The Cosmonaut
The Cosmonaut
| 17 May 2013 (USA)
The Cosmonaut Trailers

In 1975, the first Russian cosmonaut on the Moon is unable to make his way back and is declared missing in space.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
ChaChangenge The Cosmonaut is original, sad and beautifully delivered Sci-Fi story of love and adventure. Pay attention and enjoy. BTW, if your are one of those who base their reviews on budget and CGI, you should really stick to flashy garbage from Hollywood.
CHRIS P BACON Dear god what happened here? i read up about it how 4000 people helped fund the film and all the different locations the story sounded interesting the actors looks plausible a done deal welcome to Hollywood..Err not quite! i sat down with my wife and as we don't watch that many films now a days as we watched them all years ago i thought this sounds a decent film, so on it came with an Italian guy speaking in Italian good job my wife is Spanish as she translated it all, what he was saying sounded interesting and after what seemed like a year before he stopped talking and the film started (He talked way too long), we watched & we watched & we watched there was one thing missing any signs of movement? it was just actors talking and talking and not an ounce of action? i mean i didn't expect a Die Hard film as it was never going to be one but when actors are basically just talking and talking and there is nothing interesting happening..THEN it happened a shot in the woods where a return module/rocket with one man inside had just landed it was red hot it had just entered the earths atmosphere so you couldn't go near it until it cools down fire all around it BUT WAIT! an actor just opens the side hatch with his bare hand? Maybe he was from another film like Iron Man and he has super strengths & cant feel any pain? then there is the point they are all supposed to be Russian and yet are clearly English! it lost a lot of interest from me when they made this decision and they should of had Russian actors either dubbed over or subs it just wasn't original for me! i wanted it to be so much more i was screaming at my TV "Come on guys don't let me down" but they did the film failed in a way i suppose "Shot down in flames" comes to mind! & this is a real shame! simple "Attention to details" would of made this film so much more realistic? the music was lovely in the films and the locations too but for me although the actors where really good the mistakes made it too Amateur so i would only give it a 3/10
cope650 I'm going to keep this short and sweet, as I rarely go out of my way to review on IMDb, but this movie has a ~5/10 currently. That is RIDICULOUS.This movie is beautiful, as another reviewer said, almost like poetry. It had enough sci-fi in it to satisfy the science nerd in me, yet how the film impacted me from an emotional standpoint is where it really hits home. Watch this movie. It's certainly open to some interpretation, but I thought it was almost majestic (some scenes, for sure), and is definitely worth a watch. It's disgusting that this movie isn't reviewed higher, it was better than 90% of films I see.
San Mahajan I can understand this is a mass funding project and they showing it for free and I should respect the producers and the director but I am not sure why 5000 involved people wasted their money and time after the vision of one guy.. the director who don't even understand what is directing.This movie is just awfully boring from start. After first 5 min I lost the track of what was happening on screen. It is so boring that if you have a sleep disorder you may want to watch it instead of taking sleeping pills.. this movie will indeed make you sleep.Movie should be entertaining, interesting and captivating. This is exactly opposite to that.Don't listen to those positive reviews wrote by their own team to market this crap..Director should be ashamed for wasting everyone's time..specially viewers.In the beginning of the movie they say.. you decide how much you want to pay to watch this movie.. Well.. You need to pay us.. The Viewers to watch this crap.You guys should sell Mars bars at the football game rather then making movies. Cause clearly you don't know how to make a one..