NR | 05 October 1992 (USA)
Adam Trailers

The hand of God fashions Adam out of the clay of Earth and places him on a small and empty planet. Each of Adam's actions - at first he can't stand up, then he barks like a dog, then he sleeps - requires God's intervention. After Adam discovers how small the planet is, how little there is to do, and God's unwillingness to let him leave the Earth, he is depressed, lonely and disconsolate. So God asks Adam's patience for a few minutes while He fashions a companion for Adam. Adam is delighted: he dons a bow tie, uses mouthwash, and finds a bouquet of flowers. Is God thinking what Adam is thinking? Preserved by the Academy Film Archive.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Mightyzebra Many believers of the Bible may wince when they watch this Aardman short based on the first man and God, but it is likely to entertain them in some way otherwise. People who do not believe the Bible are more likely to love this, the absurdity of "the hand of God" (played by a real human hand) and Adam being a coward and being surprisingly stupid - which makes him more the irresistibly lovable!Basically, this "amazing" short to watch, is based on the story of the first man, Adam, who comes down to a rather barren, rocky earth and learns to be like a man. The plasticene animation makes Adam look very entertaining and the hand of God is done very well. The background is also surprisingly unnerving and realistic.So, if I am not mistaken, you (hopefully) should be entertained by this short.Enjoy "Adam".
TxMike This 5-minute film short is one of 4 different shorts on one VHS tape by Aardman Animations, the group that has given us the Wallace and Gromit animations."Adam" is a whimsical look at the creation of man. We see a rather small (compared to the size of the real Earth) blue-green crater-pocked ball of clay. Onto it the hand (and arm) of God (but not really God) places this lifeless figure on the top, it falls, He picks it up, eventually it gets the hang of standing up, and then it explores this new world. Then we wonder, will we see him get his mate?? At only 5 minutes running time it doesn't require much effort to stick with it. Nothing Earth-shaking but a fun 5 minutes.
soymilk Yet another fine example of Aardman's pure unbounded brilliance, this amusing and engaging short focuses on the misadventures of a lonesome plasticine figure when his Creator (represented by a real human hand) places him on a tiny nondescript planet and brings him to life. The musical score used in the opening title is bold, beautiful and breathtaking but, in a sparkling piece of irony, when we actually get to meet this 'Adam' for ourselves, he turns out to be a weak, innocent and hopelessly naive being who, having been given life, has trouble working out exactly what it is he's supposed to be doing with it. He goes through all the various stages of coming to terms with his own existence and identity and exploring the world around him, and when it becomes apparent that Adam will never get by down there on his own, his Creator finally chooses to take more clay and mould him a companion, much to Adam's delight. Trouble is, the finished product isn't quite what our hero had in mind, making way for a hilarious and at the same time rather poignant conclusion.The animation, in spite of looking just a tad unpolished, is excellent, the sight gags are perfectly executed (I like Adam's futile attempt to head off and see the rest of the world myself), and Adam himself is as charming a stop motion character as they come. His total obliviousness to his own limitations, which somehow manage to land him in all kinds of perilous situations on this seemingly innocuous planet, is what makes him so thoroughly appealing. It all comes together to produce one of the most fascinating and ambiguous films that the Bristol-based studio has ever crafted. Did Peter Lord intend it as a social commentary on male and female relations, a statement about humankind in general, an analogy of the animator's role as 'God' to the claymation figures he sculpts and brings to 'life', or simply a playful variation on the familiar creation story? Well, that's for your own interpretation to decide, but I personally view it as being a mixture of them all. Whatever the real meaning, it's lovable, enjoyable and Aardman's most inspired shot at a non-dialogue film.Grade: A
Robert Reynolds This short was nominated for an Academy Award and is well worth watching, though it was probably about a minute too long or thereabouts. It's often amusing, but drags in spots. Interesting idea with excellent animation, but uneven and tedious at times. Recommended.
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