The Darwin Conspiracy
The Darwin Conspiracy
PG | 14 January 1999 (USA)
The Darwin Conspiracy Trailers

The frozen body of a prehistoric, but super-advanced, human leads scientists to start covert DNA experiments for the development of a new race of super beings.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Leofwine_draca THE DARWIN CONSPIRACY is a very silly TV movie indeed, one that adopts the principle of human evolution and super DNA for its own ridiculous ends. There are shades of both RAIN MAN and THE LAWNMOWER MAN in the tale of a mentally challenged baseball fan who finds himself injected with some super DNA serum (discovered in an ancient body in the ice) and becomes this genius who escapes and is pursued by government forces.It's as ridiculous as it sounds, and the limitations of the TV movie budget are nowhere more apparent than here. The calibre of the acting is completely below par, with nobody putting in anything approaching a decent performance. Many of the scenes are completely ridiculous, like when they bring in an ill-advised telekinetic aspect to the narrative (the 'hubcap attack' is incredibly bad). My favourite bad moment, though, is when a super-intelligent chimp steals a car and goes on a rampage - hilarious stuff.This nonsense was written by none other than Glen A. Larson, creator of TV fare like THE FALL GUY and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, but it's fair to say it's probably his worst effort. Dutch director Winrich Kolbe had decades of experience behind the camera so you wonder why he didn't produce a better product.
Neil Keeble Is this film for real, to start with the sound quality is awful. Not to mention the music score, they have back ground music (I guess to enhance the intensity) where none is needed... I wonder if Christopher Scott Larson who I guess did the score ever worked again outside McD's.As for the plot, very week. The acting was very poor and woody.. Fortunately I've seen Kevin Tighe in other shows since he made this and he was a lot better in those. It was very difficult for me to see it to the end.In summary the best parts of this film were the Ad breaks..... Hope I didn't spoil the plot for you, if there was one?
pchic This movie has been slandered so much by IMDB "Ebert Wanna-bees" to the point where I can't help but wonder if these people wake up in the mornings and think up new derogatory descriptions for movies that are made strictly for face value. This movie has its faults but it is still well within the limits of being categorized as "IMDB's 250 worst"!!! I grew up watching Manimal, Knight Rider, 6 Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Wild Wild West, Bat Man, Gilligan's Island, etc... My fellow IMDB "users" and in fact that is exactly what they are NOT anything else have (I am for the first time "assuming") at one time or another have watched the earlier mentioned TV shows (providing that that they are old enough) and have actually enjoyed at least some episodes of them!!! This movie is no different. Granted, the reality aspect is "plausible" and the acting mildly melodramatic, but for God's sake, stop bashing it!!! Basically it is Good VS. Evil. It has all the necessary components of a good old fashioned TV movie: No illegal drug using/selling, 50 curse words between commercial breaks, no racial slurs, etc... Again, this movie is just meant to be entertaining, not to have each scene scrutinized under a microscope by someone who apparently just needs to get laid to get out their frustrations before sitting down at the keyboard and verbally squashing movies. I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE. SO (*&^$%)(&$ all of those who continue to bash this movie and others of the same. It accomplished what it was made for: "To Be Entertaining"!!!!!!!!!! That is all I have to say. Like me or hate me, but THAT IS MY OPINION!!!!!!!
linusmoke dot com pretty simple: this made-for-tv movie is a real dog. i wouldnt get very excited about it, but the flick is worth watching if you can look at it from a tongue-in-cheek POV. first off, i think you gotta expect that anything coming from glen larson is going to be cheesy. i mean, come on; this is the guy who brought us Manimal, Automan, Knight Rider, Buck Rogers, and Battlestar Galactica. (hey, i love this stuff; just dont take it too seriously!) i might suggest doing something around the house while you have this movie on, as i'm not sure this rather slow and rambling film in itself is really enough to hold your attention.the real treat in this movie is the appearance of kevin tighe of Emergency! fame. he plays the bad guy, and i had to chuckle nearly every time he was on camera. love the mustache, kevin!i do think there are some intriguing conceptual elements in this film, however, and i'm not talking about the reconstitution of DNA, which we've already had a thorough explanation of in Jurassic Park. rather, the idea that there may possibly have been human civilizations previous to our own that could perhaps have been more technologically advanced than we are. that is interesting. AND, what of the notion that we modern humans only utilize 10% of our brain capacity? can we really use more than that, and did early humans use more than that? i think these are interesting ideas, that when reflected upon, say a lot about our current human condition and the civilization in which we live.