NR | 25 June 2011 (USA)
Longhorns Trailers

Back in 1982, a Texas University student who is curious about the male sex fantasies he's been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Davis P I mean if we're being honest, you should know what you're going to get just from looking at the trailer for this sexy romp. Longhorns is really about a college aged Texan male who thinks he might be gay when he begins to fall for the only openly gay guy at his college. The movie isn't meant to have good writing or even good acting, its purpose is just to be a short sexy, sometimes sweet romp. And I think it does an alright job at doing that. Jacob newton is likable enough in the lead role of Kevin. Dylan Vox's only job in his role is just to be a homophobic, testosterone filled, sex crazed good ol' boy. And he succeeds at that. The comedy doesn't really work, I suspect though that if you're watching this it's not to laugh. So let's get to the sexy part. The sexual scenes include many scenes of males masturbating to tapes of pornography (hand moving under the covers while moaning). There's also a man drawing another man nude and a scene of a woman riding a man. The sentimental aspect of the movie only works in the sense of Kevin realizing his true love/sexuality and accepting it.
Paul Yorkshire 'Longhorns' from the beginning makes it pretty clear it's not going to be a great movie - a scene where the gay lead is banging a cheerleader and interpolating her with a random shirtless cowboy is never usually that promising - but there's enough endearing material in this film that you at least feel like you didn't totally waste your time. Jacob Newton is Kevin, the repressed gay lead, and he strikes you as pretty forgettable, especially for a movie which could use extra eye candy. Apparently he has some sexuality crisis at the beginning of the movie but I think the way the movie shows him 'becoming' gay is a little corny...(Spoiler alert) he doesn't show much internal conflict in hooking up with Cesar - played by Derek Villanueva - the first time. (Spoiler alert) And he barely forgets Cesar when he goes to hang out with his straight buds. I'm just saying that I think the writer(s) should have made the movie 15-20 minutes longer and showed more character development for Kevin. Both of the gay leads have best friends that they hang out with at Texas – Kevin's is Justin, played by Kevin Held, and Cesar's is Marsha, played by Bonnie Marion. For some reason, Justin makes a pretty big impression – clearly Southern, and the only character who actually seems to embrace the societal homophobia of the time (and some things haven't changed much there in Texas…even though it's usually talked about in private now), and I think he stands out in a good way from much of the cast. He also brings some country Texan flavor, which is sorely missing from the cabin scenes since the three guys there all come across as city slickers. Justin and Marsha both have small story lines that are forgettable. (Spoiler alert) Justin thinking that Cesar was going to take advantage of him for the English tutoring was about the only action in the film where you weren't sure what exactly was going to happen. The cabin scenes were somewhat funny, mainly at the start, but the Daniel character, played by Stephen Matzke, was pretty off-putting. I guess he was just playing the character as it was written for him, but Daniel just comes across as really awkward and out of place in all his scenes. Steve, played by Dylan Vox, does about as good a job as anyone, but he doesn't have a lot to work with. (Spoiler alert) The ending is pretty sweet when Kevin and Cesar reunite, but with the last happy shot they do on the farmland you kind of realize how short and stupid this movie is. You literally see a gay relationship played out in the course of what must amount to a week or two. Sure, it's a sweet beginning, but there's nothing of substance beyond how Kevin was a conflicted 'straight' guy who realizes he really loves this out homosexual, and so he must be homosexual too. That's all that happens in the relationship. All in all though this movie is pretty funny taken as a whole and it's definitely watchable. I enjoyed myself overall…if you're looking for something nice to stare at though, you only get the Cesar and Steve characters, unless you like Justin's hair, and Cesar comes across as fairly feminine, and Steve mainly stands out because of the rest of the cast. I also enjoyed the soundtrack and how it went with the movie – pretty cool vibes
bkoganbing Before the end of Longhorns all four of the macho frat guys from the University of Texas get down and naked and show their gay side. The only one comfortable in his sexuality is the Latino student Derek Efrain Villanueva who is out and heads the campus gay organization. But he's also the happiest of the lot.Longhorns begins with a sex scene as Jacob Newton is getting ridden hard by some coed and we see he's fantasizing about being a mechanical bull being ridden by some fellow Longhorn. Doing some tutoring is Villanueva and I have to say he is one seductive young man. Believe me seeing Newton and Villanueva took me back a few decades and I know exactly how Newton felt fulfilling what he really wanted.It doesn't happen all at once though and Newton is still trying to keep up his good old boy image. Turns out that his friends Dylan Vox and Stephen Matzke are also doing a little sexual exploring when some promised females don't arrive.And big man on campus Kevin Held might be homophobic, but he does need a passing grade in English.Longhorns is a gay youthful romp through the Reagan years in that bluest of states Texas. You could probably make the same film now and date it as contemporary, attitudes have changed a bit, but it's slow.And this review is dedicated to the late Donald 'Butch' Buchecker of Consohocken, Pennsylvania who made it right for me.
Jdmaldonado814 Nothing about this so called comedy is "risque" or "sexy". Not one of the actors are particularly good looking. I could have easily done without any of the nudity. And I usually enjoy a good sex scene or 2 in a gay themed movie. All the male full frontal scenes in here just seemed completely unnecessary. The acting is pathetic. The whole all-American, Texas boy thing wasn't even remotely believable. The only reason I would consider this a comedy is because the whole movie in itself is a joke. You can't help but laugh at how ridiculous every moment of this film is. Everything from the opening fantasy scene to the constant mutual "pleasure" sessions.Seriously, don't waste your time.