The Ladies Man
The Ladies Man
R | 13 October 2000 (USA)
The Ladies Man Trailers

Because of his salacious language, late-night radio advice-show host Leon Phelps, along with his sweet and loyal producer Julie, is fired from his Chicago gig. Leon gets a letter from a former lover promising a life of wealth, but he doesn't know who she is. Can Leon find his secret sugar-mama? What about Julie?

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
C. Sean Currie (hypestyle) I picked up the DVD a few weeks ago and finally got to see the whole film.This film is hilarious! There were so many WTF!! moments... ;D It helps if you just accept this as a screwball comedy from the get-go. Characters break the fourth wall early on, so that's something to keep in mind.Tim Meadows plays Leon, a Chicago-based late-night radio talk show host, "The Ladies' Man", who focuses on love & romance related issues. He's popular, but controversial, as his on-air commentaries are frequently raunchy and ribald. One evening, the station manager (Eugene Levy) has had enough and he fires Leon and his producer (played by Karyn Parsons of TV's "Fresh Prince"). In the meanwhile, a strange all-male support group plots to track down Leon for, shall we say, making them cuckolds. The leader of the group is played by fellow Saturday Night Live alumnus Will Ferrell.Tim Meadow's Leon is clueless, moronic and sex-obsessed, but also a decent guy, deep down. His portrayal is of a man that is grossly out of touch with reality, yet obtusely hidden gems of wisdom can be found within his crude radio commentaries.The story of being the adopted son of Hugh Hefner was nuts! We never find out whether it was true or not-- a cameo by the real Hugh Hefner would have been cool.Billy Dee Williams as Lester.. spot on! (And at first I thought he might be Leon's real dad.) Did I miss any Colt 45 product placement? ...Here's the always reliable John Witherspoon ("scrap iron"? LOL...) ...and of course the director as Leon's tailor! Karyn Parsons.. so lovely, and amiable as the straight woman to Tim's antics as Leon. (she needs another TV show!) Tiffani Thiessen... I admired her from afar on Saved By the Bell, but... wow... (repeat: she needs another TV show!) ...The woman who plays Candy.. I'd swear I've heard her voice before..Will Ferrell does so much here it's insane... He pretty much takes over every scene he's in.. the first VSA meeting is gold...The song and dance sequence.. who did the choreography? The bar food challenge was one of the most hilarious-- and disgusting-- segments in the movie!! ... there was a whole lot of liquor consumed in this film-- or maybe it was really iced tea or something? ...So many left field appearances lend to the pleasantly surreal atmosphere of the narrative. Tamala Jones.. nice!! Julianne Moore.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? Then Julianne Moore in a clown outfit...?!!!!!!!!?!?!??! ... I wonder what was involved in decorating Leon's funky houseboat digs? (and where'd that remote control come from? , LOL) You'll enjoy this film whether you rent it, buy it or stream it.Tim Meadows is an underrated, underused talent, especially considering his long tenure on Saturday Night Live. This film only received modest returns at the box office, but it is definitely worth checking out.
