The First Power
The First Power
R | 06 April 1990 (USA)
The First Power Trailers

A dedicated L.A. police detective and a female psychic must stop a demonic serial killer who was given the powers of resurrection, teleportation and possession.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
nomoons11 Well...I was kinda lookin forward to this one but by the end my attention was diverted away from the screen doin other things. When this's a stinker of a film.Where to start. Right off when you see the year of the film and Lou Diamond Phillips then you know this was his heyday of his starring in films. Not long after this he was relegated to worse B movies and straight to video status. He's not bad in this he's just the same as he always is. He's put in a movie with a really stupid script/concept.I think the part of this film that makes it not work is the concept itself. Basically what you get is a quasi Devil worshiper fella who has a nasty habit of killing whenever and to whoever he wants. LDP's character comes in and saves the day and then he diverts his attention to all his friends/co-workers to try and kill all of them. He meets up with a psychic who tags along throughout the entire film to a believability factor of "0".The funny part of this film is the editing. There are major stunt scenes in this where they switch the characters with stunt men but they don't even come close to makin it work. A scene were the killer busts out of the Gas Chamber and the character is suppose to break through the glass and they switch to the stuntman and he's taller and doesn't look remotely close to the guy playing the killer's role. They let the scene/camera role for so long you can clearly see that this isn't the same guy. There's a scene where the Devil/Killer does some martial arts super kick towards the end of the film. It's a laugh. How many Satan/Beelzebub/Lucifer characters in history do you know of who can do this stuff? LOL..There so many stunt scenes where it's plainly evident that it's s stuntman it's just sad. BTW...some of the stunts in this are just fantastic. It's the only reason to see this film.Bad Casting...Stupid script and terrible editing make for a waste of 90 minutes of your life. Take that time instead and watch Ishtar :D
bkoganbing The only thing that The First Power really has going for it is that it affords Jeff Kober an opportunity to play one of his lovely variety of psychotic villains that he's done so well in the last 25 years. Kober is a worthy successor to Lyle Bettger who specialized in those parts back in the Fifties.But it's not enough, The First Power is a souped up slasher flick that has Lou Diamond Phillips wasted as an LAPD detective who has a specialty in catching serial killers. Kober is his latest catch, but Kober's in league with a lower power and they're going to team up and make Lou's life miserable for him. Even after Kober is given the gas chamber, his spirit comes back in all kinds of guises.Mykelti Williamson is on hand as Lou's partner who meets a nasty end involving a demon possessed horse and Tracy Griffith as a psychic and Elizabeth Arlen as a nun with insights are around to help Lou. Will he succeed in battling forces from beyond?By the time the film ends, you no longer care. Lou really got trapped in a turkey. Maybe the devil made him do this film.
Scarecrow-88 Detective Russell Logan(Lou Diamond Phillips)has a major problem on his hands. The serial killer, Patrick Channing(Jeff Kober), for whom psychic extraordinaire Tess(Tracy Griffith)helped him capture, has been resurrected with The First Power(..given to him by Satan after his execution in the gas chamber)and can possess the bodies of the weak. Somehow, Russell, who joins forces with Tess(..who has an understanding of what they are up against), will have to stop Channing or many women will continue to die at his bloody hands. They will seek help from Sister Marguerite(Elizabeth Arlen)who has tried to inform her superiors in the Catholic church of The First Power, but has been denied access to a weapon that can stop Channing..a cross with a blade that can penetrate the heart of Channing ridding the world of his evil. She'll take it anyway and lend a helping hand to Russell, who'll need all the help he can get when Channing kidnaps Tess preparing her for some sort of Satanic ritual/ceremony.In the film, Mykelti Williamson, always a reliable welcome supporting actor, gets the partner of Russell you know what will happen to him. As in films of this type, everyone around Russell is dying, but when he attempts to kill Channing, he's merely murdering the weak host of some other poor soul he possesses.Pure occult rubbish..stupid from the gate to the finish line. Phillips and Griffith try, I'll give them that, but in a flick like this they don't stand a chance. Kober, who is normally often always effective as the heavy, is really handed nothing more than a goofy villain who leaps in the air and tosses rotten quips.
mobile707 Obviously, a movie like First Power cannot be taken seriously on all levels. But if a viewer is willing to judge it on its own terms, I think there were a few strong scenes in its favor: 1. The scene-- near the beginning of the movie-- where the nun alerts the bishop of her concerns. I particularly enjoyed how the bishop tries to envision how the press will portray the Church if he goes public. One can sense that this man has been burned by the media before, and dreads having to say anything "weird" or "controversial" in front of the cameras.2. The scene where L.D.P. is in confession, and the priest morphs into someone else. The priest's response ("First, I must ask a question of my own") was very effective, and the fact that L.D.P. admits that he has fallen away from the Church shows that he is slowly realizing that he is confronted with something/someone that his own world-view (which is implicitly agnostic) cannot explain or understand.3. The scene where L.D.P. dreams of the execution in the gas chamber-- interesting because the audience thinks it's "real"...I disagree with the other reviewer who could not understand why the villain did not move on to "more important" stuff instead of toying with Phillips. I imagine that corrupting the cop's soul was at the very top of his agenda from the start.Anyway, 1st-Power is hardly a classic, but I thought it did stand out from the crowd of horror-thrillers.