The Escape Artist
The Escape Artist
PG | 28 May 1982 (USA)
The Escape Artist Trailers

The young and self-confident Danny bluffs at the local police-station that he will escape from prison within an hour. What follows is a flashback showing his childhood with his uncle and aunt, who are 'vaudeville'-artists themselves.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
JasparLamarCrabb This Francis Ford Coppola production directed by the great cinematographer Caleb Deschanel rambles here and there and is full of a lot of terrific scenes that ultimately add up to nothing.Griffin O'Neal is fine in the title role --- he has the same naturalness that made his sister Tatum so appealing. However,like the movie, his character is pretty he a grifter? a magician? an escape artist? Deschanel's direction is fine but it's not always clear what decade this takes place in...the clothes appear modern, but the characters and dialog have a very 1920s sensibility. O'Neal joins a vaudevillian magic act, but where is there a vaudevillian magic act to be found 1980s America? The eclectic cast is first-rate: Raul Julia, Teri Garr, Joan Hackett, and Jackie Coogan have key roles and, in a rare film appearance, Desi Arnez plays the crooked mayor.
chopper-9 This is a truly wonderful movie experience. The magical score adds to the atmosphere perfectly. It is beautifully photographed by Stephen H Burum and perfectly directed by Caleb Deschanel. The central performance by Griffin O'Neil is very watchable as is a great support cast which includes Elizabeth Daly and the late great Raul Julia. This is THE movie that made me want to make movies. The haunting final shot combined with the beautiful music has stayed with me for years.
kevino-4 About legacy, and fathers and sons. Much better and deeper than the ratings on this board give it credit for, in my opinion. There is little violence, sex or break-neck action but much boils under the surface and there are powerful moments. This is a fine movie.
Vagabear A whimsical bittersweet tale with quirky characters, charming moments and which is quite enchanting as a whole. Griffin O'Neal (Ryan's son) as the young lead character showed great promise in this film. Raul Julia is at his most vibrant as the spoiled son of a mayor (played by Desi Arnaz!) who befriends O'Neal's character. This film is HIGHLY under-rated and desperately needs to be remastered and reissued on video.