The End of Love
The End of Love
R | 01 March 2013 (USA)
The End of Love Trailers

Mark is a struggling actor stuck between the life he once knew and the one waiting for him. When the mother of his two-year-old son suddenly passes away, Mark is forced to confront his shortcomings. Their fates, now intertwined, hang in the balance as Mark grapples with his ability to grow up. When he meets Lydia, a young mother, he is no longer able to live in the comfort of denial.

Steineded How sad is this?
GazerRise Fantastic!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
MassDistraction Quite possibly the most frightening movie I've seen since Amour, and the single most effective ad for birth control. Writer and director Mark Webber plays Mark, a single dad in Hollywood, and enlists his friends to play unflattering versions of themselves.Mark is struggling. He's a widowed dad and an aspiring actor who is potentially THE WORST dirty talker around. Dragging around his kid, Isaac, wherever he goes and borrowing money from one friend to pay back another, he still seems pretty oblivious to reality. And while his resilience is admirable, it can be pretty painful to witness his embarrassments.The first half of the story is pretty unremarkable. Similar to how Mark treats his kid, the movie drags us by the hand from place to place with no focus or direction and has all the excitement of running errands. Things do pick up in the second half, however, with the film's strongest scenes stacked up next to each other as it becomes genuinely engaging for perhaps the first time. Unfortunately, it runs out of track before it can stick the landing.The real pearl here is the relationship between Mark and Isaac (Issac Love) and the performance Webber draws from his real-life son. The two have a wonderful, genuine connection that carries most of the film. I may have been pulled in further had he not been a dead ringer for the kid from Pet Sematary. However, one couldn't help pity the poor little guy for some of the situations he's put in, as Mark is so desperate for someone to share his pain, he forces his son to experience loss so that Mark doesn't have to face it alone. One imagines this is just the beginning.
dnicar Being a single Dad, I could feel the same emotions this guy was going through. The awkward relationship moments, the moments of hope when you think everything's gonna be okay, and then you get broadsided by some ridiculous turn of events that costs you your last few bucks. And all the while you've gotta figure out where to find food and shelter for your kid. Mark Webber has full-on captured this part of life. It was painful to watch, and I could have easily lost it and cried if had allowed myself that luxury, but like Mark in the movie, you don't always have that safe place to really let go and get it all out. What a great movie he has written and directed!
Lajollasurfnturf This movie was a major bummer. I saw it at the festival and it was one of the few that I didn't enjoy. It's so disappointing because I feel like it had tons of potential. It's basically about an awful father who won't grow up and do what's right for his son. It's really pathetic. It also drove me crazy how many actors they threw in there to up the cast list. I think only one actor had a character name and the others went by their real names. The most annoying of which being Michael Cera. They didn't even call him by just his first name, he was always "Michael Cera." And his character was a total asshole, which ruined Arrested Development for me. There were a couple tender moments, and Isaac was super cute, but not enough to redeem the movie.
cmk714 I saw this movie at Sundance 2012 and it gripped me from the opening shot, with his waking son's feet on his back. I cried throughout the entire flick. It's an honest, raw look at parenthood and it struck a chord. Mark Webber captures the balance between wanting the freedom of single life and the over-protective roar of parenting where you'll do whatever it takes for your child.Well done. Spoilers:My two favorite scenes were the first one in the graveyard, when Mark is asking for help from his wife and his son spontaneously hugs him. His choked out "thank you" is incredibly moving. My second favorite scene was when he's asked to leave his apartment at the end of the month but is so angry he gathers up his sleeping son and bails right then...only to realize that probably wasn't the smartest decision. I've been there...not kicked out but so ticked off at actions by non-parents that I just left in an effort to protect my son and ended up walking down a Phoenix street in the 120 degree heat. Dumb. And humbling.