The Ferryman
The Ferryman
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
The Ferryman Trailers

Out on a dead calm ocean, in a thick fog, a group of tourists on a pleasure craft are about to cross paths with an ancient and terrible evil. Sharing the same ocean, a sick, dying old Greek man drifts alone on a stricken yacht. The Greek (John Rhys-Davies) has been cheating death for countless years. Trading broken bodies for new ones over centuries. With him he carries a deadly weapon that allows him to do this. This weapon, the Shifting Blade, gives its possessor an awesome power. But now is the time of reckoning. The Ferryman, the ancient conveyor of death and the path to the afterlife is close and he wants the Greek. There is a payment to be made.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
bowmanblue I've read some pretty scathing reviews of 'The Ferryman' online; most actually have quite clever titles like 'Don't pay The Ferryman,' 'Ferry Awful' and 'Throw it overboard.' Despite finding those titles amusing, I have to disagree.The Ferryman doesn't exactly rewrite the horror genre; its place lies firmly in that massive middle ground of a billion other low budget horror movies that the average horror fan watches when there's nothing else on TV in the hope that this one might actually be quite good. Most aren't, but, in my opinion, The Ferryman is at least watchable enough to keep the average horror film entertained for an hour and a half.It's about a small boat, containing six twenty-somethings, sailing to Fiji. Sadly, the pleasant holiday ambiance is cut short when they rescue a mysterious strange from a stricken boat - and, as we all know, picking up mysterious strangers is never a good idea.I won't go into too much details about the plot as you may not know which direction the film will take, but, like I say, although The Ferryman is nothing spectacular, it's not as bad as some people seem to be making out.
Claudio Carvalho In New Zealand, the couples Tate (Sally Stockwell) and Chris (Craig Hall) and Kathy (Amber Sainsbury) and Zane (Julian Arahanga) come to the yacht Dionysus to sail to Fiji Islands in a romantic trip. The skipper Big Dave (Tamer Hassan) and his girlfriend Suze (Kerry Fox) welcome the quartet with their beloved dog Rolex. On the second day, the Dionysus receives a distress signal in Morse code and Dave head to a mysterious fog to help the ship. They find a fishing boat adrift and Chris and Zane row a small boat to the vessel to avoid reefs. They find a crew member (John Rhys-Davies) near death and they bring him to Dionysus. Sooner they discover that the man is possessed of a demon and he uses a dagger to cheat death and switch bodies with his victims. "The Ferryman" is an underrated horror movie based on the legend of the Greek mythology of Charon or Kharon, the ferryman of Hades that carried the souls across the River Acheron to reach the world of the dead. His payment was a coin in or on the mouth of the dead person. In the introduction of "The Ferryman", there is a narration in off telling that "in ancient times there was the legend of the Ferryman. He took the dead to be judged into the afterlife and his prize was a coin in their mouth. If anyone tried to cheat death, they would also be cheating the Ferryman and they could never escape for the Ferryman would hunt them forever." The screenplay combines the foregoing legend with "Dead Calm" and "Fallen" and the result is a good gore film. In the end, I was surprised since I had the lowest expectations based on the IMDb Rating. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "A Vingança do Demônio" ("The Revenge of the Demon")
slayrrr666 "The Ferryman" is a potentially interesting but ultimately extremely disappointing effort.**SPOILERS**Going out on a trip, Big Dave, (Tamer Hassan) and his Suze, (Kerry Fox) agree to take friends Chris Hamilton, (Craig Hall) Kathy, (Amber Sainsbury) Zane, (Julian Arahanga) and Tate, (Sally Stockwell) on a multi-day cruise from New Zealand. At first out having fun, they soon start to change when they come upon a strange fog, and when coming upon a stranded sailor known as The Greek, (John Rhys-Davies) they decide to bring him aboard. Shortly afterward, they realize that something isn't right, and when the group begins to start killing each other, they learn that they are the target of the Ferryman, a vicious supernatural killer that is trying to collect souls to take to the afterlife, and must resort to a never-ending series of tactics to outwit the body-hopping killer before all of them become victims.The Good News: This here was a potentially interesting affair, as there was some good stuff here. One of the film's best features is the killer and his rules, which are quite new and original, not really something that is expected at all and really has something going for it. With the rules following along closely