The Keeper
The Keeper
R | 14 May 2004 (USA)
The Keeper Trailers

When an apparently exemplary cop abducts and secretly imprisons a beautiful dancer, a deadly battle of wills between captor and captive ensues.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
vitachiel This is a tough one to vote for. There are many flaws: the story is very thin, the psychology of childhood sufferings that create a personality like Hopper's is so basal it's embarrassing, the cheap coincidences (like the heli flying around while Gina escapes for the first time and the colleague driving his car to the right place while the kidnapping is at its deadly conclusion). And the editing, what an awful job they did... The good thing about this movie is the acting. Hopper always maintains a fair level, no matter how crappy a movie is. But the real star is Argento, she alone makes you wanna watch the developments unfold. Her portrayal of a caged being that is frustrated, adapting and always on the watch is very fascinating and makes you (well, me) take for granted all aforementioned weaknesses.
lastliberal Now, I have not seen Black Snake Moan, but I have seen enough trailers for the film to know that there isn't an ounce of difference in the stories. Instead of Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci, we have Dennis Hopper and Asia Aregento (Land of the Dead).Hopper is a cop who picks up stripper Argento after she is attacked and takes her home to his basement where he has a cell. Now, how many people have a cell in their basement? Hold up your hands. A sure sign that this guy is a nut job.He is going to make her change her ways. Yeah, right.When he is not preaching to her, he is playing some Depty Dawg dress-up for the kiddies. Helen Shaver is a producer that wants to take him national. OK, release the nut job on all of us.As the movie progresses, our worst fears are realized and we find that he really is a nut job because of his mommy. You say that coming, right? Bottom line: If you are going to have a movie about a stripper that takes a shower and gets attacked, then we need to see something to keep us interested. There is nothing here folks!
MagicStarfire When I saw the plot outline for this film, plus the fact Dennis Hopper was in it, I had a feeling it was a film I would enjoy-- and it definitely was.Dennis Hopper plays a demented cop in this film-- the type of role that he does so well.The story begins with an exotic dancer named Gina (Asia Argento) and her worthless boyfriend. The two of them run into some heavy trouble at the motel where they're staying, but that is just the beginning of Gina's problems.Lt. Krebs (Dennis Hopper) has some rather quirky ideas about what's best for Gina, and once she crosses his path, he implements them.The characters in this film were interesting, the script was well written, and everyone in the cast did a bang up job. The plot had plenty of twists, yet remained clear and easy to follow-- something I can't say about very many films that I see these days. It kept me guessing, and it also got me involved with the characters-- wanting to know more about them and caring what happened to them.I highly recommend this film for anyone who likes psychological suspense thrillers.9 Stars
henri-meijer Hello Writer and actors of the Keeper, I saw the movie a few days ago and it really changed my life! It was the first time I ever fell in love. I fell in love with the message of the movie, of course I'm talking about the point system. It's so beautiful in his simplicity, and tells you how to think. Thanks you for that, thank you soooooo much for opening my eyes. I am now devoting my life to the point system. I made my own version of it. But what I really like to know is: Is there a book or a religion about the system? Where do I buy these thinks? How many points does the actress that the cop keeps in his basement have? I love your work, If you where God it would not surprise me! Henri