The Fool
The Fool
| 09 August 2014 (USA)
The Fool Trailers

The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
evirgeneren-56104 A short moment from real life. a very realistic approach. plain and self-expression. This film that should be definitely to be watched.
Gancaar baatar The whole story of this film tortured good and evil of human nature in Russian society. The film begins in a dilapidated building where a man with a tattoo beat his wife and daughter because he could not find his case-dough. This building is the home to a group of desperate bottom-class people whose lives revolve around drug, alcoholism, quarrels, gambling and domestic violence. Suddenly, the heating pipe of this dilapidated building busted. Plums include Dima ran over to check, but found a more serious problem. This building's foundation was slowly collapsed and skewed, whose body has cracked two gaps. This building, which may be collapsed within 24 hours, is home to more than 800 households. And then, late at night the actor Dima hurried to put on his clothes, out of the house to the mayor's birthday party. With hands on the jacket pocket, he walked firmly on the desolate road, no turning back. Such a section shows the young fool, who is an ordinary person taking ordinary wages and self-learning architecture, bear a taste of the heroism. The behavior, which he walked in this way, is equivalent to embarked on the plot that an unimportant person fight against the total putrid social system of "no return", aiming to rescue the bottom class residents. Through some relationships, Dima found the mayor of the town, as well as the relevant ministers, and told the situation of the dilapidated building. After investigation, these corrupt officials admitted that this building was about to collapse. However, in the face of human life and interests, those corrupt bureaucracies had made a brutal choice.The film plot reverse several times, meaning that the story was falling into a darker situation. The Dima's intention to save the inhabitants gradually was evolved into a group of politicians fighting, those who were originally singing the praises of each other politicians, but instantly tore skins, shirk the responsibility, ignoring 800 lives, and even assassinated two officials in their gang.The film reveals the director attitude is very ambiguous, or a very pessimistic treatment. At the hazard of his life, Dima called down all the inhabitant from the first floor to the ninth floor of the dilapidated building. However, the first reflection of the most people was not Thanksgiving, but doubt. And then the most brutally beat Dima hardly. The irony was that the next one to the battle was also hurt. The director hinted that the resident in the building was indeed hopeless, and was too obstinate to be awakened on the brink of death. Finally, Dima was helpless abandoned near the dangerous building which would collapse. From three aspects to I would discuss the film to show my thoughts. Firstly, talking about the dangerous building, in where the vertical and horizontal cracks spread from the ground, like centipede plated outside the building. In fact, this dilapidated building can be considered as a mirror map to reflect the corruption, decline, emptiness and darkness of the government system. As for the tilt of this dangerous building naturally had not been repaired repeat, not to mention that the collapse of the national system was underway. Secondly, talking the bureaucrats, whose dress splendidly and squander at the Mayor's birthday party. Government placement costs were swallowed by the officials, while the bottom due to the system's irresistible force stepped into extinction. It is not difficult to imagine the direction of the national conditions of the whole country, irresistible sense of trembling hit in audiences' heart for a long time not to retreat. The corrupt bureaucratic system would lead to the brutal assassination from each official, which had been demonstrated in the plot that Dima witnessed and almost was killed in a dirt thing that the female Mayor shirked her responsibility by killing the head of architecture department and the head of fire department, who were the victim of political struggle.Finally, the bottom of the people's ignorance and insensitivity lead the audience to despair and chilling, who are the real "The Fool". In the dark of the community, the money right was first. Their children still like them, continue to curl up in the dangerous building to die. But the people living in such a bad situation, it is not only because of officials, but also their inaction Generally, the dangerous building, Numbness of the ignorant people and the brutal bureaucracy who escaped responsibility in this film, while there is also the kindness and courage of Dima, proves that Russia's society currently has too many dark sides which in China can be occurred.
Christian Best movie for me. We even watched it today at our Christian cinema event in Sofia. Thanks for that amazing movie. Hope it will have some positive effect/change the live at least in part of the people who watch The fool (Durak in Russian). even though this might be naive...but what to do - I am Durak. We made a 40 min discussion on each of the roles. It reveals us from deep who we are. Corruption and life? This shows best the broken societies we live in. The excuses we all do to satisfy ourselves with an answer that may excuse our egoism. Amazing scenario and actors. Dima never talked for God / Christ. But he just lives His word. But What metaphor is the block in your life? It's too deep...I can't express all the things we discussed now...but really worth watching it and doing a discussion on it with some priest or Ph.D. in Christinity as we did.
Lee Eisenberg Yuri Bykov's "Durak" ("The Fool" in English) looks as the current state of affairs in Russia. This story of a plumber facing an intractable bureaucracy when he tries to draw people's attention to a precarious apartment building is merely one look into an oligarchic society that's seen little infrastructural and political advancement since the Soviet collapse. Indeed, the city government seems as hopeless as the private citizens. The truth is, none of this should come as a surprise. Boris Yeltsin turned Russia into a kleptocracy. Vladimir Putin stabilized the economy but restored the Soviet-era authoritarianism. Corruption has dominated the country ever since the USSR collapsed (and was certainly widespread in Soviet times)."The Fool" is mostly an indictment of Putin's Russia, but can be seen as an indictment of any society in which corruption is so ingrained that the citizens practically accept it. Worth seeing.