The Great American Snuff Film
The Great American Snuff Film
R | 01 October 2004 (USA)
The Great American Snuff Film Trailers

Two pretty young women are abducted to be the featured stars of a snuff film produced by a couple low-life goons. The ladies are bound, gagged, tortured, burned with cigarettes and forced to dig their own graves.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Geoff Maguire As an avid Horror Film fanatic, especially B-Grade and Low Budget, I can't see why everyone was disappointed.It was always advertised and was going to be low quality and the acting was perfect, exactly how they were supposed to act for the film.The monotone voice by William's character was supposed to give the effect of a disturbed mind, rationalising his behaviour and always calm and in control. Even when things didn't go his way he still was calm "there was a 50/50 chance she went this way".Overall for what it was, a B-Grade horror flick it was excellent, kept me fixated the whole time.If you really want low budget see "Rectuma" or "Jack Frost 2".
boc321 i loved this film in all it rawness. A powerful film giving insight into the mind of a psychopath and his sidekick. Yes i was rooting for the girls most of the time and i couldn't help but find a morbid fascination with the power play here and also why he had a need to kill. I didn't care about the quality of the film, the acting was great by everyone. What sets this film apart IMHO is how you are put in a position to feel the control and power Grone had. The isolated area this takes place in adds to the chill factor. A dangerous film for sure if it was more well known as it most certainly would influence power hungry serial killers or even perhaps just the meekly curious general public. It will stick in your mind for a long time to come like it or not.
EVOL666 I think the main reason I liked this one more than most reviewers is that I heard nothing but terrible things about it going into it. I will agree that the film is not nearly as strong as the title would lead you to believe, and there definitely are some flaws, but overall I found THE GREAT American SNUFF FILM to be a pretty decent endeavor.The story revolves around a supposed serial killer, William Allen Grone and his pal Roy who abduct a couple of girls in an attempt to create a snuff "masterpiece". Most of the run-time is involved with showing Grone and Roy's interactions, as well as some flashback sequences that give some background on Grone's life...First off - I'm also of the mindset that although the film claims to be "based on true events" - it is not. I (like others...) have searched for information on Grone and on the author of the book that THE GREAT American SNUFF FILM was supposedly based on and found no information on either. In this era of fingertip information accessibility, I find this quite suspect. I also think that the tacked-on "real" snuff footage is completely fake as well. The film is a bit over-long, and could have been cut by several minutes in a few scenes that would have helped streamline the overall production quite a bit. Regardless, the tone and atmosphere of the film is pretty strong and bleak, and I found the camera-work and direction to be quite strong for a low-budget affair. The acting was passable and the score and sound design was hit-and-miss. I do feel the film suffered from a glaring lack of gore and sleaze given the subject matter - so that drops it a bit in my book as well. Otherwise, a relatively decent horror/thriller/fake-bio film - just don't expect anything exceedingly rough or "shocking" in this one...7/10
Brutal-bob Horrible acting.. rigid and without a single strand of imagination or panache. But more horrible than the acting is the sound. I played this thru my surround sound and it sounded like the Dx was recorder thru a bullhorn at the airport. The cinematography is creative for what it is..which basically is video. But that is where it ends on any sort of creative level…. The story is non-existent and the so-called gruesome violence is horrendously dull which makes this film experience extremely tedious... OK, these so-called killers are set up to be so psycho and inbred.. yet the girls keep their clothes on thru out the whole damn thing.. come on, were the two psychos gay?? Was this an attempt at a horror version of Brokeback Mountain? All the scenes draaaaaaag on and on and on and on.. the blame for that is that the so-called director is also a wanna-be editor.. an awful idea all together. The film has no pace and no plot that engages you to any sorta level even boredom. The violence is at a kindergarten level.. chicks in cages being burned with fake cigarettes don't cut it. It's phony and feels PG-13 which is too bad cause with the right execution it could have been done disturbing as all hell. When you have untalented amateurs doing the job then this is what you will end up with - a pointless dreary mess that will make you YAWN while your ears are bleeding. Please someone out there hear our pleading cries and take away this filmmakers camera before he attempts another merciless waste of time.
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