The Hollywood Knights
The Hollywood Knights
R | 18 May 1980 (USA)
The Hollywood Knights Trailers

Led by their comedic and pranking leader, Newbomb Turk, the Hollywood Knights car gang raise hell throughout Beverly Hills on Halloween Night, 1965. Everything from drag racing to Vietnam to high school love.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pluskylang Great Film overall
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
skpurplevamp Whether you like good comedy or like movies that bring memories of a long-gone era, this is the guilty pleasure for you. The setting in 1965 with the Vietnam conflict, changes in race relations and music gaining momentum, makes for a perfect setting for a group of fun-loving senior high students who gather their car club together on Halloween night for an evening at the local drive-in burger joint nobody will forget. Big names--before they were big--like Robert Wuhl, Tony Danza and Fran Dresher, add to the fun. Everybody knows or has known a Newbomb Turk, guys will enjoy the cars and antics, and gals will like the nostalgia and the love story between Danza and Michelle Pfeiffer. Sure there are juvenile pranks (actually a lot of them), but all in good fun. If you're looking for something different in comedy, check this movie out.
tavm Just watched this movie that had aroused my curiosity for the last 29 years on YouTube. Unfortunately, because the Warner Music Group has boycotted any of its recordings from the site, part 7 in a series of 10-minute segments of The Hollywood Knights had no audio which I figured had the three Atlantic artists that were credited at the end. As a result, I missed the dialogue of Tony Danza, Michelle Pfeiffer, and some Knights with a Doo-Wop group, one of whom I recognized as T.K. Carter. If I eventually hear this missing segment, I'll add my comments of it to this review. Now, for the most part I enjoyed this movie especially the scenes with Robert Wuhl, Stuart Pankin, and Fran Drescher especially her attempt to have sex with Wuhl in the car. The cop scene in the clogged bathroom was a little embarrassing. The "punch" scene with some of the comments made afterwards was pretty hilarious. Many of the Danza/Pfeiffer scenes were a nice drama though I didn't really see a connection with the more prankish scenes. And I loved all those scenes with that adulterous school faculty woman and the man she's fooling around with especially those with Pankin. And how about Wuhl's version of "Volare"? Or the "one-armed violinist"? So on that note, yeah, I recommend The Hollywood Knights. P.S. It's now several hours later and I've heard the missing scene I mentioned earlier. Touching speech from that guy about to go to Vietnam about if anything happens to him just before The Mamas and the Papas "California Dreamin'" plays on the 8-Track. And the Doo-Wop group sings a fine version of The Drifters "Under the Boardwalk" as they help the pledges out. And then there's the hilarious police superior's recount to those dumb cops at Tubby's of what happened earlier in the movie...
eldontyrrell A soon to be ex-friend of mine lent me his DVD copy of this trash, and it may very well be that "Hollywood Knights" is the, repeat, the worst movie I have ever seen, ever. It is no more than a meaningless collection of unfunny vignettes that had to have been embarrassing to film for the poor people involved on both sides of the camera. I cannot get over how bad either the writing, or the acting, or (at times) the writing *and* the acting was. To get it out of the way early, every single thing involving the cops was completely unfunny, terribly written, and terribly acted -- every single thing. The terrible writing is not the actors' fault, but the absolutely horrid acting is. Oh, and I forgot to remember to have tears come to my eyes whenever The Serious Moments were spewed across the screen, meaning the dude going to Veet Nam and that incredibly well fleshed-out relationship between the Tony Danza & Michelle Pfeiffer "characters". Um, right. I'm running out of brain capacity trying to think of all the other "um, right" moments...a cheerleader "forgets" to wear underwear -- um, right...the pledges run across not one but three stereotyped groups of blacks -- um, right...the cops...the kid with the skateboard...the "college guy" with the pipe...two Asian senior citizens hot-rodding a Cobra...repeat after me: "um, right".Among the few (hell, the only) who marginally escape the carnage, well, Wuhl showed maturity beyond his (29!) years by clearly recognizing he was saddled with absolute dog schism, but deciding to play it out just like the brass said to, subsequently giving them (and the public) no one to blame but themselves. Meanwhile, The Nanny gave some proof she might eventually be able to act -- might -- but clearly wasn't shrewd enough to play above the material. So aside from her giving the audience a little crotch shot from the back of Newbomb Turk's van, there wasn't much else to go on. Meanwhile, by the time the flick was over, I realized that the only laugh I got -- the ONLY LAUGH I GOT -- was when the poor geek walked balls-first into that concrete pole. OK, maybe that, and the fact that someone would be named "Newbomb Turk".Oh, and thank God the DVD comes in widescreen format too, because I would have been disappointed if I had missed something important in the way the director framed some of the shots.Ninety minutes you can never have back.
jcopenhaver In reality it is a poor movie. The acting is Luke warm. B U T . . It is a great movie too! The plot is thin and the stories were cut short. Too bad the cutting room floor clips weren't available for the DVD.The Cobra vs Project X race is incredible. Even though MSD electronic ignition and electric thin profile fans weren't available yet in '65. The Cobra still would have smoked the '57 and the T-Bucket. The hair-dos are more of the late '70s than the mid '60s.I have it on VHS & DVD as well as a couple of original posters and it ranks as one of my favorite movies. The cars are great to see.KNIGHTS RULE