The Bubble
The Bubble
| 21 December 1966 (USA)
The Bubble Trailers

A couple encounter mysterious atmospheric effects in an airplane and find themselves in a town where people behave oddly.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
risteen59 When I saw this film, it was in the 1981-1982.It was titled Fantastic Invasion of Planet Earth. It was the first of two movie bill at a local theater in Dayton, Ohio. I don't remember a lot of the movie.What I remember is the events around the 2nd movie a new movie was released and the title was John Carpenter's The Thing one of the star's in The Thing was Kurt Russell.He had just recently made a movie about Elvis Presley Most of the people in the audience were women with their kids and the Elvis gear on. Once the Fantastic Invasion of Planet Earth was over the women were excited and they stayed until the husky dog got ripped open they left running in droves.That's my best memory for The Bubble aka Fantastic Invasion of Planet Earth
Steve_Gaghagen When this movie first came out, I was 16. Obler and crew did a William Castle-like ad blitz for the film and tried to give it a high-class patina. The film originally screened at the Huntington-Hartford theater in Hollywood. The HH was a great legitimate stage theater that was equipped with a screen for this event, and tickets were sold in advance.I remember a lot about how terrible the film was, but I also remember it was an absolutely hilarious evening. This is the funniest of my recollections of the evening ... and why I disclose a "spoiler" here ... although spoiling this turkey is somehow an oxymoron.At one point in the film, the two protagonists have been running from all sorts of horrible goings on, through forests, rivers, and caves. At one point the action slows a bit, things get a tad quieter, and the girl, who is stretched to the edge emotionally and started to break down says, "Do you know what today is?" Her male counterpart, who is holding her as they sit in mud in a cave somewhere, says, "No ... what?" She says, "Today is ... (sob sob) ... my ... birthday!" Then she starts to cry.And from somewhere in the back of the house, near the top of the balcony, a lone voice began singing ..."Happy birthday to you .... Happy birthday to you ..." ... and then other voices joined in ..."Happy birthday ... happy birthday ..." ... and still more joined in ... and more ..."Happy birthday to you ..." ... until the entire audience was singing the Happy Birthday song. The song was sung completely, and repeated at least twice growing louder and louder. The audience was laughing and clapping ... and singing this absurd Happy Birthday to the movie! After the film everyone was talking about how The Bubble was the worst thing seen since Plan 9 From Outer Space ... but everyone agreed that the audience and the impromptu Happy Birthday show was one of the finest moments in movie going memory ... at least in mine.I'd love to hear from anyone else who was there that night! What a HOOT!
mhlong I watched this movie in first run in the Chicago area in 1966-67. I even remember the girl I was dating. And looking around at the audience all wearing the special 3D glasses.Anway, here's the spoiler. The plot, such as it was, could be compared to a bunch of kids collecting ants, grasshoppers, etc. and putting them into a glass jar, and tossing in what ever they think would make the insects seem at home, grass, twigs, leaves.So, if some alien kid did the same to humans, what would it toss in? Part of the Lincoln Memorial, bits and pieces of things from around the world. And if a specimen died, what would a kid do? Remove it quickly not knowing if its death would affect the others still in the jar.And might bugs do if trapped in a jar? Possibly try to do the things by rote they did before. And if a new bug accidentally flew into the jar unawares, it would probably spend some time trying to figure out how to get out before falling into a repetitive life.Here's the plot in brief. Husband and wife out flying with a pilot get caught in a storm (imagine the storm from War of the Worlds), and are forced to land inside the jar/bubble. Most of the other inhabitants are living their lives as if they're robots, going through the motions of their occupations. Our heroes try to get out, the pilot dies in an attempt.I believe at the end, the bubble is lifted, but I don't remember if there is any kind of conclusion.The 3D effects were silly, like firemen carrying a ladder into the audience. Most of them had little to do with furthering the plot. I believe Johnny Desmond (the pilot) got to sing a song. He was a 2nd rate Al Martino about 10 years earlier (if you get the joke).Not much of a movie, and probably helped stifle 3D for awhile...until (ta da) late 2009.
Stereo3dguy This was not the first polarized 3-D movie by a long shot, as over 50 3-D movies were released in polarized 3-D in 1953 and 1954. Some of those were later downconverted to the inferior red/blue anaglyph format but they were not seen that way upon their initial release.However, this was the first film widely distributed in a single strip/one projector 3-D process instead of the dual strip/dual projector system used in the fifties.The film has been compared to an overlong "Twilight Zone" and that is an apt description. The widescreen 3-D is quite good. It's a bit slow, and the film was cut from the original 112m version to 90 mins for a wide 1976 3-D re-issue under the title FANTASTIC INVASION OF PLANET EARTH. Later 3-D video versions cut it further to 75 mins.Rhino's DVD restores the original title but is the 90 min version, and has been downconverted from polarized to inferior red/blue anaglyph. Still, the red/blue presentation is better than most; and is worth a purchase for 3-D fans. Just don't expect it to look as good as the original polarized glasses version.