The End
The End
| 23 November 2012 (USA)
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One weekend, after years without seeing each other, several friends, over whom hangs the shadow of a murky episode of the past, meet in a house in the mountains. During the first night, a strange incident takes place that leaves them isolated.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
jabrbi I watched this film with English subtitles, so I may have missed some of the subtleties in the original Spanish. However, I don't feel that the film suffered in any way.A group of friends gather for a weekend to renew 'friendships' from 20 years ago, and the reunion isn't going well - if someone stripped naked and threw their clothes on the bonfire I'd be thinking it was time everyone went to bed. Just before the party disintegrates there's a loud noise, strange lights in the sky and everything stops working, everything.With no power, so no lights and no phones, everyone goes to bed. In the morning there is one person missing. He just disappeared. The group make for the nearest town and on the way they start to disappear, one by one. Eventually we're down to the last few, and the film ends.There's no explanation for the power cuts, what the lights were, why people are disappearing, why the people are disappearing in the order they are, why only people are disappearing and not birds and animals and why most people disappear when nobody is looking at them. There's no explanation at all. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.With the lack of explanation, all you're left with is the journey, and I did find some of the journey interesting. I wasn't that interested in the interactions of the characters and, as usual, I'm glad some of them disappeared. I think I detected a pattern as to the order people disappeared in, but some people vanished in the night, so I'm not entirely sure. As the dwindling group move from their holiday home across a gorge and towards the nearest town there are some good moments: a vulture makes an unexpected appearance and death by goats is a novelty I wasn't expecting.Sadly, with no explanation, and no real ending, the film is a complete let down. However, until the very end I found the film worth watching, with moments of slowly-building tension, the unexplained disappearances to fathom out, and some great scenery to watch. However, when you get to the end and nothing is explained, watching the film just becomes a very flat experience.This is the way the film ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
Stephane Benoit Usually, when there is a weak script, everything fall with it... But this movie is different. Even if the storyline is incomplete, or lack of imagination, the actors are so good that you still follow the adventure (without big expectations) until the end. The cast is solid, the acting is flawless, the soundtrack is good, so... A script with a bit more originality would have made a very good movie. Don't expect a kind of apocalyptic movie like The Road, or crude has HELL (Bright), but more of a soft philosophical end of time story, a reset of humanity.But anyway, congratulations to the actors, you all did a very good job.
Coventry In case the apocalypse ever occurs, I suppose it'll happen in a flash, and no living soul on earth will be able to make arrangements for where he/shell will be and in which company he/she will spend the final hours. If we would be capable of predicting the exact time and circumstances of the inescapable Armageddon, then I presume we would all prefer to be at home, surrounded by our loved ones. The complete opposite forms the slightly genius premise of this Spanish sci-fi/drama "The End". Nearly 20 years after they last saw each other, six former childhood friends (and their reluctant partners) plan a reunion weekend in a mountain cabin far from the civilized world. Although they initially pretend to be happy be see each other, the lies, jealousy, treason and unfinished affairs from the past quickly come to the surface again. But then, at the campfire during the first night already, there's a sudden bright light in the sky and all electronic equipment ceases to function. Next morning, the group starts exploring the area and slowly come to realize that the animals have gone wild and that all human life seemingly has vaporised. Moreover, they experience that, if anyone get separated from the group, they mysteriously vanish as well. I honestly wished I could grant "The End" with an even higher rating than I did now, because it's an overall very captivating and atmospherically unfolding apocalyptic tale with several original plot elements, terrific performances and some of the most staggering filming locations I've ever seen. The characters are identifiable, their thoughts and reasoning are realistic, and their gradually increasing paranoia and despair is sensible. In fact, "The End" is the type of film that remains downright brilliant for as long as any kind of explanation isn't required yet. And although I know some films deliberate avoid explanations and leave everything open for personal interpretation, it's eventually the total lack thereof that prevented me from giving an even higher rating. Especially when the climax is approaching, the script raises too much questions and contradictions for its own good. Don't go into "The End" expecting any virulent apocalyptic action, neither, as the world goes under without any drop of bloodshed. There's beautiful cinematography and music, a few excellent scenes with mountain goats and a pack of wild dogs, and a devoted cast including the ravishing young beauty Clara Lago. Definitely recommend, but in case you want to see the absolute finest (in my humble opinion, of course) apocalypse movie from Spain, seek out the criminally underrated and obscure "Before the Fall" ("Tres Días")
estebangonzalez10 ¨The end is closer than you can imagine.¨Fin (The End) is a Spanish film that was officially selected for the Toronto International Film Festival last year. It's a thriller that really never thrilled me and I was highly disappointed with this film because despite having an unknown director, Jorge Torregrossa (mostly known in Spain for directing TV series), the screenplay was adapted by two well known Spanish writers, Sergio Sanchez (The Orphanage) and Jorge Guerricaechevarria (Cell 211), who have written some great screenplays. It was not the case with The End because one of the weakest aspects about this film for me was the script which never managed to create likable characters or believable situations. If you are going to make a thriller you better back it up with a decent story, but here they never explain the strange developments. This could have worked perhaps as a TV series, but in a 90 minute movie we never got to care for any of the characters and what we really wanted to know never was explained. The End is one of those films that tries to be all philosophical but never ends up saying anything at all. It doesn't reward the viewer for their patience. The film was adapted from David Monteagudo's novel which I have never read and really don't want to after watching this. I imagine it never explains any of the strange events occurring either. There are about nine actors in the entire film and we never really care for any of them. The only positive thing I can say about this movie is that it was nicely shot thanks to the beautiful landscape chosen as the setting for the story. The plot is pretty simple; a group of friends decide to reunite after 20 years in a beautiful mountain cabin. This group of friends seem to have been really tight, but something happened in their past that has separated them and continues to haunt them. Sara (Carmen Ruiz) is the one who decided to reunite the group for the weekend after calling each one of them. Sergio (Miguel Fernandez) decides to go with his apparent girlfriend Eva (Clara Lago), while Maribel (Maribel Verdu) goes with her husband Rafa (Antonio Garrido). Maribel and Sergio had a relationship in the past, but haven't seen each other since the episode 20 years ago. Felix (Daniel Grao), the Casanova of the group, is dating Cova (Blanca Romero). Everything seems to be just fine as the group is laughing together as they camp outside, but Sara is worried that their friend known as the prophet (Eugenio Mira) hasn't showed up. The reason she is so worried is because he was the one that convinced her to call everyone because he wanted to see them. Apparently the prophet was the reason why the group broke up in the first place after he suffered a severe seizure and began prophesying about the end of the world. He was institutionalized, but Sara said he was recovering very well and that is why she insisted on everyone meeting again. Around midnight a strange incident involving a thundering noise and lightning takes place, which leaves the place without lights or communication. The vehicles don't work either as apparently some strange magnetism has affected them. All of a sudden some of them begin to vanish and no one knows what is going on.The plot seems pretty interesting but believe me the film isn't. The director never takes time to explain the strange events, and the back stories of each character are never explained clearly. The reason why the group disintegrated 20 years ago is really poorly developed and doesn't make much sense really. I was really disappointed with this and expected more considering the plot seemed pretty inventive. This is just another failed attempt at a thriller which really never has any thrills. The cast in this film doesn't stand out either. The only well known actress here is Maribel Verdu, but she doesn't play an important role. The entire mystery and eeriness of the film is never explained at all which made me feel like everything was a complete waste of time. We see the events unfolding before our eyes, but we are never explained why these things are occurring. The End just felt pointless for me and I wouldn't recommend this film.