The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
NR | 06 April 1966 (USA)
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini Trailers

A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.

Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
zetes The kind of movie that makes you a little stupider as you watch it. If you let your IQ drop enough, it's enjoyable. It's cheap drive-in stuff from the mid-60s starring Tommy Kirk (whose 1965 film Village of the Giants I watched early on this month). The story is very poorly cobbled together. Boris Karloff plays a recently deceased man. An old girlfriend who died when she was young (Susan Hart) comes to his coffin to tell him that she'll help him do a good deed to get him into Heaven. Hart goes to Earth as the titular ghost (whose invisible bikini shows not skin, but whatever is behind her, i.e., a blue bikini against a blue screen) to prevent Karloff's evil lawyer (Basil Rathbone) from getting Karloff's treasure before his descendants (Kirk and others) can find it. It's mostly worth watching for the plethora of hot girls in bikinis and the enjoyable 60s pop music they sing. Nancy Sinatra co-stars and sings a song.
bensonmum2 I realize that most people who have seen The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini will look at my rating and decide I need to have my head examined. I readily admit that it's one of the stupidest movies I've seen recently. I am perfectly capable of seeing all of the same problems in the movie that all of the other reviews or comments point out. Yes, the beach movie was on its last leg when The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini was made. Yes, there is no plot. Yes, most of the comedy is incredibly lame. Yes, Tommy Kirk is beyond terrible. Yes, Harvey Lembeck was way too old to play a rebellious motorcycle leader. Yes, Benny Rubin's Chicken Feather character is offensive. Yes, Deborah Walley is no Annette Funicello. Yes, Boris Karloff has little more than an extended cameo that almost appears to have been an afterthought. Yes, I see all these problems and more in The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini, but for whatever reason, the movie is still a lot of fun. I had a blast watching Nancy Sinatra sing "Geronimo". She's just so cool. I also enjoyed watching Basil Rathbone in one of his final performances. He seemed to really be enjoying the chance to ham it up. As goofy as it may sound, I love the fact that The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini takes many of the traditional beach movie trappings and transports them to a big, old haunted house. A swinging 60s style beach party set in Karloff's over-the-top torture chamber is an awesome idea. Finally, I've got to give the movie a bonus point for having a completely unnecessary gorilla. It adds a surreal touch to everything.So, despite the many, many weaknesses and problems in The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini. I still had a great time watching it. I'll continue to say that the entertainment I get out of a movie is more important to me than anything else. And with that in mind, the 6/10 rating I've given The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini seems about right to me.
fguerras I have a special affection for this little trifle. I saw it at our post theater twice when I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. It was a time when we were killing time, just waiting to be discharged, and this film conjures up a time of innocence when I was dying to re-start my civilian life. But most of all, I was (and still am) a tremendous fan of Miss Nancy Sinatra, especially all through my Army days, and it was thrilling fun to go see her movies at the post theater. She also did "The Wild Angels" and "The Last of the Secret Agents." All the other commentators are right. No classic, but mindless, harmless fun ! Oh, Nancy ! We were so young, and it was a different world !
preppy-3 Ridiculous movie--just the title should tell you something. It's something or other about a ghost (in a bikini of course) trying to revive her dead boyfriend...or make him younger...or something silly. He's played by Boris Karloff who watches the movie from his crypt through a crystal ball. Poor Boris...he was reduced to THIS???? Basically this was the last gasp for the "Beach Party" movies. They were loosing money so they transferred the action to a "haunted" house and some dumb plot about a fortune being hidden. This is chockful of stupid jokes, bad songs, LOUSY acting and some "teenagers" in their 20s who should not be seen with only a skimpy bathing suit.It might be fun if you're in a REALLY silly frame of mind--otherwise this is truly an abomination. Not even bad/good--just BAD!!! Kids might go for it.
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