The Honeymooners
The Honeymooners
PG-13 | 10 June 2005 (USA)
The Honeymooners Trailers

Working class New York bus driver Ralph Kramden is always coming up with get-rich-quick schemes for him and his best friend, Ed Norton, who's always around to help him get in (and out of) trouble.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
winopaul A study in prejudice, not of anyone in the movie, but of all outraged fanboys giving this one star. Yeah, they sure pre-judged this flick. Guys, its not that bad. After seeing the competent sets and acting and cinematography, I was ready to blame the script. What else would account for all the hate? But the script is pretty good, downright clever, and a really smart vamp off of the old TV show. The real problem must be that neither fat or black sells very well at the box office. Imagine John Goodman as Ralph and I doubt it would have done better. Blowhard fat guy might work for him as a secondary character in The Big Lebowski, but its can't carry a movie. So maybe go art film and use Rosie O'donnell as Ralph in an interracial lesbian marriage. That's pretty topical, Palme d'Or material to boot.Well, we saw what happened with Ghostbusters, so why trade racism for misogyny in the fanboys? Lets pretend its the first day of shooting and we have to Winston Wolfe this film. Fat and black don't sell, so I would go with pretty and black, and make the film center on the two female leads. Don't fall victim to Cedric's "thang" and stop finding amusement in a fat guy dancing. I know its PG-13, but why pass up the chance for social commentary, so lets have Ralph deal drugs for fast cash. We can all laugh along as he gets wired on crank and bounces off the walls, and then switches to heroin and passes out driving the bus, so he turns to LSD and spends the rest of the film waving a lit cigarette in front of his face. Funny funny stuff. In the end we can have Alice save the day by pimping some schoolgirls-- "Hose 'em off and check their beepers Trixie!" Funny funny stuff.The film can focus on how Alice holds everything together and saves the day. Gyrrll power, yeah, more topical yet. And no need to trade one flavor of racism for another, let Leguizamo be Norton, either with a black wife, or get Susan Boyle to play Trixie. 85 million domestic box and think of the action figure revenue. The Ralph Kramden accessory kit with hypos and crack pipes and eyedroppers should bring in 3 million alone.
elshikh4 IT'S A NICE MOVIE. Not very nice, and not the worst movie ever made either. So why all the hate ??? When it first came out, the hell broke loose. It hit the list of the IMDb's 250 bottom movies in no time ! After 4 years I watched it, to find that nothing was bad. The plot is droll, the leads are OK, and it looks like a light cartoon for all the time. I loved the directing, some moments (training the dog by spoofing movies, the romantic reconciliation at the end, ..), and the performance of Gabrielle Union a lot. Here nothing was boring, disgusting or shocking. Yes, it seemed short, needing more gags, or using for the hidden history of the dog (as it belongs to a very wealthy people or anything like that), but I didn't hate it though. Actually there was a point I hated which's that they made the gorgeous Union love Cedric the Entertainer (I was jealous since I'm a bit less fat than him!). So what about the reputation of bad, very kill-yourself-instead bad !!?? I think it's totally related to the strength and the charisma of the original show. From what I already read surely there is no comparison or whatsoever. It seems that the show was 100 times more comic. And with a classic status that has 50 years age, the less good movie was preposterous more than prosperous! For me I didn't have the chance of seeing any of the original Honeymooners. That inoculated me to not have the ugly conclusion that apparently everyone got. However, this makes me the viewer who the makers of this movie wanted the most. And this humble viewer has to say; I love it, it's fun. Among many late comedies with all black cast it's an exception as Funny! Finally, I'm sure if it wasn't named (The Honeymooners) then it would have got reviews with titles such as "Lovely Small Comedy", "Cedric the Entertainer is The Best", "Not an Oscar Material But it's Working" or "Don't Listen to The Critics, This Movie Rocks"!
jonnywadd I will not understand Hollywoods obsession with making over old TV shows geared towards younger people. I don't want to sound like my grandfather, but why not just make a movie about two people with get rich quick schemes? Why do they feel the need to sully the classic that is the Honeymooners when almost every kid in America who saw this movie had no idea it was a remake of a good TV show. It was almost like when Gus Van Sant decided to redo Psycho. I went to see it in the theater because I was such a fan of the original. And half the kids in the audience thought they had come to see a slasher movie. They had no idea of its origin and that bothers me. Just like they are going to 'update' Have Gun Will Travel. A movie based on the 50's TV series with Eminem in the lead. Are these people kidding me?!
Darri Rafn Hólmarsson Honeymooners yeah. I really liked this movie. Although real-movie-serious-f*ckers wouldn't like this, I do. It was pretty funny. Not like HAHA funny but HEHE funny. Cedric the entertainer is good as always, Mike Epps even better, as his best. Regina And Gabrielle looking fine. A great remake i think. Great jokes and a good story. Heartwarming at times. I really liked stuff in the movie. The commentary is cool. and all the Special features are good. The villain is somebody you hate. I really like this movie and i think people can also do that. The soundtrack is crazy good. Recommend this movie if you like the actors. If you're emo and serious don't rent this one.Peace