The Ghazi Attack
The Ghazi Attack
| 17 February 2017 (USA)
The Ghazi Attack Trailers

India’s first underwater war film tries to decode the mystery behind the sinking of Pakistani submarine PNS Ghazi during the Indo-Pak war of 1971.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
deepakjha-59702 Still after so may years Indian filmmakers fail to appreciate originality. "The Ghazi Attack" blatantly plagiarizes "Das Boot", a WW2 epic about a U2 submarine and its crew. If you are lucky enough to have seen "Das Boot" you shall share the same animosity for "The Ghazi Attack".Though it casts some good actors the dialogues are very weak. Even the intense situations fail to thrill. The plot of the movie is to show a cat and mouse game between Indian and Pakistani Submarine. The two rival captains are supposed to be intelligent but its hard to find even a trace of it, all owing to poor research and script.All in all it is an ambitious attempt but the execution is below par. 5 star out of 10
dreamsfilm-1 Okay, all you haters. Personally, I think you're all idiots. This is a good film. And is riveting from start to finish. What stops it from gaining universal love is the last 10 minutes are an absolute disaster. It's like those Indian cricket team performances about 20 years ago. Tendulkar would hit a ton. But India would lose. In that sense the climax where Rana single-handedly launches a torpedo is ludicrous and destroys everything that the writers had built up until that point. It is this that creates the hatred from some people I think. All right Taapsee Pannu needn't have been in the film. Now why I think this is a good effort is the until those last 10 minutes, Sankalp Reddy, in my opinion does string together a riveting tale. While his technique isn't that good of a Hollywood A-lister (this lack of technique results in the film not being as suspenseful as it should be)he still knows enough to keep the story chugging along. Also he's attempted a genre that no one has in the history of Indian cinema and he deserves all the praise he can get.The film lacks a strong lead character and the protagonist duties keep shifting. Is it the captain played by KK? Is it Atul Kulkarni? Is it Rana? This lack of focus prevents the audience from forming the crucial empathy for the lead character which would have made everyone like this film. So while the film has momentum it lacks emotion - simply because we don't know or care who's involved. And here is where I come to the crucial mistake committed by the writer. They killed off their best character. The captain. And from then on it's a downward spiral held together only by the threat of the enemy submarine.Because of this screenplay blunder the film ends up a like a sports car with a faulty clutch. It can move fast but the gear shifts jar. Resulting in a bumpy ride.But still all you haters this ain't garbage. Far from it.It's a good movie. Nowhere near great. But maybe another director, a superhitmaker (yet to come), will deliver. Truly deliver.Until then, kudos to the team behind The Ghazi Attack
Hemant Thakur #Ghazi #Attack ...a must watch movie for Indians... Based on Indian Navy Operations... i m sure everyone will love watching this movie which is based on true event... try to go and watch this movie in theater... :) :) <3 everyone should know how our soldiers are risking their life in guarding the borders of our country in land, sea and air.. ..hats off to the director of this movie.. :) :)
muvi-fan-73 To be really frank, I enjoyed the movie. There were certain reviews stating the movie was an insult to the naval forces. I found that, it was not the case. The movie was definitely appealing and patriotic.Direction, Screenplay, story: Sankalp Reddy steals the show with this maiden attempt. The modification and the construction of this story (if any) are mind blowing.Cinematography: To invest into cinematography, when it comes to such a movie where one knows it would run at most average is a tough decision. Yet the investment has been struck at proper angle turning out into great cinematography.Tone: The tone that describes the movie is of naval defense in nature. The contrast thinking between officers is portrayed well. Singing out patriotic songs out loud in extreme conditions, add to the tone.Music: Music is below average.Acting: Acting is terrific.