The Closer You Get
The Closer You Get
| 27 December 2000 (USA)
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Irish lads send an ad to the Miami Herald inviting fit and enticing women, between the ages of 20 and 21, to live in their isolated Donegal village. The whole town knows about the ad, and it sharpens everyone's sense of the opportunities for happiness already at hand. Kate, a publican with a young daughter, is separating from her husband and catches the eye of a bachelor sheep farmer. Kieran the butcher realizes that his assistant Siobhan is comely, and then he discovers she's fiery as well. Ollie sends off for Dutch skin magazines that the village postmistress won't release to him. The men, and women, find counsel in their movie-loving priest. Will anyone answer the ad?

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Dermot-6 This film should not be viewed by Irish people. It portrays them as thick, ignorant people who couldn't catch a cold. Basically it's about a bunch of lads in County Donegal who want to find some women, so they advertise in the Miami Herald for American women "to share in the outdoor life.... Indoor facilities also available".Just about sat through it in the cinema. It's Ok but that's all the praise I'm giving it. Good luck to yis.
Chris_Docker A beautiful and worthy film, set in a small and fairly isolated village in Ireland, yet, like the village and its inhabitants, the film is also, sadly, rather forgettable. The people living in this tiny community, whilst optimistic, charismatic and full of life, also realize the dead-end nature of their situation. The men long to travel and meet beautiful women in exotic places. They put an ad in an American publication hoping to attract women to join them for a local dance, but the women fare rather better by attracting the local Spanish fishermen. The movie could easily have degenerated into Hollywood-style unbelievability but it resists the temptation. The characters, their lives, and how they develop are convincing and moving. The title refers to missing what is important (in love and life) when it is under your nose. A lovely feelgood movie.
inishowen I think that this film achieved what it meant to do. It isn't a blockbuster - simply a great laugh, with a slightly far fetched story line and engaging characters.The story is a simple one; the lack of available female companionship for the local lads of a rural Irish village and the twist comes when the ladies in the village add their own "twist" to the tale. The lesson isn't mindblowing ... but its obvious that the love interest both sexes search for is right under their own noses.The comedy is rapid and continuous, not too taxing on the brain. I laughed from soon after the opening sequences finished. Some funny performances to watch out for. Niamh Cusacks performance and her interaction with her daughter, played by Deborah Barnett is touching and both performances are excellent. I think the latter is a local girl and I'm sure she has a future in the business, in fact both children in the film have natural talent.I laughed, I enjoyed myself and I didnt take it seriously. Go see.
daver-4 be portrayed in these quaint comedies as eccentric small town dreamers. It worked in Hear My Song (still the Irish comedy that rules in my book), The Commitments (OK, that was not set in a small town, but you get the point). Waking Ned Devine was pleasant but familiar and slight. And now The Closer You Get, which rehashes all of the "silly Irish people" elements and combines it with an idea straight out of The Full Monty (a British film about middle aged men deciding to do a strip tease to boost their morale). The message of The Full Monty was be youself and be happy with what you have. A point that The Closer You Get hammers into its viewers. I cannot actively dislike any Irish film, because even if you have a trite story and underdeveloped characters, you can always look at the scenery! I guess if we want hard-edged Irish films, we have to continue to seek out Neil Jordan's movies. I was disappointed.