The Journey of Jared Price
The Journey of Jared Price
| 31 December 2000 (USA)
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A gay young man becomes involved with his blind employer's untrustworthy son. Jared Price is a small town boy who arrives in Hollywood with a few hundred bucks and a lifetime of dreams. See how he handles each situation he gets into and grows in his understanding of who he is. When what he thinks is his first love turns out to be false, see how he is helped and given the strength to stay in L.A. and try again. This film will remind you that love is worth waiting for and that there is always hope. A hustler for a roommate, a wealthy Hollywood executive for a boss, a lonely blind woman and a loveable new best friend make "The Journey of Jared Price" an adventure you will never forget.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
M. D. Tarrington, DBE There are too many incongruities here. (1) After an hour sitting in the corridor owing to his roommate's commercial activities, why didn't Jared go to the desk clerk and ask, "May I please have another room? Javier's turning tricks in there and I really would like a place to sleep." (2) Middle-aged blind women who insist on tightly locked doors do not customarily hire young men as companions in their houses without checking references. (3) Andrew leaves Matthew the very day after he has told Jared that he intends to try to make the relationship last. We didn't get to see the tearful scene (or terrific fight) after Andrew took Jared home. It's a pity, for it probably would have been the best scene in the picture. (4) Mrs. Haines's supposed wealth was not reflected in her very ordinary and plain residence.Jared's video diary was an interesting device and could have been used to turn a really effective plot point had there been one. The gratuitous sex is not unpleasing to the eye, but it does not redeem this silly picture.
harrysdixonjr In the commentary, the director says that the movie is a traditional tragi-comedy with a moral appropriate for young students. Considering the tendency of independent movies to plumb mysterious spiritual depths, it is refreshing to see a movie that takes a dim view of materialism and selfishness. (The mysterious depths of contemporary movies are usually the astonishing ability of Hollywood to peddle psychobabble and drivel as intelligent.) The explicit scenes introduce a dark theme: is passion a bottomless pit? Are physical pleasures ever enough? The movie is an interesting and amusing contrast to Sunset Strip. Here the old woman is a saintly grandmother and her son is horny ho. The movie was made by a young director in one week. His budget was probably a lot less than 1% of the budget for a typical Hollywood movie made for a general release.
tulsastorm The Journey of Jared Price has some very talented actors considering it is an indie film. The plot has potential as well. However, the dialogue becomes contrived at times if not completely ad libbed (ex., when Jared goes to Robert's room). About half way through the movie, the story seems to turn into the journey of Matthew Haines more than Jared. The scenes with Matthew and his assistant are pointless. We know Matthew is a creep, and he doesn't take her advice anyway. Furthermore, a trusting relationship between the two was not established as well as the relationship between Mrs. Haines and Jared. More time should have been spent on the budding relationship between Robert and Jared. Other than a few minor gripes, this movie is definitely worth watching at least once.
Jon Ward The Journey of Jared Price is a tail of Jared moving to LA from Georgia. He arrives and checks in to a hostel where he makes some new friends amid the confusion of LA life. He finds a job which and is surprised to find his sexuality unfold and has to decide who his friends are and what he wants from them.
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