The Hidden Hand
The Hidden Hand
| 07 November 1942 (USA)
The Hidden Hand Trailers

Peter Thorne is a young attorney who works for an eccentric old woman, Lorinda Channing, who uses her insane brother, John Channing, to frighten her other relatives because they are after her money. Further complications arise when another murderer arrives on the scene and plants the blame on John.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
a_chinn Corny low budget horror film about a rich old woman who staves off her relatives seeing inheritance by using her creepy insane brother to act as the butler, who then frightens (and possibly murders) them off. The brother is played by Craig Stevens, who's later play the ultra cool Peter Gunn, but here he's looking very much like Riff Raff from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Overall, it's a dumb mystery that's not at all scary. The film is very stagey (there was basically one set) and is overly talky. At times, this film felt like an SCTV parody of this type of bad 1940s horror picture. No real reason to watch this one outside of camp value.
MartinHafer "The Hidden Hand" is an interesting twist on the familiar old dark house thrillers. But, like so many similar films in this genre in this era, it has Willie Best on if there was some unwritten law that he be on hand in each of these films!!The film begins with a madman escaping from the sanitarium. It seems that John Channing (Milton Parsons) was assisted in his escape by his sister, Lorinda (Cecil Cunningham). She seems pretty unconcerned about her murderous brother's antics and wants his help in throwing an interesting party. She has invited her relatives there and she knows most of them are real swine....and she and John are going to make sure the deserving ones don't leave the house alive!There are many nice twists in the film...but I don't want to discuss them because it would spoil the film. Overall, it's fun and quite entertaining...and well worth seeing.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS**** With the criminally insane John Channing, Milton Parson, escaping from the state mental asylum he makes it to his sister Lorinda's,Cecil Cunningham,family mansion where she's, who in fact planned John's escape, awaiting him. It's there that John is given the job of the family butler as Lorinda's mostly greedy and unscrupulous relatives are to arrive there to be read by family lawyer Peter Thorne, Craig Stevens,her last will & testament. Unknown to everyone involved -except Lorinda-she's got a number of surprises for them that in the end will give them exactly what's coming to them and it isn't her money as well as her stock and bond certificates. She leaves a number of clues for them to find her hidden fortune to trick them instead in doing doing themselves in.By tricking her family members into thinking that she suddenly died of heart failure Lorinda gets to know their true motives in being there and has them off themselves in their greed to screw each other out of their inheritance. Even the greedy and sleazy former Japanese butler, until John took his place, Mallo played by Chinese Kam Tong who ends up getting it up the creek, as a going away present, when he tried to jump the gun in getting the clue where Lorinda's hidden cash was located. In fact the only one who Lorinda planned to leave her fortune to was her good friend Mary Winfield, Elisabeth Fraser, actually didn't want a penny of it but was targeted by the rest of the family members to be murdered so that they instead could end up getting it.***SPOILERS**** As it turned out the sleaziest of the bunch was the one Lorinda entrusted to bring her back to life after her fake fatal heart attack Dr. Lawrence Channing, Frank Wilcox. It was Dr. Channing who let her die, or so he thought, by not administrating the antidote to bring Lorinda back to life. He ended up getting it the worst of all by having to face justice instead getting a quick exit like most of the other members of the cast or Channing family. As for Lorinda her plan soon backfired in trying to keep Mary from dropping down through the trap door she set for everyone else and instead unknowingly ended up taking her place. P.S Check out the hilariously funny Willie Best as the family chauffeur Eustace who unlike most of those in the film had something to hang on to when the trap door was sprung on him!
dougandwin Boy oh boy, this was a howler with some of the worst over-acting you will ever see, and to me the highlight was the appearance of Willie Best as the chauffeur while the rest of the cast was abysmal in their acting talents. Made on a shoestring, and looking it, every little diabolical cliché was used, with the "insane" brother and sister planning on removing all the "hangers-on" after their fortune. Seems longer than it was, but I did see it on late night TV, and maybe I was overtired. If it comes your way, and you decide to have a look, at least stay there for the scene where our two "stars" jointly break into maniacal laughter - the best part of the movie.