The Girl Who Shagged Me
The Girl Who Shagged Me
R | 29 March 2005 (USA)
The Girl Who Shagged Me Trailers

A British secret service agent tracks down a lunatic doctor whom has stolen the frozen body of a dormant cave woman from a determined archaeologist.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
gridoon2018 The three main female cast members of "The Girl Who Shagged Me" are top-of-the-line for this genre; Anoushka, in particular, is one of the sexiest women I have ever seen. So why do they get LESS screen time than their male co-stars? Do we really want to see a) the mad scientists, the assorted weirdos, the inept cops, the horny Yetis....or do we want to see b) the beautiful women owning the screen and making out with each other? If you answered "a", this is your movie. If you answered "b", you will be disappointed. The erotic scenes are VERY mild, and even the climactic scene between Misty Mundae and Anoushka is over far too quickly. The film spends most of its time trying to be a comedy, but its extremely juvenile sense of humor is VERY hit-and-miss. Could have been so much better. *1/2 out of 4.
unbrokenmetal The title suggests this is a spoof mainly concerning the second Austin Powers movie, "The Spy Who Shagged Me", but actually it's nothing to do with it except for the British location. The story goes something like this: On an expedition through Scotland, Professor Lavish (Frank Bowdler) discovers a frozen cave woman from the Stone Age (Anoushka), while his assistant meets a gay yeti and decides to go to San Francisco with him. A very mad scientist (Mark Standley, pulling faces like a Batman villain) steals the cave woman, though special agent Johnson (Misty Mundae) tries to sort out the mess. Obviously shot on a shoestring budget, this has many hilarious moments (I loved the sound effects straight from the classic slapstick flicks), monumental silliness, fake beards, topless women... and a sheik on a camel! I think "The Girl Who Shagged Me" is a stunning achievement in bad, bad movie making, so if you watched several art movies before and need an antidote... go for it.
charlesletcher This movie was made by 2 guys, and it shows. These 2 guys are GENIUSES. In the director commentary, they discuss photoshopping the special effects themselves, how they put the costumes together with no budget, and how they built the sets with "found items." This is the work of two brilliant minds who are making the movie from scratch, and thinking through how to do it as they go. It shows in so many unexpected and delightful ways. This movie has flashes of brilliance shown in Peter Jackson's "Bad Taste." I laughed all the way through. My daughter laughed all the way through the movie. My cynical and bitter wife laughed all the way through with tears in her eyes.If you are put off by the first couple of minutes, hang in there. After the guy gets raped by the yeti, the movie is a non-stop laugh fest.
Jim-1163 I've been a fan of Seduction Cinema movies for years now, and can't get my head around comments from Misty fans who dislike this movie.As for one Misty fan who reviewed it here and dramatically announced they would never watch a Misty flick again, if they think this is a bad movie, then jeez, they clearly haven't seen some of Miss Mundae's earlier work...Sure, Misty isn't in it as much as some of the other Seduction flicks, but in Girl Who Shagged Me she's clearly having fun and delivers a light and comic enough performance to raise a chuckle or two.She also looks great in the sequence with Anoushka where they both get it on in a warehouse amongst floating drapes.As for the movie itself, it may not a challenging piece of drama, but c'mon guys! it is funny, way funnier than most sex 'comedies' on sale, and everyone in the movie gives a spirited performance.I really enjoyed this cheap little movie, it has a totally different feel than some other Seduction movies, probably due to it's British influence. The comedy works well and the sex is hot... what more do you want?