The Hooker with a Heart of Gold
The Hooker with a Heart of Gold
R | 04 February 2011 (USA)
The Hooker with a Heart of Gold Trailers

An out of work surgeon creates a powerful prosthetic heart (made of solid gold) which he transplants into the body of a beautiful prostitute he accidentally runs over with his car. The two then find themselves on the run from her former pimp, and a team of gangsters the doctor owes money to.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
MisterWhiplash Look, you don't watch Hooker with a Heart of Gold to get something that will change the form of cinema or even push exploitation cinema into another stratosphere. It's a dude who spends 10 grand (not on the song rights for sure, but hey, why carp, soundtrack kicks ass) on bringing what he loves - feisty and smart hookers, sleazy pimps, uh, nice-guy hapless "mad" doctors - and pushes it with a lot of attitude.It certainly helps to already be a fan of the Cinema Snob website, not just the videos he does in character (it's all mostly exploitation films and porn), but the midnight screenings where you get to see the various actors (Sarah, Brian, Ryan, Jerrid, etc) as themselves. Seeing this movie after years of watching those videos is like watching your friends make a movie: what it lacks in technical polish (and yeah, it lacks a lot) is made up for with a tight script and some decent editing from Brad Jones (also writer/director).Oh, and speaking of Jones, he's having the time of his life as Zalman the pimp. He comes with a big greasy black wig, and his voice is tuned to be like Jack Nicholson in full-on villain mode (or just, you know, Nicholson mode), and he's clearly having the time of his life in this part. The story isn't all on him - it's a genre blend of Frankenstein sci-fi and a sleaze fest drenched in 70s and 80s disco and rock ("Couldn't See the Light" is what plays as the 'gold heart' is implanted) - and Sarah Lewis is fun to watch as the lead. Everyone is an amateur here, but mostly everyone delivers the dialog with some level of conviction and it's certainly a BIG step above the kinds of movies its giving homage to!So if you dig seeing this kind of lo-fi ultra-low-budget filmmaking, with a soundtrack that makes it impossible to ever be an official release, and a cast that works well together and have a lot of charm to how they play off each other. It's certainly never boring, and occasionally it's funny and genuinely clever.
moviefreak2010 4 out of 4 points NOTE: Available only at for free viewing. What begins like a sleazy exploitation film, THE HOOKER WITH A HEART OF GOLD becomes something much more and beyond. This film reminds me of MIDNIGHT HEAT, another triumph made by amateur exploitation filmmaker Brad Jones who also directed CHEAP and GAME BOYS. What makes HOOKER great is that it's a mini series so it allows time to develop all of its characters. They all lovable no matter how bad or sleazy that they are, each of them are redeemable and honesty I didn't want to see any of them die, even the villain despite of his insanity. The title is the best of all because it both literal and poetic. Its poetic because Sarah Lewis, our main character, is a lovable person and someone you want to be with despite she's a hooker and does coke. Its also literal because she really has a golden heart. PLOT: Film begins with Dr. Rogen (Brain Lewis) attempting an operation on a corpse using a prototype mechanical heart that is painted gold. That is until he is stop by Don (Ryan Michette, the producer of HOOKER) and Mike (Jake Norvell). Rogen owes money to their employer Steele. Then we are introduce to The Hooker (Sarah Lewis, and yes that is her name in the credits) snorting some cocaine with her customer. The Hooker is tired of the life and wants out which her pimp Zalman (Jones) does not take lightly. The hooker escapes from his clutches until she is accidentally ran over by Rogen. He brings her to his basement and uses the prototype heart on her, replacing her old heart. The second she awakens, they hit it off and becomes friends and have a romance which is the most interesting part. There is more to the plot which I will not reveal to you. Like MIDNIGHT HEAT, you should see it without being told about. Overall, its Brad Jones' masterpiece. Out all the films he has done, its the best acted and most well crafted. According to interviews, Jones would like to do a DVD of HOOKER. I hope he does because I will be first in line to get it.
VivaLaRaptor The Internet is a haven for independent films makers; some are good and some are not worth even talking about. Then there is Brad Jones a fan favorite on; Hid Cinema Snob character has created quite a large fan base, so naturally when he released his mini movie "The Hooker With A Heart Of Gold" his fans where exited.The basic plot of the movie is a out of work surgeon is approached by crime boss Steele and gives him money to fund a project his been working on, Steele tells Dr.Rogen (the surgeon) that one day he might need a favor in return.Sure enough that one day comes and Steele is indeed of medical treatment after a battle. Rogen saves Steele's life but Steele has gone even crazier then he already was, losing his eye and now wearing a prosthetic hand.One night Rogen is driving a long the road and accidentally runs over a prostitute, he takes her back to his basement he's renting and begins using the experimental golden heart that Steele's money had help fund.Soon the hooker and Rogen learn they both have the same enemies after them and begin to fall in love and work together to get rid of Steele and his gang once and for all, this is a must see movie for all Brad Jones fans.
kurt_cobain_2794 The Hooker with a Heart of Gold is a fine example of why independent film making is still alive and well, even if said 'genre' is suffocated sometimes by big studio pretentiousness and over hyped advertisement. Hooker is a gem on the internet, in that it will remain a piece of modern cinematic genius for 20 years until someone picks up on it and tries to buy it off to Troma Entertainment or Asylum films.Sarah Lewis plays the title role of the Hooker, a hard as diamonds girl with a need to be cared for, she brings about a performance that is truly reminiscent of actress Marisa Berenson as Lady Lyndon from Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. Lewis' husband Brian Lewis plays Dr Rogen, a failing medical inventor who's one goal to create a super artificial heart is met with great turmoil and eventual joy as he gets in deep with mobsters and crime lords, and Lewis bring in a performance that I couldn't help but compare to Rick Morranis as Louis Tully in Ghostbusters. Writer, Director, and Actor Brad Jones plays dual roles as pimp Zalman and crime boss Steele, one is a spaced out babbling character that the late Dennis Hopper would be proud of; the other is a sinister mad man, who only cares about money, power, and the feeling of being loved, done with acting that only could've been matched by Joeseph Pilato. And finally, Jillian Zurwaski plays Janet, best friend of The Hooker and love interest of Steele, and all I could think of during her performance was Jodie Foster as Iris Steensma of Taxi Driver.The over all feel of the film is very much nostalgic, with the story feeling like something brought out of the 80's and into today. The use of classic music like Neil Young, Procol Harum, and Fleetwood Mac catches the music lovers mind and keeps them hooked into both the story and character development found within. Effects are fun to look at as you can tell that a lot of thought and effort were put into them, particularly the heart of gold prop, it gives off a sense of someone having had a good time finding the pieces for it and putting them together to the way that it was made.Hooker with a Heart of Gold is a fantastic gem on the internet. I'm happy that I've seen it, and I can't wait to watch it again.