The Chilling
The Chilling
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
The Chilling Trailers

The bodies at a cryogenic centre are defrosted by accident and turn into cannibalistic zombies.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Woodyanders The frozen bodies at a cryogenics lab get revived by a lighting storm and go on the rampage as lethal shambling zombies. Boy, does this honey possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as an uproariously atrocious four-star stinkeroonie: Flat-footed (mis)direction by Jack A. Sunseri and Deland Nuse, a plodding pace, some hysterically horrible acting (Ron Vincent cops the top thespic dishonors as a twitchy bank robber), ineptly staged action scenes, laughable zombies wearing shoddy dimestore plastic masks that are wrapped in tinfoil, clumsy flashbacks, tacky gore (an impalement on a forklift and a decapitation by sword rate as the definite splatter highlights), a heavy-handed central message about the evils of cryogenics, a slapdash script, and gut-busting idiotic dialogue ("Die you green bag of snot!"). The Faded Name Hall of Shame Cast further enhances the considerable campy merriment: The ever-personable Linda Blair as perky lab assistant Mary Hampton, Dan "Grizzly Adams" Haggerty as gregarious security guard Sergeant Vince Marlow, and Troy Donahue as sinister mad scientist Dr. Miller. Don't miss the ridiculous "Where are they now?" updates at the very end. An absolute cruddy hoot and a half.
Scott LeBrun This viewer is sure most people would tend towards the latter judgment.After a priceless opening text that educates us a little on cryogenics (yet is ultimately tongue in cheek), we get into the story of the living dead inundating a cryogenics lab. A bad storm creates a power outage at the lab, and the head security guard (Dan 'Grizzly Adams' Haggerty) thinks he's doing the right thing by transporting the tubes containing the dearly departed into the open where it's cooler. However, lightning strikes the tubes, and reanimates the bodies. Add to this a subplot about the nefarious head of the facility (Troy Donahue) selling human organs on the black market, and one has the recipe for a clunky and dumb B picture.Now, this viewer loves B genre pictures, good and bad, but this requires more patience than usual to get through, as it just doesn't deliver much, and doesn't offer us much that we haven't seen before. That said, I think it can only be a *good* thing to see the shambling corpse of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Hey, any distinction is worth mentioning.Directors Jack A. Sunseri (also the producer) and Deland Nuse (also the cinematographer) do what little they can with their material, and create some fun little moments here and there on the valuable "so bad it's good" level. However, they're also stuck with some unbelievably amateurish and unconvincing acting in pretty much all of the supporting roles. Jack De Rieux as nice guy businessman Joseph Davenport Sr. is a particularly big offender. Ever perky, ever lovely Linda Blair (as the evil docs' assistant (Don't worry, she wasn't in on it!)), Donahue, and Haggerty gamely put on poker faces throughout, and it is nice to see Haggerty become something of a hero after his earlier mistake.Makeup effects are substandard, but who really would expect anything different from a regional production obviously done on a low, low budget?Unfortunately, all of this just isn't as much fun as it could and should be. If one is a fan of Blair, she definitely did some better things during this period. At least at the end we get updates on all of the major players, and it does close out the picture with some real humour.Four out of 10.
udar55 I'm all about the walking dead, but my mind is still unsure of the walking, frozen dead. Sadly, THE CHILLING didn't help me make up my mind. This is really slow with nothing happening for the first 45 minutes, making me hit the "film enhancement" button several times. By the time the well designed zombies show up, it is too late and the director (two are rumored to have filmed this) has no idea how to shoot them. Haggerty, Blair and Donahue all look tired/embarrassed/recovering in some fashion. I will give the film credit as it predates the T2 ending with villains being frozen by liquid nitrogen. The Shriek Show DVD offers an extended promo reel from back in the day that runs 8 minutes long and I would actually recommend that over watching the flick in its entirety.
kingofhorrormovies i have to admit something here, i watched this movie because im a big fan of linda blair,in all movies she had a big role within the story: exorcist,hell night,chained heat even that repossesed but this movie is BORING that you cant imagine thats "her".man her role are hardly recognizable.ok now lets talk about those mutants :the ppl behind this film should made their minds straight before scripting whether its a mutant movie or a zombie movie, some readers referring to them as zombies are they zombies ? NO because i didnt saw any of them walk slow and eat human flesh in any scene, ok are they mutants? NO because mutants dont look/act funny,and i saw one scene were a mutant tickling someone's back and have a quick conversation with him,according to this "horror" catagorized movie they are "crygenic corpses"who are wearing contaminated costumes and chasing or scaring linda blair and her BORING cast.what can i say guys,linda blair shouldnt be in this movie ,and its a shame her role was a waste of her time and ours too.i dont recommend this movie to linda blair fans,im sure they will be upset,i also dont recommend horror movie collectors to buy/rent this one,and to B-movie fans :you can watch it at your own decision