The Hero of Color City
The Hero of Color City
G | 03 October 2014 (USA)
The Hero of Color City Trailers

An imaginative tale chronicling the adventures of a diverse band of crayons as they strive to protect not only their magical multihued homeland but the imagination of children everywhere from a terrifying monster.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Shelley Goodman This movie deserved to do better than it did. It is colourful, charming and touching. A must- watch for kids and kids at heart. It is great for keeping kids entertained without making parents want to join the circus. I may not recommend it to a two-year old, but it would be good for a six. With all the awful Saturday Disney around I can't see why this movie did so poorly
Jen C My 3 1/2 year old daughter just picked out this film at the store recently. I never even heard of this movie until now. It's a really cute movie that has an awesome cast of movie stars in it. And my daughter absolutely loves this movie!!! She can watch it over and over and over. She especially enjoys all the songs throughout the film and even sings them by herself now. I think this movie hasn't gotten the exposure it deserves. I really think a lot of children would really enjoy this film just like my daughter does.
cinnamonstyck As a parent who has had to sit through a lot of children's programming over the years, I really liked this little movie. The premise is cute, and there's a few jokes aimed at the parents in there. It's not so teeth-rottingly sweet as to be nauseating to Mom and Dad, the music is catchy, and the children's drawings come to life is an interesting concept that's not overdone. I've found myself asking my two year old if he'd like to watch the crayon movie again! The voice actor's list has some of my favorites on it including Sean Astin (from Goonies and The Lord Of The Rings) who I would never have pegged, although I knew it was familiar and I actually came to IMDb to see who the voice actor is. It also stars Owen Wilson and Christina Ricci, Craig Ferguson and Wayne Brady. Put the movie on for your kiddos- mine love it!
WHYtehawk This film is average baby sitting filler / bargain bin DVD quality in regards to plot. It meets all the criteria to keep preschoolers watching. Don't expect to enjoy it if you're an adult but is harmless enough. The quality of animation is basic but it falls moreso in review due to the basic plot. My kids aged seven,five and three seemed entertained enough by it and I'm not a 30 yr old neckbeard who expects a children's film to also keep adults entertained with subtext and highly developed themes in children's flicks. They are what they are. Pixar quality films like Toy Story 3 are rare for a reason. Good to see Craig Ferguson getting work though.