The Hunted
The Hunted
PG-13 | 09 September 2014 (USA)
The Hunted Trailers

Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, Jake and Stevie head to the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia. Equipped with only their bow and camera, they have just three days to kill a monster buck big enough to grab the attention of the network...and they've found him. But the sun has set, and they realize they're not alone.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
David Arnold The Hunted is another addition to the "lost footage found" genre but unfortunately it's not one of the better ones, and while Josh Stewart's directorial debut isn't THAT bad, it just falls short of the mark of being an entertaining film.The film has a decent, yet simple, story to it. Jake (Stewart) and his cameraman friend & colleague, Stevie, are out in the woods for three days & nights filming for their new deer hunting TV show, and on the 1st night they both hear a noise that sounds eerily like a woman's scream. Brushing it off as a bobcats yowl, they go back to filming, but by the 3rd and final night, things have intensified.Like I said, it's a simple story really, but the majority of these types of films do have simple story's. What tends to carry them along is the way that the story is told, and that's where The Hunted falls short unfortunately because for the majority of the movie, it's actually pretty slow & boring and doesn't pick up until the last 20 minutes or so which is a pity because if the previous hour was as decent as the end then it would have been a much better film.The cast members do an OK job with what they have to work with and while Stewart was excellent in The Collector, here he just seems a bit, I don't know, subdued maybe possibly due to a limited script.One thing I will say about the movie is that the screams you hear in it are creepy as hell. Some people may find the screaming annoying or rather ridiculous, but the way the screams come across, especially when they come nearer to where Jake & Stevie are camping, is very eerie. I just wish Stewart had managed to script in something else to capitalise on the screams to take it to the next level.Altogether, The Hunted isn't that bad of a movie to watch, as I said earlier, especially with it being a low-budget production. Just wish that there was a bit more to it.
gavin6942 Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, two hunters head into the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia only to realize they are not alone.Josh Stewart has seen great success as an actor. Although he is known to horror fans as Arkin from the "Collector" films, he has appeared in a wide range of titles. Here he branches out more to the production end, taking part in almost every aspect of this film.While it is not quite found footage (we never rely completely on the characters to show us around), the film is guaranteed to call to mind parallels with "Blair Witch Project" and "Willow Creek". Any point-of-view film in the woods is likely to bring these connections up, and for those who wish to be critical it is a fair criticism.But rather than simply dismiss the film as a copy or as being derivative, we should recognize this have become an entire subgenre of the horror or thriller film in its own right. The slow pace can be either boring or suspenseful depending on how the film is directed and edited (here it is more suspenseful). And there is something about playing with the imagination that can be a fun game for the filmmaker.This is the sort of film that plays best in dark, crowded theaters. At home, on a small screen, it cannot provide the full impact of giving people the jump it might.
Red_Identity This is far from original at all, especially when The Blair Witch Project remains the scariest film I've ever seen. That film's tension is just masterful, and I have to say that this film is able to recreate some of its ingenuity and real terror. I think the acting in this is really good and a big part as to why it's pretty effective. At times, the film is a bit too similar in its showing-less-is-more approach, but I'm glad it took that route. I wish the ending had been crazier and that it had done more, but I guess that it was comfortable just feeling safe. Overall, this isn't a necessary viewing, but it is pretty good, especially for such an indie.
Liam Blackburn Reminiscent of the classic Deer Hunter. What a crazy horror show ! The excitement is palpable. The shrieking in the woods from some ghostly apparition is scary as hell. Lol. It's also visually stunning. The woods and the crisp dewy air. It all comes together to create an amazingly intense atmosphere. So what is this apparition. Sounds like a ghost of a girl who was raped and tortured in those woods or something. One thing's for was no bobcat. The bobcat they found dead though, that just confuses the situation. They see the big buck at last, but he can't shoot it because it moves just out of range. Their eye is on the prize they keep getting antagonized by this restless spirit in the woods. I will leave the suspense to unfold.