oneguyrambling Another Saturday Night Live project. If you get 4 minutes into the film and decide you don't think that you like Leon Phelps you might as well stop. If you get that far and don't smirk once DEFINITELY stop, it ain't gonna change from here.Leon Phelps is a radio talkback guy that can only exist in movies as he would never really get a job in the real world. He is a 70s throwback complete with a 1:2 scale Dr J afro and speaks with a heavy distinct lisp and a slow drawl in a wannabe erudite manner.Leon gives ridiculously homophobic, sexist and outdated answers to the most straightforward of relationship based questions, and for some reason the callers are offended despite the fact that Leon ALWAYS gives similar, generally butt-related responses.Leon's producer is Julie Simmons who is likable but will always be the uppity daughter from Fresh Prince to me, she must field all the complaints and queries, and simultaneously ward off the angry station managers who constantly want to fire Leon.When one manages to do so and Leon is turfed, we get a brief explanation of how he came to be (long story short he grew up in the Playboy mansion) and then move to his dingy local bar where we get to meet the regular clientele that Leon calls friends.As Leon and Julie plot the next stage of their career we are informed that Leon not only talks the talk but humps the walk, he apparently has a string of "special ladies" all over the city, many of whom hate his guts. This has lead to a similar number of disgruntled husbands and partners who know Leon only from the smiley face tattoo on his derriere. I will not refer to this group again in favourable terms, suffice to say they include Will Ferrell and Lee Evans, two of the worst and over-hyped comedic actors in recent history.They wish Leon harm.Leon has no job, no prospects and no regular missus. On top of this Julie has had enough of his lack of common sense and has temporarily scarpered. After delivering one of the better lines in any comedy film for two decades; "There is nothing left to do. I'm going to have sex and wait for something to randomly happen." … something happens. Leon gets an unsigned letter where the female writer offers to share her life – and millions with Leon. He sets about finding his soul mate, leading to one of those montages Schneider specialises in where every meeting is apparently hilarious even though most of them aren't.Another case of the wrong guy chasing after the wrong lady even when everyone knows that the chick he is ignoring is Miss Right, don't they do this in rom-coms about 75 times a year? That thought is also put on its head when he finally finds the chick and it is Tiffany-Amber Thiessen in her prime. In lingerie. Damnnnn, HELLO MISS WRONG!!! The finale is cheesy and a little disappointing… (Ferrell & Evens feature), but mostly The Ladies Man is the story of a man out of touch with the real world, a man who lives in his own bubble of ignorance but is always totally honest and true to himself and what he believes in. Even if that is stupid.Take out the wronged guys subplot and this movie is even better, but also about 40 minutes long, maybe this is a case of better left as a skit? Final Rating – 7.5 / 10. Annoying sub-plots and cheesy finales aside, this is funny stuff in the main. I do like Leon Phelps.
paul winnett Do you like really inventive comedy or do you love "the wedding crashers", if the answer is the latter stop reading now. I can't believe this movie is not higher rated. Basically Meadows plays a character not unlike Austin Powers.There are so many inventive moments in this gagorama. From crudity - Leon playing with himself on the porch, the ex boyfriend tricked into eating . . Oh well. To inspired lunacy- clown sex , the Broadway routine, the voice over. Meadows is great as the childish, but very sweet natured Leon. Some great lines "don't blame the wang" "freaky deaky sex world" too many. . . Why this movie wasn't huge is a mystery. Great comedy.
Bigcritic73 Tim Meadows has to be the most underrated of SNL's recent cast members. What initially was a low-brow look at a sleazy gigilo develops into a thoroughly entertaining 90 minute run, albeit, still low-brow. Don't pop this one in expecting beautiful cinematography or Oscar-worthy performances. Walk into it expecting brilliant silliness with Tim Meadows and Will Ferrell doing what they do best - making the audience laugh.Leon "The Ladies' Man" Phelps is a naive, likable radio sex show host who knows very little about anything except the ways of the wang. As a gifted Ladies Man, he lays waste to the wives of countless saps who've banded together in order to hunt him down. The director does an inspired job of guiding the actors on a comedic tryst which makes up completely for the lack of plot development. How much plot would one expect from an SNL skit? While some scenes are a little off the mark, for the most part, Meadows' one liners and absurd sexual comments hit the funny bone squarely. For instance, in one scene, Meadows compares himself to Mother Theresa, but for bonin'. Sure it's crass, but don't we all in the privacy of our homes get a chuckle out of his advice to an entire city for "doin' it in the butt"? In another scene, immediately after a heartfelt kiss with the female lead, he suddenly remembers the name of his would be benefactor, a woman he slept with years ago. He stands up in front of the woman who's obviously fallen for him and proclaims that "The Ladies' Man is back," to her obvious chagrin.Billy Dee Williams hits the ball out of the park as the bartender/narrator. Will Ferrell, the repressed homosexual, rounds out solid performances.See this movie if you're into adult humor. If not, stay away with extreme prejudice.