few bucks to make a movie doesn't mean you should do it. More and more the job of a producer is these days to be able to discern when a movie is doable or not. I take it costs have dropped over the years and distributors aren't discriminating in the least. So it falls to the producers to figure out what kind of a movie they would release and whether it wouldn't be better to wait and find more financing first. A shame really. This series deserves better, it's original, politically incorrect, and entertaining, and I look forward to an entry that redeems this one.