The Cry
The Cry
R | 12 May 2007 (USA)
The Cry Trailers

In New York, detective Alex Scott is investigating with his partner Sergio Perez the disappearance of several children. When they visit the Mexican witch Gloria, the woman advises that a powerful evil force is chasing the reincarnation of her son and drowning the other children to bring pain to their mothers.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Michael Ledo This is another of a half dozen or so poorly acted poorly scripted La Llorona film about the legend of the demon that causes women to drown their own children. The production couldn't hold my interest 3 minutes into the film. They used typical horror piano music and what was that fakey looking red-eye make-up? Horror fans will be bored to tears.
SEFEROTHxNARUTO_705 *SPOILERS*This movie is about little Rob and his red ball, or so i thought, he was kill. Amazing plot twist in the first three minutes. Sometimes the movie was actually really good but I didn't fully focus on it in person. My brother insisted on watching the movie because of his inner hatred towards our mother who is a drunken alcohol. I was busy with my hot girlfriend Jessica on snapchat. The car scene was a bit weird. The cradle baby infant is a horrible actor who should be ashamed of him/herself. Jessica wanted to skype so I didn't watch the rest but my brother said it was good so I rate it a 5. he's really good with movies and saw a lot of movies like advengers and batman.
windtar wow, was this film awful....$1 rental at redbox wasted.the only reason i watched the whole thing is because i'm paralyzed and when in bed i couldn't shut it off myself, lol.every scene was long and drawn out with boring camera scenes.the flashbacks were long and boring and very predictable.nothing was interesting or could cut out 45 minutes of this film and not lose anything to the story.the cast was awful, and i wanted the spirit to kill everyone just so movie would end.i'd watch my mother the car reruns before this film, hehe.the only thing the writer should feel proud of is she found a sucker to finance it.Stink-A-Roo don't waste your time.
msw_rdc The Cry is a take on the La Llorona legend of Mexico and America. The two countries have many different takes on the legend. This film seems by all accounts to take from one of the Mexican legends of La Llorona hunting down children and drowning them.The director Bernadine Santistevan film is stylishly shot, and looks fantastic, but unfortunately it lacks any substance. Nothing is ever really explained in the film, like for example why La Llorona turned up in New York of all places. Why not Mexico where there is more history of the legend, and most importantly why she choose her victims.Without these major points explained in the movie it all seemed kind of pointless. One other thing I don't think an evil spirit possessing mothers to kill their own babies (and very young babies at that) is not a very good idea for a film. There are so many variations on this legend why not choose one that's a little less disturbing.To sum it up people looking for "Dead Silence" or "Darkness Falls" type of film don't bother renting this, but people with an active interest in the La Llorona legend my find it interesting.