Police Story
Police Story
PG-13 | 03 February 2019 (USA)
Police Story Trailers

Officer Chan Ka Kui manages to put a major Hong Kong drug dealer behind the bars practically alone, after a shooting and an impressive chase inside a slum. Now, he must protect the boss' secretary, Selina, who will testify against the gangster in court.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
CJFouraki This is not only Jackie Chan's best film, but one of the best pieces of action cinema ever, and one of my personal favourite films from since I was a child.The action is phenomenal. It's creative, fun, dramatic, extravagant, exciting, brutal and meaty. The action scenes in this ranging from the serious to non-serious are all you could ever ask for in an action movie.The cinematography is great, with the angles and framing optimized for the best view and proper flow for action sequences. The editing is great as well, especially for showing connection with hits, something most action films neglect. By this I mean, sometimes when someone throws a punch, just as the punch is about to connect, the camera will cut to a close-up angle of the punch connecting full force than cut back to a wide to show the aftermath of the hit. It is superb action editing.The sound effects are the iconic punch and miss sound effects of the good ol' kung fu films. For me, this film has one of the most iconic theme songs of all time performed by Jackie Chan and I often catch myself humming it.The story is straightforward and engaging. Characters are unique and memorable. There are iconic moments that unfold and little re- occurrences that happen with characters that further the engagement.The stunt work by Jackie's team is fantastic as always, with one of the biggest stunts ever done in the history of cinema in this film. It was so good they showed it 3 times, something they usually do for a huge near-death experience stunt by Chan.Overall, this movie is perfect fun. An absolute blast with great characters, solid story, superb practical action and stunts that put modern action films and CGI to shame, a catchy theme song and an awesome ending. 10/10 a masterpiece.
MisterWhiplash For a movie that I thought had a damn-serious reputation as a tough cop action drama... Well, there's also a moment where Jackie Chan does the moonwalk to unsuccessfully get poop off his shoe.This movie is incredible entertainment. Police Story isn't a grand masterwork of cinema, but they don't all got to be that (side bar, I watched this after a double-shot of Ozu and it was the equivalent of having a really healthy full course meal, and then getting the best ice cream sundae or piece of over the top cheesecake at the Cheesecake factory, but I digress).In this case, Chan has a total, consummate and complete dedication to being the kung-fu goofball of cinema. Obviously you see his magic (and what else can you call it) in the big set pieces - with the bus early on and especially at the mall at the end (he EARNS having his slide down the pole through those thousands of lights three times) - but its in the little moments, if one can call them that, when he is interacting with the woman his cop character is supposed to be keeping an eye on.Itd be easy to just make this a standard potboiler and there are a couple of scenes where that's evident (ie the cop friend winds up, gasp, double crossing 2/3rds in), but Chan subverts that by being so silly or, more to the point, he makes it so that wild things happen to him, like in the courtroom, but the humor isn't mean or in poor taste either. And then when it *does* suddenly turn dramatic in the latter part of the film, whether you think it earns it or not (and I thought it mostly did), Chan commits to that as well and shows how he realty could do it all. If he had adapted Macbeth he would have been one helluva martial arts mad Scottsman! Police Story especially is a small treasure for action fans (if a little rough over 30 years on), and its clear that it's not only in the stunts but in his entire persona, how he interacts with people and especially women, that a character like this is SO Buster Keaton too. I'm almost surprised he didn't have a top hat.
Leofwine_draca Top-notch outing from director and star Jackie Chan at the peak of his powers, offering a plot which allows Chan to create a well-acted and likable character, superb action sequences - I mean, they really are the best here I've ever seen - a memorable supporting cast, and excellent production values. The film opens with a major fast-paced shoot-out, which is followed by an amazing stunt involving a number of vehicles rolling down a hill and demolishing a shanty-town in the process; for sheer visual spectacle this takes some beating. The set-piece is followed by a chase involving a bus which has a nice pay-off. Finally the action finishes and the viewer can take a breather whilst the plot evolves.Like most modern-day successful Chan films, the film takes the structure of having a major action event followed by some plot furthering, then of course the physical and fast-paced humour that Chan always inserts into his films. Most of the comedy here comes from Chan being given the job of Brigitte Lin's bodyguard, and the scrapes and pitfalls he falls into as he tries to win her affections. The light-hearted, good-natured humour is fun and pleasant to watch, which makes a change from the cruel and often offensive humour seen in modern cinema. Then suddenly we're back into the thick of the action, with Chan doing some amazing stuff like taking on a gang of bad guys, kicking people through car windscreens and hitting someone so hard with a car door that it flies off! Things eventually become more serious when Chan finds himself framed and is forced to take his own superior hostage to escape. Then the action moves to a shopping mall, where you better hold on to your hat because the conclusion is one of the best ever filmed. An action-packed odyssey of incredibly dangerous back-breaking stunts, physical humour, super-fast martial arts moves, and more breaking glass than you can shake a stick at. POLICE STORY definitely holds the record for "most glass broken in a film, ever" and the bone-crunching finale is the stuff that action fans' dreams are made of. The lack of special effects and the work of the stunt team add to the excitement, putting you into the thick of the action so that you really feel every blow.Chan is, as I mentioned before, at the peak of his game and his character a real revelation. He plays a straight-forward, occasionally bumbling everyday kind of character and this is a major strength for the film, because you end up feeling closer and more in league than if he was some kind of superman a la Schwarzenegger. The supporting cast is strong and blessed with memorable performances, especially the overacting superiors and the two girls caught up in the fray, Brigitte Lin and the beautiful Maggie Cheung, who has a smaller supporting role and is a little wasted (by that I mean in terms of her role, not that she's on drugs). Once again there are memorable stunts (the famous "pole slide" being the best, quickly followed by the bus routine) and all kinds of physical movements which are delightful. A magnificent action-cum-comedy-thriller which taught Hollywood a thing or two, but which stands light years ahead of most contemporary American fare.
Adam Venedam YES I said that right, not just Jackie Chan's BEST MOVIE but I really think its one of the best films every made, why?Here are my reasonsThe action is hands down some of the best you will EVER see! I think it will never be out done.The STUNTS are on a whole other level, the ending stunt Jackie does down the pole is probably one of his most dangerous and most spectacular looking stunts ever captured on film!I found the comedy hilariousThe story is probably one of Chan's most interesting, each and every scene progresses the plot, there are some funny scenes that do slow each scene down but in my opinion it works like magic as it is always balancing out the serious moments with comedy and it continually switches up until the end.One thing you have to keep in mind, do not go into this film thinking its going to be hardcore action all the way, otherwise you may be disappointed.I will say if there is anything NEGATIVE about this film, its that the difference in tones between the action and comedy is quite literally between light and dayThe action sometimes is really serious, and then the comedy is very light hearted and carefree! But I think it works perfectly, for instance,We see the funny scene of Chan having fun looking around all the corners to make it look like hes protecting the witness and then out of nowhere BOOM he gets into a crazy insane brawl in the streets, the bad guys are trying to hit him with there cars, they all have bats, one guy even gets dropped kicked into a car windshield! Will always be one of my favorite films of all time