The Congress
The Congress
NR | 03 July 2013 (USA)
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An aging, out-of-work actress accepts one last job, though the consequences of her decision affect her in ways she didn't consider.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Jithin K Mohan The first 40 minutes of the films are in live action where Robin Wright plays a version of herself who's promising acting career didn't really flesh out after her success in the 80's and 90's while her while taking care of her family and the film industry is revolutionizing itself by using scans of actors to make films. Then for the next hour, it turns into an animated film which stays close to the novel The Futurological Congress, a completely surreal experience.The first stands as a commentary on how the film industry is exploiting artists and the fascist standpoint of the studios along with all the ethical and moral conundrums. But it's when the animated section starts that we understand that it's actually a much wider problem we are seeing here, it's not just the film industry but the whole world that is forgetting the true nature of being human and is embracing the virtual world of lies.Although it throws some of its concept on your face and may feel a little over ambitious to some it's an epic journey that is truly a unique experience. Ari Folman is definitely a genius helming films like this one and Waltz With Bashir
InfinateANGELzPORTALz I seen that it was a Sci-Fi film,which is a genre that I enjoy(along with it's many combined sub-genres like Dystopian,Post- Apocalypse,Future,Colonization,etc.),that's often combined w/mystery,thriller,or even fantasy for a brief examples.I read the few sentence movie summary on Amazon,&thought I'd see what I thought of it,being there really seems like I'm finding few films of the kinds I also like to read in ebooks,too.I did watch the flick the whole way through,even though roughly once it had hit the Animation part roughly half way through.It made the movie less and less interesting,more like a drug induced look to the form of animation in it.Which it both made me think that it stole from the movies actual potential for being better,IMHO.Along with the fact that I kept me saying to myself the times we too have sat there thinking in a almost Mantra-like thought(&wish...),"This has to be getting better soon!!This has to be getting better soon!!" Yet by the time this film to me,just,ended.All I could think was,no,it didn't get better,And regretted even the rental fee it'd cost me!Sad but true,LOL! Granted,if Id have also looked on IMDb,&seen they have this listed also as Animation,&Drama w/this movies genres.It wouldn't have deterred me from trying it,because the summary I read seemed like it would be a decent movie.But,with my likes,&opinions being different from others,which also means w/out giving up spoilers,unless you watch it,you either agree or disagree w/me.My overall thoughts of this movie was that it had potential to be better in the right hands,being the story had some good ideas there and in a lot of places I would have strongly done changes,to have the mix of some animation flow,intermix more-so,to interact better...Just my thoughts,anyhow!!...
Jeffrey Burton It is an absolute shame this movie didn't just stick with it's original premise. Great actors in this! Robin Wright is steady, graceful, beautiful, emotionally vulnerable and thoughtful. You really bond with her as almost everyone in personal sphere says very intrusive and unflattering things about her. Things that she obviously feels about herself. Harvey Keitel gives a great performance as Robin's agent, long time friend, confidant and champion. Danny Houston is smarmy and easy to detest as the crass studio head. Paul Giamati is also here and good as usual. This movie promises an emotional and intellectual catharsis about the nature of art, individuality, mortality and immortality. I thought at first it might be an Able Ferrara picture and paused it to check. It wasn't and it's a damn shame. If the movie had stayed with it's emotional core and thought provoking theme it could have been something special. Instead, with no set up, it takes this bizzaro, forced and unnatural turn into Toon Town, without the live action. I'm mean it actually throws out all the big questions and the real Robin Wright is replaced with an animated one in an animated environment. There is no amount of suspension of disbelief that can save this ham handed transition. And the incredible level of pretentiousness that happens after this 'twist' is nauseating. I mean like bad community college creative lit class bad. The resolution of it all may just as well be, 'And then she woke up... It had all been a dream...' This is the type of movie where YOU KNOW if you were involved your hand would be up and you'd be screaming 'STOP! Let's just keep with the original premise!!!' and you wonder how someone didn't. I saw a production cost of 34 million which is very hard to believe. I can understand the the budget for the actors but for the animation??? Though some of the imagery is good, the animated sequences are incredibly average in quality and they totally take you out of the movie. This should of and could have been a great character piece. As it is, it's a mess and looks like all the big name actors were doing a very untalented filmmaker a favor. He sure didn't do them or us one. Damn shame. SMDH...
Jaybird248 Warning: Possible spoilers included.First, let's get the title out of the way. The movie has nothing to do with politics.That aside, it's an amazing piece of movie-making. The premise, that when an actor appears in a film, the actual actor is no longer needed, is fascinating. For a fee, that person gives up everything that he or, in this case, she is. The purchaser of that identity is thereafter free to use it in any way, without further permission.And use it, the fictional movie maker, a mash up of the names Miramax and Paramount, does, creating an ageless superhero when the person shown is actually an aged lady. But that crass form of identity theft and manipulation goes even farther as the movie company creates ways to steal everyone's identity to create a cartoonish world of name droppers and fantasy creatures, all shown in some of the most remarkable animation ever on a screen.All in all, The Congress is an odd, but fascinating look at a future when we give up all we are in exchange for entertainment. Worth an Oscar? No. Worth watching. Yes.
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