The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec
NR | 14 April 2010 (USA)
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec Trailers

An adventure set in the early part of the 20th century, focused on a popular novelist and her dealings with would-be suitors, the cops, monsters, and other distractions.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Rod Morgan Luc Besson seems to have no limits, and his visualization of Adele Blanc-Sec from comic to film is a delight for the funny-bone as well as the eyes. In keeping with the setting of the film, Besson occasionally uses slapstick and old school silent movie touches to keep the tone light while continually moving forward. Adele has been compared to Indiana Jones (mainly because they both visit Egypt), but she also could be the sister of Captain Jack Sparrow as absolutely nothing will defer her from her mission. This is an adventure worth sharing, a gentle pleasure from start to finish.
Pewboy13 I only discovered this wonderful film this year when it was added to the iTunes library. While Apple frequently manages to deleteriously re-crop movies or otherwise bungle them, it did a good job adding the uncensored "Director's Cut" of this movie. I always prefer subtitled versions to the dubbed ones and this one was no exception. Most of the other reviewers here have noted the film's strengths -- brilliant casting, a fun-filled "Indiana Jones"-type adventure, creative special effects -- so I won't repeat those. (I will say that the most vehement critics seem to have come to the movie with a lot of preconceived expectations, rather than simply let the film be the lighthearted live-action cartoon that it is.) I do have a question for the French speakers out there: What is Adele saying to the horses blocking her cab in Parisian traffic as she returns home with the mummy? The rant is the only place without subtitles in English. My high-school French, while helpful with confirming some aspects of the translation, doesn't cover that outburst. I presume it must be obscene, but I'd like to know what it says.Merci beaucoup!
carbuff Lara Croft with less bust, more brains; less action, but more wit, charm, and humor (not to mention, a touch of European morbidity, which is much of what makes this film more "adult" than equivalent American productions ). If you're forced to pick, I think it's got to be Adele over Lara for thinking beings. (Just generally, I'd like to add, always go with subtitles instead of dubbing given the choice, since dubbing pretty much always kills the atmosphere.) This is a terrific quirky and "clean" film that adults can enjoy watching without blushing with children in the same room, girls especially, I'm guessing (which I honestly believe is the reality, not mere simple-minded, patriarchal, stereotypical, naive sexism, or whatever other terms radical feminists would excoriate me with). The story is, after all, built around an extremely capable and intellectually sharp female character, and that may reasonably be a very strong draw for many parents looking for role models for their offspring of the gentler sex (there I go again). It's more than just a family-friendly film though, since I'm a guy who typically watches and prefers harsher material. I really enjoyed this change of pace, especially because it appealed to my taste for the weird with it's humorous and original mash-up of stuff from movies like "The Raider's of the Lost Ark" and "The Mummy". Although the plot didn't always flow quite perfectly, that's just minor nitpicking, and there's little chance I'll be having any second thoughts about giving this film top marks given how light, fun, creative, and intelligent it is.
arminhage I have to admit that I never finished the movie and turned off the player at approximately 60 minutes mark, I know it is an embarrassing confession but the movie was so bad I just couldn't continue. I was total waste of time. I may look at IMDb ratings before watching a movie but never read a review before actually seeing one so my expectation of the movie relies purely on the movie itself. I am very strict on my standards. I expect to know who is the hero of the movie by 10% mark. Well we know by the title that Adele Blanc is supposed to be the hero but there is no sign of her before 13% mark and after that we see her in some sort of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" parody mini adventure which has nothing to do with the resolve of the movie, just an introduction and I would say that the introduction came rather late and wasted too much time. If GOD FORBID I were to write the screenplay, I would put the parody-introduction section along with the dinosaur thing moving back and forth between Egypt and Paris so at least by 10% mark, the audience knows both the hero and also have some idea about the direction of the movie so I would say the screenplay was sectioned in the worst way possible. Now back the whole dinosaur thing... really? A flying dinosaur???? I would replace the whole dinosaur thing with a revived mummy escaped from the museum causing trouble, I guess that would be more appealing to the audience. Anyways, there is absolutely no connection between the hero and the dinosaur anytime sooner than 50% mark and in a good screenplay, the hero should at least hear about the dino at 10% mark. 10% to 50% is a huge gap and I wonder how Lub Besson even considered making a movie based on such a bad screenplay nevertheless an insanely ridiculous plot not even worthy of a children's TV movie. I don't know how the movie is going to resolve as I never finished it but I watched it enough to say that the movie is insanely bad and unwatchable. Sometime i chose an actor or director and watch his movies, probably because I liked a work of him so it was Luc Besson's time. He showed some talent but never got it right and never delivered a descent movie, his movies are often produced very well but grossly fail in plot and screenplay. I know he is French and European standards are different that Hollywood's, Europeans tend to make more boring intellectual unresolved movies but when it comes to Hollywood imitations , I expect Hollywood standards. Great disappointment!
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