to the ones already established for the real-life persona it's based on, namely the reaping of souls for the underworld and used here, gives it a nice touch and really makes it seem that much more like a legitimate, imposing force. That there are also rules that go along with it all, from how to get possessed to what happens during that time and how to get rid of the force within is also really nice, which works here by adding a really interesting twist on the slasher-among-a-group-of-friends that has been done countless times before which is where it really scores well while also giving the film some nice momentum at the end when it's revealed what's going on and making those scenes, which start off as back-story revelations but turn into big brawls makes it even more entertaining and exciting, putting in a touch of energy missing from the rest of the film as well. The last plus here is the fact that the kills aren't that bad and quite bloody, which is a big plus. There's several that are beaten up and viciously bruised, an eyeball bludgeoned out, a beer bottle bashed against the head, a slit throat and another is set on fire. These here are all that work right for this one.The Bad News: There was a couple of rather big flaws for this one. One of the main ones is that the film is just so utterly boring that it's quite impossible to make it through most of the beginning of the film. As it sets up the characters and their relationships with each other, it doesn't really start getting to business until an hour in, which is a criminal mistake that really takes it's toll on the film. It sets up almost nothing as it's just random scenes of people acting mysteriously around each other and then everyone else trying to figure out what's going on, but none of this is done with any care towards making it interesting. They just go around talking about anything and everything, which is quite boring and makes for a dull time. This also isn't helped by the fact that there's just a high level of confusion around the film, as hardly any of it makes any sense at all. There's very little reason given as to what the killer is doing going after any of the people here as it was given that there was a target, which wasn't any of them, and makes those scenes just all-around confusing. The scenes among the group earlier when trying to figure everything out are just as bad, as they manage to just spout off anything that sounds logical and not really piecing anything together coherently, offering up little that is overall important and just instead adds to the dullness and boredom that permeate the film. There's so much more here that doesn't make any sense that it eventually just washes over and really just sort of settles, making the overall effect of derision quite easy to accept. The last flaw here, which ties into the confusion as well but also suffers on it's own, is the fact that the film never really does anything with the killer or his motive, which is introduced way too late into the film to really get a handle on anything. It's almost over before we get any kind of idea what the official killer is, an explanation about it or why it's important to the film, all of which come a little too late to be of much help and never really comes of anything. It would've been better not being given at all rather than at that late date. These here are the film's problems.The Final Verdict: Really hard to get into and features a lot of really big and important flaws, really negating this one considerably and not really offering much. Give it a shot if this kind of film appeals to you, while those that are put off by the flaws or aren't into this kind of film should heed extreme caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity and animal violence
yazanabusad This is my first comment on IMDb, so excuse my "n00biness". The reason I decided to post this is the utter failure of the movie.The theater was actually laughing at scary scenes. This is NOT GOOD! I was looking right and left at people smiling and laughing.In horror movies you expect to get at least taken by surprise a couple of times, but beside the twist in the end of the movie, it's basically a very simple tale that has nothing to do with a horror movie.The "scary scenes" are just disgusting bloody scenes, that if a doctor otherwise is watching would be "feelingless" towards. Perhaps the fact that everything took place on the ferry made it impossible for audience to be surprised. I mean, we all knew the monster is there, and we were waiting for his next kill. That my friends is called boring! The acting was very bad, i think the director made it too hard on the actors. they just couldn't be each other.The "dumb American girl" they inserted was pretty weird, he attempts to kill her, then she defends him? This is pathological, and i don't believe the director or the script writers wanted her to be so.