The Fountainhead
The Fountainhead
NR | 25 June 1949 (USA)
The Fountainhead Trailers

An uncompromising, visionary architect struggles to maintain his integrity and individualism despite personal, professional and economic pressures to conform to popular standards.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
contact-562-20249 Movie is faithful to the book since Ayn Rand wrote the screenplay. Deserves 10 for content. The miscasting of Gary Cooper, Patricia Neal, and Raymond Massey prevented it from being the great movie it deserved to be.
Stathis Zittis I had high expectations about this movie. I watched it right after I finished reading the book.Some parts of the story are altered and some other, very important and exciting parts are missing. As a result, the film fails to convey the meaning of the book.Some of the characters appear more surrealistic than they should, due to the actors' performances and because important parts of the book, that are about those characters, were left out of the film. Patricia Neal's performance, however, is pleasing to watch.I hope that, in the future, a great fan of the book will make a film worthy of the book.
adamshl King Vidor outdid himself in fashioning Legendary Ayn Rand's philosophical novel for the screen. Generally misunderstood and under appreciated on its initial release, "The Fountainhead" has gained a great amount of respect as time goes on.Gary Cooper was challenged to the hilt in playing Howard Roarke, as was Patricia Neal in projecting Dominique Francon. Still, their work is constantly intriguing and fascinating.The way Rand saw the world and society is totally unique and courageously revealing. Given the usual level of philosophical insight of most American films, Rand--and Vidor--projected genuine daring in revealing clandestine societal truths.This is a film for the ages to be devoured and cherished.
tles7-676-109633 This movie should have been made 10 years later without Rand writing the screenplay and starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodword. Neale and Cooper had an affair in real life...I hope it was more steamy and natural than this stiffly-acted, miscast mess. Massey is the only performance worth writing home about. The dialog is putrid and preachy. Supposedly the audience at the premiere couldn't look Neale in the eye while exiting the theater. The critics unanimously panned it. The "hero" is selfish and most of all obnoxious and boring. Unfortunately, Cooper looked the part more than he could successfully deliver the lines. The courtroom scene was ridiculous.