The Bridge to Nowhere
The Bridge to Nowhere
R | 17 August 2009 (USA)
The Bridge to Nowhere Trailers

A group of 20-something blue-collar workers in Pittsburgh cook up a scheme to make extra money that involves prostitution. Their business takes off, then gets way out of hand.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Nick Aschenbecker The guy who made this movie is from Washington State and went to CMU for a while—apparently he never left the campus the whole time he was here. I have lived in and around Pittsburgh for 33+ years now and I promise you that NOBODY IN THIS TOWN TALKS LIKE THESE JAGOFFS. The lead character says "y'all". Seriously. Nobody in Pennsylvania anywhere (outside of Philly, but that's technically New Jersey) says "y'all". I don't even know what's up with his voice. He sounds like he's trying to talk like Matthew McConaughey, but failing hard.I knew something was awry when the opening had this hardcore gangster rap playing in the background about how murderous Pittsburgh is. So murderous... Maybe like 3 blocks of McKeesport and 2nd Street in Duquesne. And they're hardly Compton. And hookers, just randomly roaming the streets? Nope. Sorry. Maybe on Penn Ave downtown. I'm sure they tried to make a good movie, but they didn't try hard enough.
Phillyslugga2 Sometimes you have to be from the streets to actually enjoy a movie about the streets so since I am not a movie critic I'll give it to you straight with no chaser. I enjoyed this movie because of the story. This is the story of five friends who live in Pittsburgh, Pa. They have been friends since childhood and growing up and going nowhere which is typical in the hood, any hood, with any race especially when poverty and ignorance are involved. They had no way of making any money and needed a grind which is a hustle/grift to make some easy money and that is where the movie really takes off. These young guys came up with a brilliant idea, that is if you're from the hood, to make money. And even though the idea for their hustle was a bit far fetched they made it work. The movie involves drugs and a crooked cop which is usually typical in a B movie like this. The cop, played by Ving Rhames, was one grimy, I mean seriously grimy dude. Rhames played that role very well which made the movie work. And as I said, if you're from the streets you probably know or have known cops like the one played by Rhames. If you're not from the streets and are of the WASP culture who looks at people from the hood as lower life forms and believe that all police officers are outstanding citizens then this movie truly isn't for you.I've known of cops in Philly that were so low they could rattle around in a gnats navel and if anyone who reads this review knows of the corruption that is running rampant inside the Philly PD then you have a good idea of exactly what I'm talking about. I am not going to spoil the flick for those of you who haven't seen it, but in my humble opinion it was pretty damn good. What is really comical is that the idea could work, that is if you're willing to take the risk of spending a long time in jail, it really could. Enjoy.
charlytully In the U.S., at least, everybody knows that the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere" is in the wild boondocks of Alaska, not downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Perhaps the latter state could have qualified as "the sticks" when its namesake William Penn still was alive and kicking. However, that has NOT been the case at least since the time they built a 50-story city hall topped off by the Colossus of Penn in the Steel City's eastern neighbor of brotherly love decades ago. When Alaskan transplant Sarah Palin ran in the second spot on the national ticket of America's wealthy party in its last presidential election, this movie was in production. Since Palin vociferously (and somewhat disingenuously) campaigned against boondoggles such as the "bridge to nowhere" recently built in her backyard (it partially blocked her view of Russia), these filmmakers would have had to be living under rocks NOT to know where the REAL bridge to nowhere was.A fair-minded reviewer might want to give director Blair Underwood and whoever else had a hand in naming this movie the "benefit of the doubt," and wonder if perhaps they named this flick in some sort of misguided figurative or allegorical sense. However, an examination of the facts suggests they simply don't have a leg to stand on. The concept of a "bridge to nowhere" involves the Wealthy Party's credo of stealing from the poor, to give to the rich. Projects such as bridges to nowhere epitomize the sort of flagrant misuse of public funds in order to divert them from being used to monitor the safety and quality of food, water, air, consumer products, and our environment as they are constantly "privatized" and diminished by the minions of multi-national corporations. Conversely, the movie marketed under this inapt title merely follows a handful of small-time pimps and drug dealers as they rise, fall and kill each other in a quite take-it-or-leave-it un-involving fashion.
equazcion Four close friends from Pittsburgh (Danny Masterson, Ben Crowley, Daniel London, Sean Derry) meet a couple of prostitutes (Bijou Phillips and Alexandra Breckenridge), and decide to hire them to start their own prostitution service. Well, the ringleader (Brian, played by Ben Crowley) decides, and the three others seem to reluctantly go along with it. A fifth member of the gang (Thomas Ian Nicholas) stays out citing moral objections.The business plan quickly expands to involve drug dealing, which is where Ving Rhames enters the picture as the drug source. Incidentally, Rhames' part is not nearly as big as the movie poster would have you believe, amounting to a total of perhaps 20 minutes interspersed throughout the movie. Since the plot description already says this movie is about "the rise and fall" of a prostitution ring, I'm not spoiling anything by telling you that this business does indeed come crashing down in the end.This movie starts out pretty slow. Things get more enjoyable once Ving Rhames makes his first appearance, which is fairly early on, but reminds you how much you don't really care about the other characters. I was looking forward to seeing what Danny Masterson could do (you know him as Hyde on "That '70s Show"), but he was just sort of "there", playing it real cool as the level-headed one, and perhaps a little too understated to be interesting. I didn't find Ben Crowley all that convincing as the ringleader/mastermind or the junkie bad boy he transformed into, and I thought his part was too big.This movie is certainly no Hollywood blockbuster, but the effort is apparent. Many obvious cues were taken from Scarface and especially Goodfellas, eg. the ever-present voice-over narration. In the end I can say I enjoyed this movie, but only barely. The best thing I can say about it is that it's a pretty believable story, and does succeed in showing how easy it might be to make it big, as long as you're willing to sacrifice your morals and your future. Oh and Alexandra Breckenridge is very hot and fun to watch.