The Case for a Creator
The Case for a Creator
| 15 July 2006 (USA)
The Case for a Creator Trailers

When objectively considered, does contemporary scientific evidence point toward or away from a supernatural Creator? Strobel interviewed scientists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines for the answers. Based upon a New York Times best-seller, The Case For A Creator is a remarkable film about Lee Strobel's journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in the God who has etched His indelible signature upon every galaxy and living cell. The Creator now revealed by 21st century science.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Jana Anderson I first caught sight of this documentary on YouTube a few years ago and then stumbled upon some others like it on YouTube produced through Ilustra Media and I've then since ordered the DVD Box Set. I have repeatedly watched and followed up with my own research on the scientific facts presented in this film and the others and found them to be extraordinarily accurate and very educational. Certainly substantial material that calls for a reason to pause and contemplation on the theory of Intelligent Design. The graphic depictions are amazing, the commentary is well spoken and it keeps your interest. I highly recommend it.
charmark_8 The premise of this production is "life came about because of the conditions in the universe. These conditions are all a billion to one shot. Therefore, goddidit." One wonders if it ever occurred to the producers that life occurred in this universe because life had only the conditions here to work with. If there were different conditions, then life would have been different, and the creationists in that universe would be marveling at how the conditions were so precise as to allow life.I am reminded of a quote by Douglas Adams: "...imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in. Fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'"
zach johnson I just finished watching The Case for a Creator. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll tell you that I am an atheist and am therefore biased myself. I expect that some reading that statement will probably skip over the rest of this, however, I always enjoy a challenge to my beliefs (or lack thereof) so I attempted to view this documentary with an open mind and see what sorts of assertions it made.As each claim was made, I paused the movie to do some very simple research to broaden my understanding. Without exception, I discovered each claim to be false. Not utterly false for the most part; just false enough to skip on to the next claim. The most astounding was a claim that was involved in a court case prior to the making of this film: generally expect documentaries to be well researched, and this one falls well short of the mark. Whether intentionally or not, it is misleading. Regardless of any beliefs or preconceived ideas you may have, please do yourself a favor if you watch this documentary - question it. Preferably from a variety of sources. Faith shouldn't mean believing in something that is demonstrably false, or believing because you're told to.
siroilassuper I've seen this documentary knowing of its Christian biased view because I honestly wanted to learn what is the scientific evidence in the natural world, to a supernatural god. And although I've learn the reasons why the producer and director think like they do, I have to say, they should update their arguments. the director shows interviews with some scientists and philosophers where they basically say that it is impossible for life to exist without a creator, due to the fact that it would be improbable to happen any other way. and this is a problem. not one, I'll repeat, in the whole documentary there is not one evidence of god mechanism at work, not one proof of god as a creator can be seen. the whole premise of the argument is that the scientific knowledge we have now is way too incomplete and has gaps, therefore a creator must exist. but wait, wasn't it always like that? wasn't always the core of religious ideas about the universe, based on the lack of knowledge we had? don't scientists keep on working trying to find more and more?I was disappointed with this documentary not due to the underlying religious views, but because i was expecting to actually find an intellectual case for a creator (you know, it says in the title), but instead I have this ongoing presentation of what science is still looking for, and then with a twist justifying the existence of a creator because those gaps exist.and by the way, no, I'm not afraid of confronting my own convictions like the previous comment refers to. that's what I was expecting from this documentary. it just didn't happen.