The Blue Bird
The Blue Bird
G | 15 January 1940 (USA)
The Blue Bird Trailers

An ungrateful girl and her little brother are transported in their dreams by a fairy to a wonderland, tasked with finding the mythical blue bird of happiness, meeting friends and foes along the way.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
cinnamonbear1959 I'm 58 and am seeing this movie for the first time. I can't wait to show it to my grandchildren and my mother who is 84. This is Shirley Temple's last role as a child superstar. It flopped at the box office but so have many others like It's A Wonderful Life that have come back to become great classics. The Blue Bird is a beautiful fantasy film with a great cast and characters. I love the story line and life's lessons learned. The sweet music so typical of the 30's and 40's films pulled at my heartstrings too. If you love the golden oldies you will love The Blue Bird.
mike48128 The only thing worse could have been the entire film shot in black and white. No songs (probably edited out) except for a short one at the start. My synopsis will make it sound wonderful but it is lifeless and humorless for much of the film. Starts out b/w and turns to color 10 minutes in when she falls asleep. A kindly old witch sends Shirley Temple (and her brother) on a quest for the proverbial "Blue Bird of Happiness". She travels far. She visits her "sleeping" grandparents in the cemetery, visits The Land of Luxury, struggles to survive a truly scary burning forest, and the Land of the Future where all the unborn children wait until birth. The dog and cat are magically transformed into humans. Eddie Collins gives a good performance as the feisty bulldog and Gale Sondergaard, a beautiful villain as always, plays the devious cat. Nigel Bruce is Mr. Luxury and beautiful blonde "Light" is played by Helen Ericson. Also in the cast are Spring Byington (as her Mother) and Sterling Holloway as the plum tree. The trees want to kill them and the only funny action is the cat and dog fight in the mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Luxury. In spite of all this, a very boring movie with stiff looking yet beautiful sets and obviously painted backdrops. Her father is a woodcutter just called to fight in the war. Shirley awakes, after traveling everywhere in vain, and lo and behold, the caged bird is now blue! In spite of the great cast, it's a terrible example showing "How not to make a children's movie". (I quote another reviewer.) I own a huge collection of children's movies, both live action and animated, and not just Disney. I also own several other Shirley Temple films for my family to watch, but not this mess.
moonspinner55 Shirley Temple's last lavishly-produced starring vehicle at 20th Century-Fox didn't come close to equaling the success (financial or otherwise) of 1939's "The Wizard Of Oz" from MGM (who had tried, unsuccessfully, to star Temple as Dorothy). This curious enterprise, based on the play, would seem to have a great deal in common with "Oz" (it even begins in black-and-white and turns to color), but the crucial elements of an identifiable plot are missing, and the young girl at the center of this story is consistently petulant. It was a fundamental error to make Shirley Temple unsympathetic; as the scowling, complaining daughter of a poor woodcutter, she wakes one night to an elderly fairy-woman knocking on her door and soon finds herself and her little brother on a search to find the Blue Bird of Happiness. The production is quite grand, but the saturated colors don't gleam and the set-designs are vast without having a sense of wonderment. As for Temple, she's a little bit stiff and self-conscious (odd for her), though her mature sarcasm in the prologue is very funny. Remade (disastrously, yet amusingly) as a musical in 1976. **1/2 from ****
yaso28 I search the movie 'The Blue Bird' with 'Shirley Temple' because I want it to buy. Where can I buy this movie (DVD)? I want this movie in DVD where I can choice the language French. I waiting for your response. Please help me for found this movie if you not have this movie. If you have this movie send me a mail. I like this movie because this have play when I was a children and this is my favorite's movie to my children times. And I want this movie for my children's and children's to my sister and brother so their can see my favorites and children times movie and this is a very big souvenir for me (if I found this) and I hope that I found this.Thanks Petro Yaso
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