The Deep End of the Ocean
The Deep End of the Ocean
PG-13 | 12 March 1999 (USA)
The Deep End of the Ocean Trailers

A three-year-old boy disappears during his mother's high school reunion. Nine years later, by chance, he turns up in the town in which the family has just relocated.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Austin Cartwright This is an original and well-written story — unlike most movies, which have predictable and time-worn story lines. It's about real people with real emotions, decent people trying to deal with difficult situations.I liked the characters. I liked the realistic way they dealt with the situations. And there wasn't any overacting, like you see so often in movies. People didn't go around screaming or otherwise overdramatizing, and yet their feelings were apparent. It was well acted by all.Most parents consider their children to be their possessions. Some parents have no regard for their children's feelings. Only a parent who really loves his or her child thinks of the child's happiness and best interests above all else. This picture recognizes this fact.This is an excellent movie. I really enjoyed it.
Juni78ukr I never heard of a Jacquelyn Mitchard's book on which the movie is based but somehow something about Deep End of the Ocean has attracted my attention. After long searches last week I watched this movie on DVD and I have to say that I liked it, though maybe I liked in a different way than other movies. Although I don't rank this movie among my favorites I think Deep End of The Ocean is worthy of your attention and it definitely has its moments. The story begins when we have a look at life of Beth Cappadora (Michelle Pfeiffer) a strong woman, who has an average, relatively successful and happy American family with three kids, but soon their life is falling apart because of an inexplicable disappearance of the youngest of their sons, three year old Ben (the other son, Vincent is seven). Everyone is blaming himself for such terrible loss and getting lost in their own feelings and emotions. While her husband Pat (Treat Williams) is trying to bring his family life back on normal tracks, Beth from the first look is suffered the most and using words of one of the characters she is "making career of being unhappy". After nine years of imitating a normal life they move into another city and one day they meet a boy, who lives in a neighborhood. Immediately they realize that he is their son, who they have lost many years ago but after such wondrous discovery the question is what will be a family's reaction as well what will be a reaction of a boy who doesn't remember anything about his real parents and family. So it's easy to notice that the movie consists of two parts, when first smoothly passes into second. The story is relatively good developed and is rather sad at parts, although I believe that overall Deep End of the Ocean is not enough emotional as a movie with such subject is supposed to be. I liked characters development in the movie except Michelle Pfeiffer's character Beth, which in my opinion is overly contradictory and complicated. Somehow such characters are common for Michelle and she is mainly coping with her part. Her husband, Pat, who is trying to restore lost connections looks much more convincing and Treat Williams's performance really impressed me. Finally, characters of two brothers, Vincent and Sam and relations between them are one of the strongest parts of the movie. Both Jonathan Jackson and Ryan Merriman are excellent at their characters and I have to say that I particularly liked the ending of the movie. Obviously some people could find this ending sappy and made for TV but I would certainly disagree with such an approach. Even if it was a little rushed the ending is very satisfying and contains the best (and the most memorable) scenes in the whole movie. This ending made me for some time forgot about any criticism I should notice some minor faults besides already mentioned in my review, which fortunately are unable to make an influence to my overwhelmingly positive impression of Deep End of The Ocean. Although, Ulu Grossbard's direction is mostly decent, some scenes are not so carefully made as most parts of the movie while some other parts (fortunately not many and not in the crucial points) as well as some dialogs are not free from using rather formulaic clichés. But I want to say once again that despite these minor notes of criticism (remember that nothing is perfect) I think Deep End of The Ocean is a pretty good movie, which deserves not to be missed. My grade 8 out of 10
triple8 MANY SPOILERS THROUGHOUT POST: This is one time I have to disagree with the majority. I thought Deep End of the ocean was a really good movie. I'm surprised so many don't like it. I found it to be a mature, thought provoking and disturbing drama with excellent performances all around from everybody. The cast actually, were not just good but superb. The movie was not overly long and in the time it ran, I was able to really get a good grasp on all the characters and thought the character development was actually excellent. I was really surprised by the low rating.Many have mentioned how the movie glossed over a lot. I can understand that but the movie wasn't all that long-it didn't really have time to go into everything. And also, I rather liked that the movie stayed fast paced and engrossing without lingering to long on just one thing. A lot of what the characters were feeling were picked up in the various scenes and the story was simply to complicated to go into everything-otherwise it probably would have been about eight hours. Though I really could see this having been a mini series....I think, in a way, Deep End was boxed a little into a corner, if it had gotten to much heavier it may have been labeled manipulative. As it is, the ending was considered to "Hollywood." I actually thought the way it ended was the best possible ending a story such as this could have had. And it was believable to, though throughout the whole thing, I was thinking "joint custody". Although that wasn't exactly the way it was done it was close enough, and I found it a great ending to a very good movie.One other thing I liked was the fact that the story didn't go into never ending tragedy land. By that I mean, none of the main characters are critically injured, , no divorces and custody fights etc etc.... the focus was kept on the individuals and how they dealt with this situation, rather then introducing as many bad things as possible. This played very well as it was a tearjerker in one sense, but also was really thought provoking, and much empathy could be felt for almost everybody from Sam to the natural parents to the adoptive father to the natural brother and sister. All were complex and interesting characters.I'd give this an 8 of 10, I really thought it was very well done and wish it had a somewhat higher rating on here.
MichaelOates "The Deep End Of The Ocean" was a movie that was supposed to bring tears from people's eyes but the director failed to do so and it sunk in the ocean after thirty minutes after it left port. "The Deep End Of The Ocean" stars Treat Williams, Michelle Pfieffer, and Jonathan Jackson. The cast billing is better than the film itself; and that says a lot for the writers and director. I was disappointed in Michelle Pfieffer as it seemed her performance was sub-par and seemed to be at the level of a beginner. "The Deep End Of The Ocean" was based around a kidnapping, no real mystery or suspense to speak of or no real tears came from my face. I mean if the director wants to make a movie surrounding this type of situation I would think that there should be more sentimental moments and cut out the arguments with the child that was kidnapped about what he should and should not do. The only thing that people should bring is a bag so they could put it over their heads to avoid watching it.Treat Williams really is the only actor worth recognizing in this bad mess they call a movie; though, there are good parts in this movie. Williams, your typical villain, plays Pat Cappadora the husband and father who keeps the family together after Ben was kidnapped. When, the mother was near a breakdown it was the father who held everything together and eventually was the one who snapped his wife into reality again. My only other favorite scene occurred between the two brothers.I wouldn't force this film on anyone, though it did have its moments.