The Fraternity
The Fraternity
| 16 July 2002 (USA)
The Fraternity Trailers

Some students at Runcie prep school form an elite club. The group is implicated in a cheating scandal and one of the club members dies mysteriously. Another member decides to try and discover the dangerous truth about Runcie.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
MrCinema1 first i would like to debunk some of the negative reviews. people have written some of the following: the music was bad, the acting was bad, the story was confusing and hard to follow, and there are more. I thought the music was superb, and it really aided the movie. the acting was excellent and everyone was well cast. treat was flawless in his performance as Spencer runcie the headmaster of the school and reminded me of Michael Douglas. Robin Dunne stars as the main character, Alex who is sort of playing the role of a sherlock Holmes on campus trying to figure out all the loose ends of the tragic events taking place at runcie academy. he does an awesome job in this role and narrating throughout the movie. the story for me was confusing when i first saw it only because i was not following it closely enough and paying attention to which character was which. this does not discredit the writing but is actually the fault of the viewer. now after seeing the film a couple more times i can understand what is happening and actually it is a positive aspect of the film that it takes a bit of your mind to understand what is happening. it is brilliantly written. i cant understand why people say it is a copy of this or that film, the only similarity is that it is in a prep school but it clearly is much different from dead poet's society or school ties and takes place many years later, it's a completely different film. i have to mention the actresses playing Tess and the female detective are both beautiful and add to the film this is the kind of movie that you can watch again and again like I do with other favorites eyes wide shut, the game, and what lies beneath. the setting is also interesting in the winter time. so all in all the different elements of this film come together to make it a masterpiece. i guess we all have different opinions and thats an interesting thing too.
sabrinabeaumont Well written movie, that keeps you guessing the whole way...treat williams always is good. This film could have had a big budget, but is shot with moody, gritty style. The story line could seem derivative but is actually quite original and although unusual is totally viable and redefines the genre....The film plot runs through a gamut of possibilities in the prep schools potential cast of characters who could have been the culprit of what looked like an accident, then potentially a suicide and yet turns out to be foul play...The school is really run by a powerful CIA type group of unknown students that maintain justice in the school...Director Sydney Furie is a legend and knew how to shoot this project. The screenwriter clearly put a good deal of time into working out the storyline...
Roald Pettersen Road-kill stew of Sculls (2000), Cheaters (2000/I) and Scent of a woman (1992)(the end)- spiced with some ingredients from Dead Poets Society (1989). It does not help that Robin Dunne resembles Joshua Jackson. Horrible music.
Jatoy My expectations for this movie were a lot lower than what this in the end really was. It was not excellent, but quite good and occasionally even exciting. The plot was not too complicated and it was easy to follow. Your life won´t change if you watch this, but it´s nice entertainment for an ordinary evening when you don´t have nothing to do. The actors were pretty good, too.