The Boys in Company C
The Boys in Company C
R | 02 February 1978 (USA)
The Boys in Company C Trailers

Disheartened by futile combat, appalled by the corruption of their South Vietnamese ally, and constantly endangered by the incompetence of their own company commander, the young men find a possible way out of the war. They are told that if they purposely lose a soccer game against a South Vietnamese team, they can spend the rest of their tour playing exhibition games behind the lines.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
tristintheshyman Overall, I thought that the movie was pretty good. The comedy in the beginning was original, witty and funny. After that things start to get serious, but not too much so after they land in Vietnam. The shooting scenes are great and realistic. The acting during these parts and throughout is actually pretty good. However, in the end, they lost me. It seems that the scene wasn't quite done right. There isn't any real tension in the first half, and the scene falls flat. During the second half, they announce another stipulation for no real reason, except it seems, to liven things up. Now we have a proper moral dilemma. Then, at the end of a game a battle starts; for no particular reason except they (Vietnam) lost. The sergeant is killed without reason and at random. A random private is killed without reason. There is a lot of random shooting. This scene does not mesh very well. It seems that the team is lacking discipline in this scene, as they cry about team members lost. This did not happen earlier in the movie. It seems as though they have turned into wimps in this scene. And to top it all off, the movie leaves us at a cliffhanger, with no real resolution.
jussi-hakala A movie needs to entertain, teach something, or make us think. This movie does none of the three. Instead it presents the US Marines as preposterously stupid duds with no military skills, no discipline, and mostly being led by retards.The highlight of the film is when they call artillery, fighters and helicopters to destroy a non-existent NVA battalion on an empty hill so they could claim a 'body count'. Some highlight! (This was the only sign of cogent thought in the entire film) My advice: watch it if you want, but it is so lacking in entertainment and message that you won't watch it twice
elskootero-1 Second only to SIEGE OF FIREBASE GLORIA, this is the best Nam flick made so far. It celebrates the absurdity and stupidity of war, yet at the same time reminds you that if you don't want to fight for your freedom, better start learning Vietnamese, Russian, or Chinese! The characters are real, yet farcical (Colonel Ngo Long Dhong?), and their actions from time to time border on the insane, but then something happens to let you know just how human the characters are. I served with a frontline infantry company as a pointman, surviving two tours, so I can attest to most of the realism in the film. It just came out on DVD, so at the very least rent or borrow it, and I think you'll be buying it soon!
brianb2970 I'm a Viet vet from 1969 - 1970, and when the movie first came out in theaters I saw it on the first day (as I recall). At the time I thought it was pretty lame, in that a movie that started out strong dealing with a sweat-dripping depiction of basic training (as we called Boot Camp in the Army); continued with a fairly realistic portrayal of the boredom, ennui, and occasional action of the Nam combat zone; depicted the routine contempt of the lifers and draftees for each other common at the time; then devolved into some kind of weird soccer contest???????????? I mean, what the hell's up with that? It was like a bad splice in the editing room of two movies that had nothing to do with each other. I'm still wondering what the real ending is to "Boys from Company C". Because what I saw sure could not be it. I think that was a screen test ending for the original version of "Bad News Bears".