The Hunt for the Hidden Relic
The Hunt for the Hidden Relic
R | 12 December 2002 (USA)
The Hunt for the Hidden Relic Trailers

Steffen Vogt, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including Sharon, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend Dan is murdered, he goes into hiding.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
desertsunflower99 Rented this film on VHS(!!) from a small town video store a few years ago - would like to see it again on DVD (and even own a copy). If anyone is wondering about the original title this is a non-religious film with story relevant references to religion. So really more of an archaeological beat with adventurous extras. A German-Indiana Jones-in-the-desert, perhaps. Well worth at least one viewing and for the following reason I would have preferred to have given it 10 stars: The time travel aspects + the arc in the story addressing concepts of non-locality and spherical time. Don't want to say more on that for fear of adding spoilers and ruining the fun details. I may have been a little generous but 10 stars would definitely be misleading. Though the acting was good there seems to have not been much of a budget. But I believe they did the very best they could with what funds they were given. No doubt. And an on the ball cast, crew, director, etc. can make the difference between a total bomb and a worthy 'B' movie. I saw a version dubbed into English. They did a pretty good job (good timing, believable character voices) and for the action this made it nicer than having to read subtitles. I was not familiar with the actors - maybe if I had been and knew what they really sounded like it would have been a distraction. If the locales are 'exotic' for you it will be a fun ride. And (because of the discussion of the alternate paradigm regarding the nature of time) if you are into 'the new' quantum physics, the holographic model of the universe and related topics, e.g., the studies re: praying for the past affecting medical patients in the present, then you might find this an enjoyable film~~
jensolejak Maybe I didn't enjoy this movie only because I read the book first.The book: it is not utterly brilliant, but contains some excellent ideas and some cleverly touching moments, making it a worthwhile read on overall.The film: although I appreciate that the plot had to be shortened to fit into a two hours duration, it has almost nothing in common with the book. On the plus side, a few entertaining and well-made action sequences that weren't contained in the book. But most (really, most) of the good things of the book were simply left out - IMHO the screenwriter did a terrible job. The plot was super-flattened and the characters were frighteningly empty, making it a silly action flick as opposed to the great and clever film it could have been. I have *very* rarely observed such a huge discrepancy between a book and its film version.
andrew-1260 There is a mix of people who have seen this movie and / or read the book. Many said it was bad and many said it was great. I haven't read the book (well, I really don't like reading books) but I thought the movie was great. Action packed with a twist at the end. While it isn't Hollywood material, lets face it - it is much better than some of the Hollywood movies out there (like The Pacifier and The Shaggy Dog).Its a great movie to watch and very enjoyable. But wish the DVD had subtitles in English (and other languages too). Very enjoyable and worth watching.
Anetka This movie is so poor and full of clichés, that I watched it to the end just from masochistic pleasure and desire to see, how bad it can yet become. From solving of love-triangle problem to amazing escapes, from changing the characters behavior as the story need to romantic-heroic quotes - cliché on cliché! I absolutely agree with the opinion of some other user, that: "It's one of those movies which are so bad, that it gets funny." I laughed on tons of flat dialogs and actors trying to pretend the dead-seriously acting. I watched it on TV in two parts and in first part I was able to predict some things that fulfilled in second part. I have not read the book, I never heard of it, but it must have been bestseller only because of the topic (people like mysteries, but I've read surely much better books about time traveling). Regardless of book, this TV adaptation is awful. The main character (Matthias Koeberlin) can act just with his eyebrows and the rest of the cast is a bunch of ugly Germans (except Manou Lubowski) acting just with the angry face. From my point of view is German cinematography mostly made of C-class crime-series and D-class romantic flicks with poor actors, but there are some fantastic exceptions, like Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I'm Juli (without the apostrophe, it's not my fault, this system always rewrite it), Was tun, wenn's brennt? or Das Experiment. If you want to watch something German, try rather these ones.