The Family Friend
The Family Friend
| 01 October 2006 (USA)
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Geremia, an aging tailor/money lender, is a repulsive, mean, stingy man who lives alone in his shabby house with his scornful, bedridden mother. He has a morbid, obsessive relationship with money and he uses it to insinuate himself into other people's affairs, pretending to be the "family friend". One day he is asked by a man to lend him money for the wedding of Rosalba, his daughter. Geremia falls in love at first sight with the bewitching creature and and soon indulges in a "beauty and the beast" relationship...

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
ellkew An impressive and stylish film. Rizzo as Geremia the main character is marvellous. He dominates every scene. His simian style shuffle from side to side, his carrier bag swinging gently from side to side hanging from his bad arm. It is through his eyes we see the world and so the criticism of the female flesh on display seems a bit naieve. It's a stylish film shot through with Sorrentino's flamboyant flourishes of camera movement and against the grain cutting, almost too abrupt sometimes. I enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed the Consequences of Love and I recommend both of them. There are moments of revelatory dialogue on the nature of existence which doesn't offend or get tied up in long soliliquay's and quite odd scenes offering a glimpse of darkness in this man's tarnished, cynical world where everything, even a kitsch figurine, has a price. It's an icy film and I did come away from it not really sure what I had learned about the characters or what it was trying to say. I was a little disappointed with the end but that said it's offbeat in so many ways I forgive it it's flaws.
come2whereimfrom In a word, weird form the outset. From the opening creepy noises and extreme visual stimulation to the random cuts and bizarre set pieces 'The Family Friend' is nothing if not captivating. Its directed superbly by Paolo Sorrentino, whose last film the 'The Consequences of Love' should give you some idea of his visual style and flair, add to this the great cinematography, brilliant use of music and the twisted central performance of Giacomo Rizzo as Geremia and you have a truly excellent if not a little disturbing movie which is part Lynch, Part Fellini and all original. Geremia is a seventy year old tailor which is actually a cover for the fact he is a loan shark. Lonely and sleazy he prays on the needy and during the loan deals poses as a family friend to surround himself with people. One such family borrows money for their daughters wedding and Geremia becomes self appointed helper and starts arranging things for the young couple. Eventually he falls for the bride to be, a winner of the local beauty pageant, and the film becomes a kind of beauty and the beast tale. She is the gorgeous young girl overly fond of dancing and he amongst other things is a seedy, beastly rapist. The films characters are pretty much all unredeemable and it comes across like an Italian 'League of Gentlemen' with its dark humour and strange set ups. The music adds to the weirdness by ranging from Anthony and the Johnsons to classical and country and western. Just like 'Hidden' from last year the film leaves loads of unanswered questions and loose ends but that adds to its deconstructed nature and doesn't detract in anyway from the main story. Its in the smaller things that this film shines like when everyone takes their own chairs to the beauty contest as 'the sponsor and provider of seats pulled out at the last minute' or how Geremia's carrier bag swings from side to side over his plastered arm as he waddles along in schoolboy short trousers. This film won't be to everyone's liking, it is almost certainly an acquired taste, but those that can get under its skin won't be disappointed and will love it for all its creepy eccentricities
Cliff Hanley Paulo Sorrentino, with The Consequences of Love, proved himself to be an elegant explorer of twisted obsession.This follow-up is set in what was once the Pontine Marshes, near Rome. The protagonist Geremia di Geremei (Rizzo), an ageing tailor and loanshark, employs a couple of heavies, one of whom supplies the history in seconds: while putting pressure on a couple of borrowers, he suddenly turns and slaps the wall behind him. "A mosquito! All this was swamps before Il Duce!" - then smiles broadly at the suitably startled face of the 'customer'.Geremia, who would come over as nothing but scruffy but for his affectation of wearing his jackets and coats over his shoulders like a grand impresario; but who spends the whole film with one arm in a cast, hinting at some previous shenanigans, scuttles (there's no other word for it) between his 9 to 5 ragtrade shop which is obviously more than a mere money-laundering front, and the smelly little flat which he shares with his bedridden mother, who spends all her days glued to the TV. Not your typical hood.In his sweatshop he accepts entreaties from desperate low credit citizens - much of his business is for weddings. He puts on a mock-uncle affection for the potential brides, and they try not to gag as he oozes all over them. (It later becomes apparent that he is actually carrying on the family business.) He and his customers have a tacit face-saver, in referring to him as a 'friend of the family'. When he and his 'boys' visit one late-paying couple, the jewellery and kitchen appliance they take are not quite enough, and he returns for further tribute from the wife in the form of a perverse sexual / financial / sentimental action, a deeply symbolic scene that seems to hint at a lot about his character. Some friend.Another scene where disparate elements make their own logic is where the beautiful Rosalba (Chiatti) wins a beauty contest and goes into her winning dance routine, hot and writhing but against limpid and cool synth music. Her subsequent wedding becomes the first of Geremia's shake-ups: her father, although disgusted with himself, unable to handle the payments necessary to cover the costs of the celebration, engineers an opportunity for the tailor to be alone with the bride, ostensibly to repair a broken shoulder-strap on her wedding-gown.The next big move is when Geremia, against the advice of his mother, takes on the loan of a lifetime; the lure of big business and the barely credible relationship between this latter-day Gollum with the feisty Rosalba explode the top end of his life, putting an end to his extended childhood.Practically everything that happens in this film has the apparent weight of symbolism, and doubtless some parts are, in fact, symbolic. Although its morbid purulence may leave you feeling a need to head for the wash-basin, it's fascinating throughout for its constant digging below the surface of life to examine the linkage. And perhaps as a study of the survival of the fittest. CLIFF HANLEY
writers_reign At a superficial level this is Beauty And The Beast with spin. The Beast isn't really handsome and Beauty doesn't really fall in love with him but he is unprepossessing to say the least and she is attractive and maybe even beautiful in the right light. The Beast, Geremia is a tailor by profession who does a little loan sharking on the side and loses no opportunity to waive repayments in return for sexual favours reaching a new low on the day he sleeps with a young bride minutes before her wedding. As if to emphasize the fairytale source the director allows no chance to point up the squalor in which Geremia lives with his bedridden mother to go unexploited whilst contrasting this with a succession of comely young girls. Woven inextricably into all this is a Sting perpetrated by Geremia's best friend, Gino. It's an interesting movie to say the least and a notable follow-up to the same directors The Consequences Of Love but I'm not sure if it will stand subsequent viewings.