The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer
The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer
PG | 07 December 2010 (USA)
The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer Trailers

The amazing story of Daniel, a dolphin who abandons the safety of his pod to explore the ocean and discover the true purpose of his life.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rhiannon S I originally bought this movie for $1 at a Blockbuster sale, thinking "Oh, hey, what could be better than the story of a dolphin with a dream?" After watching it with my friends, we realized the answer to that was NOTHING. NOTHING IS BETTER THAN THE STORY OF DANIEL Alexander DOLPHIN. Although the first part of the movie drones on and on about stupid clichés, it starts getting good once Sparky appears. I mean, who doesn't love fart humor? His side comment of "Those are my stinky friends" had us on the floor dying of laughter. The epitome of the comedy of this movie was when Daniel finallyyyy decided to listen to the Voice of the Ocean and leave the Lagoon. After saying his full name in every single sentence, the leader dolphin (who was so cleverly named Leader) yelled after Daniel that he was making a mistake, but Daniel ignored him and jumped over the cove to achieve his dream of surfing as the entire dolphin community watched him leave. Then, just in case you missed it, Leader turned to his followers and said "Someone has broken the law today... (wait for it)... It was Daniel." AS IF THEY WEREN'T ALL GATHERED AROUND HIM YELLING "DANIEL DON'T" "DON'T DO IT DANIEL" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING DANIEL" AND DIDN'T SEE HIM DRAMATICALLY LEAP THROUGH THE AIR TO LEAVE. But the greatest character in this whole show is Carl, the squid who tagged along on Daniel's journey to go after his dream and fulfill the prophecy. He was great as the comic relief (as if the film really needed a comic relief)! All I have to say is Carl is the man. Also, the Fly Daniel Dolphin Fly song was a nice touch and I hope to add it as my ringtone or possibly a ringback tone so that others can enjoy the cinematic genius that is "The Dolphin."All in all, I cannot stop raving to everyone I know about this superb film. All of my friends loved it! Well, apart from the one who sat in the corner banging her head against the wall and threatening suicide.
Terastas I won't lie: This movie is flawed. Big time. The characters are mostly personality-deprived, the writing is terrible, and the plot has a tendency to rush through things with deus ex machina then stretch things out with pointless dribble.But for all of its faults, I can't hate this movie. . . Much.The most maddening thing about it, in fact, is that it has its moments of brilliance. The animation is anything but lazy, especially during above-water sequences (the water movements is pretty convincing). The soundtrack (with exception of the "Fly Daniel Dolphin" song) is nicely assembled, and the villain is a thing of brilliance (up until the big reveal at the end, at least).The impression I'm given is that this movie was a labor of love for some people -- that some people REALLY wanted this movie to be good, but that a couple of other people just got high and winged it at the last second. I'm left with the impression that it's more an example of wasted potential and less one of how low the entertainment industry can go.Again, it's not a good movie, but for an animation buff, there is enough in here to make it worth a rental at least.
ulsuspect worst movie i have ever seen. seen 5 minutes and i made an IMDb account just cause of how bad it is. worst dialogue ever in a movie worst animation ever scariest villain ever 100 foot barracuda. I messed up first time writing this review but its so bad i had to rewrite it do not subject you or your children to this movie and i have to pretend i like it cause my little sister likes it i almost have 10 lines so please don't watch it I love watching bad movies but this is really that bad do not watch it And i thought good burger was a good movie it shows you how bad this movie is So do not watch this and i really cant get 10 lines out of this very easily but worst dialogue ever this is brutal and should not be viewed by children its horrible and bad its about dreams and he never says what it is also it says being selfish is a good thing and it teaches things your 5 year old obviously already knows
Voitcus When I saw trailers, I thought this would be a good movie for my 4-year old son. Calm water, nice dolphins, fish, sunsets on the sea etc. "Maybe it would be something like 'Finding Nemo'" - I thought. So we went to the cinema with all family and after about 25 minutes we left it. It was the first time ever I left the cinema before movie ending credits.First of all, one doesn't know what the movie is about. There is a dolphin, his family and he wants to leave them and find something, probably it's like searching for the sense of life. It's called "dreaming" in the movie. We don't know why he feels bad with his family, what is wrong, and so on. The time goes by and we are feeling bored, because we know no reasons and goals, we don't even know that there are any, but they are to be revealed later.But OK, he escapes. He is then chased by some kind of 100 meters large barracuda. Is it his imagination? Or is it real? One doesn't know, but I think that asking and answering such questions is too difficult for a 4-year old kid.This barracuda is very horrible, not only because of it's behavior (attempting to kill the dolphin), it looks very scary, it's large and aggressive. When it had shown up for the second time, we went away, or maybe "escaped" would be a better word.The only thing I found quite good was the animation of water. In fact, each small wave was shown in high detail, each light reflection seems to be physically correct. I think, although I'm no biologist, that the animals may have been designed correctly.In my opinion this is not a movie for children, because of its brutality and, in fact, no sense the kid could understand. Neither it is not a movie for older people, it's waste of time, it is boring. It is also difficult to distinguish characters (dolphins) from one another.