The Haunting of Helena
The Haunting of Helena
NR | 21 June 2013 (USA)
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After a divorce, Sophia moves to the south of Italy with her daughter, Helena. Their new home, an apartment within an austere building of the fascist age, is a chance for them to start a new life. But inside an old storage room hides a mysterious closet and a buried secret. After the loss of Helena’s first baby tooth, a chilling obsession begins and an apparition haunts her sleep...

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
jennine-hill3 Picture this, a blockbuster employee locked in an immobilizing state of flux. Poised between genres, DVD in hand. Then he takes the first tantalizing steps, he is no fool. For he has actually watched "the haunting of Helena" and is not swayed by the devilishly frightening front cover (that which pulled me in I'm afraid) Carefully placing the DVD upon the shelves labeled "comedy" The Blockbuster employee walks away, satisfied at a job well done.The haunting of Helena is not an awful watch really, that being said it is not at all a horror. It fits into a category better described as "horredy". A horror so poorly conducted that it causes genuine hilarity and thus through a great accident manages to become mildly entertaining.The protagonist, so memorable her name is in fact one of the only character names I cannot recall, is (for want of a better description) a big wet lettuce. She whines so much it's no wonder her life is in danger all the time, I wanted to kill her too, I would have at least put a measure of effort into making my crimes somewhat scary. The film starts in a promising way, I was impressed by the first scare tactic which took away from the typical "false scare real scare" that is so over used these days. But generally there are a lot of unnecessary over-complications to the plot. I am still unsure as to why the militia were ever involved in anything? Also. Who cut that child's hair? Now that's truly horrendous.
bowmanblue Over the last few years - and possibly spurred on by such bit hits as The Ring - there has been an influx in these types of horror films. Let me explain...Step 1: Take a parent (normally a single mother) who lives with their child. Step 2: Child starts behaving oddly. Step 3: Disbelief. Step 4: Acceptance that something supernatural is happening. Step 5: Consult expert who just so happens to live locally. Step 6: Confrontation and conclusion.Basically, Fairytale is one of those types of horror films. If you're a horror fan in general then you have probably already seen a dozen more like it. All these types of films follow the above plot points with only a few minor changes here and there. This one falls somewhere in the middle of them all. You'll have seen worse and you'll definitely have seen better.One major downside to Fairytale is the acting. First of all the child is not a good actress. I know it's harder for kids to act and they should be given a little more leeway that adults, but she was just so unbelievable it didn't help an already shaky film. The lead actress isn't much better and the school teacher (thankfully only briefly in it) is the worst of all.I can't really recommend Fairytale on account of it being so formulaic. Yes, there are a few scary/creepy scenes which pop up every twenty minutes or so, plus the odd plot twist, but there are so many better films like this out there, this one simply hasn't got the momentum to really stand out.
coyle-ciaran Im not one to generally write reviews here i'd rather read them if you know what i mean but the reviews here so far, albeit still low-ish at 4-5 stars are way too generous! the whole movie reeks of amateur acting and equally poor sound effects which makes for awkward viewing and thats before i even touch the storyline - its so scattered and pointless. This is time wasted from my life that i'll never get back but hopefully this saves someone some of theirs!!!!And I'm not even a hyper critical person when it comes to this genre, I'm quite willing to give films a fair crack especially horror films but this just sucked the life straight of of both itself and me
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Fairytale" was somewhat of a semi-disappointing experience, especially because the synopsis of the movie seemed interesting and the movie's poster was appealing. However, the movie just didn't deliver a well-placed punch that carried any weight. The movie was neither scary nor thrilling, but it did have the occasional moment here and there that was good enough.The story in "Fairytale" is about a mother living with her daughter, and they have just recently moved into a new home. However something very tragic have taken place in the very same home in the past, and the innocent believes of the daughter in the tooth fairy has awoken the spirit of the past, and the spirit is far from friendly.Sure, the storyline was good enough, although it didn't really carry anything much to offer the genre. It was basically all something that had been seen before. However, the two things that appealed to me in the movie was the car accident scene, as it was really nicely constructed, and the twist of events with the psychiatric hospital - which leaves you with something to think about.Effects-wise, then "Fairytale" was fairly tame, as it didn't really made any use of neither CGI nor special effects. It could be discussed whether or not this was a good thing, but personally I would have liked to have seen more usage of today's technology.And as for the acting, well it was fairly all-round adequate, except for Harriet MacMasters-Green who came off as rather unenthusiastic and lacking motivation in her role.