The Great Rupert
The Great Rupert
NR | 01 March 1950 (USA)
The Great Rupert Trailers

Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
johnstonjames i've never liked or approved much of redneck gourmet cook Heidi Wilson "The Huntress", but after seeing this piece of Christmas schmaltz, i couldn't really think of a better purpose for Rupert the Christmas the opening scene a actress and her agent come to see a old man who puts a Scottish kilt and outfit on a squirrel and makes it dance to his accordion. i pretty much related to the snobby actress who basically gives Rupert a look of disdain and boredom after his say that there is much better Christmas fare than this is a understatement. this not only was the stooooopidest Xmas flick i've ever seen, it is amongst the most tryingly inane movies i've ever seen. i usually like movies that are so bad they're good, but this one was so bad you just wanted to start screaming for mercy.i don't think squirrels are all that smart and talented. the beach front here in my town is infested with the nasty rodents and it ain't pretty. they run in and out of the rocks and they look malnourished and like they have rabies or something. i wouldn't wanna touch em. my friend, who by the way happens to love this stupid cheeseball of a movie, has some cuter, healthier looking squirrels in his backyard tree, but they ain't good for much except getting into the bird feeder and chasing away the birds. i think Rupert is probably worth half as much as the "real" thing and the "real" thing ain't much.the only thing i thought was salvageable about this hokey pokey was Jimmy Durante's rendition of "jingle Bells". at least Jimmy Durante was good for carrying the slack when Rupert couldn't.Rupert is a bad actor. i wouldn't even have him on a patty melt. i'm sure he would taste bad. like stinky, old Christmas candy from Christmas long past. pee-yew. there wasn't anything funny or cute about Rupert, he was just tedious and boring. he should have had more slapstick antics rather then trying to do God's work by being careless with other people's money. i usually like a religious element in film, but the idea that the good lord works miracles through Rupert approaches a kind of blasphemy of sorts. don't need no religious preachings from no mangy squirrel.i assure you your Christmas is better spent with Rudolph, Frosty, Charlie Brown or whatever the heck gets you through the trying holiday season. only don't waste your time with Rupert, he will only try your patience and make you glad Christmas only comes once a year. no wonder chipmunks are more fashionable at Christmastime.
JoeKarlosi Originally known as THE GREAT RUPERT, this is a charming tale about a talented squirrel (that would be Rupert) who lives in the attic of a down and out family of struggling vaudevillians, and who accidentally helps them gain wealth and prosperity during the Christmas season. The vigorous Jimmy Durante is a lot of fun to watch as the well-meaning father who sings, and he's got a couple of silly "so bad they're funny" lines that made me laugh, though it's too bad he wasn't given more. Terry Moore (MIGHTY JOE YOUNG) is his young daughter who falls for Tom Drake (MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS). This is a somewhat charming, if not great, family film to watch for the holidays. Rupert the Squirrel is brought to life via George Pal's animation. **1/2 out of ****
MARIO GAUCI Like BEYOND TOMORROW (1940; see my comments to that film), this is another little-known Yuletide flick which has been saved from public domain, colorized and retitled on its Fox DVD; in fact, not only was this originally shot in black-and-white but was named THE GREAT RUPERT after the amiable puppet of a kilt-wearing dancing squirrel who helps to realize the impoverished protagonists' recurring Christmas wish. In fact, Rupert proved to be the first creature animated for a feature-length film by famed sci-fi producer George Pal and is also notable as one of big-nosed multi-talented entertainer Jimmy Durante's best film vehicles.The story starts with down-and-out animal trainer Jimmy Conlin being evicted from his ramshackle apartment by miserly landlord Frank Orth but Conlin's squirrel soon returns to Conlin's old hide which is already occupied by the equally penniless acrobatic trio, the Amendolas played by Durante, Queenie Smith and Terry Moore. Predictably enough, Orth's ne'r-do-well musician son Tom Drake falls for Moore but is soon driven to distraction by the unwarranted attention the latter is receiving from visiting Broadway agent Don Beddoe looking to re-engage Conlin for his act. Meanwhile, Rupert himself is getting annoyed with Mr. Orth's storing his weekly stash of cash in his wooden house...Although George Pal's puppet effects are nicely enough done, "Schnozzle" Durante is practically the whole show here and, typically, he has a couple of numbers featuring his eccentric singing-and-piano-playing style. Actor/director Irving Pichel – who, apparently, also appears in the film as a "puzzled pedestrian" – hands the light material quite competently which makes this unassuming concoction a gently pleasing alternative to the usual Christmas fare.
Tom Willett (yonhope) Jimmy Durante is having a lot of fun playing a vaudevillian. His character happens to play piano and sing. As wild as he is when performing in this movie, he was much wilder on stage when he did his shows with Clayton and Jackson and later with Sonny Knight.In this film, Jimmy's character never meets the title character, but The Schnozz still shares some scenes with Rupert. The story is nice and should please all family members.The most fun in this movie is the opportunity to look back at the US in 1950 where we see the cars and fire engines and even a soda fountain which were all very ordinary for that time period, but which now would be found in museums. $32 a month for an apartment. Seems steep.Money can either change people, or make them more like what they already were. We see the effect sudden income from above has on two families here. We also have some fine music from a tuba, a harp and a concertina. And Jimmy at the piano.All the characters are likable, including an IRS agent and an FBI agent and police investigators. Nice for Christmas viewing.Tom Willett