The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance
The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance
| 01 January 1975 (USA)
The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance Trailers

A rich count invites a theatre troupe to his home on an isolated island... but soon people start getting murdered. Has the family curse struck again?

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
HumanoidOfFlesh The action of "The Bloodsukcer Leads the Dance" takes place in 1902.A group of theatre actresses is invited by wealthy Count Richard Mamack to his castle.He is especially attracted to Evelyn because she reminds him of his dead wife.There is the curse of in the Marnack family that involves decapitations of females.Alfredo Rizzo's "The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance" is a dreary and unremarkable Italian Gothic horror with plenty of sleaze.It has few sexy Italian starlets including Krista Nell,Patrizia Webley of "Malabimba" fame and Femi "Strip Nude for Your Killer" Benussi.Apart from plentiful sex and nudity there isn't much to recommend in "The Bloodsukcer Leads the Dance".7 severed heads out of 10.
macabro357 (aka: The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance)Lots of naked babes in this one with a couple of lesbo scenes thrown in. The film is supposed to take place in Ireland but it looks more like Rome and the Adriatic to me.Gothic lesbians get invited to a Count's island castle for the weekend. One by one they seem to be missing their heads due to a madperson running around.It's not very scary or bloody and the rooms look like they are lit with floodlights even though candles are lit. Go figure...(sic)Dubbing is worse than usual and the plot only serves as an excuse for the eroticism and nudity. Directed by euro horror actor Alfredo Rizzo, this is one snoozer.Pretty boring 2 out of 10
Greg Goodsell -- it just plain sucks. Set in turn-of-the-century Ireland, said film could have BEEN MADE at the turn-of-the-century, what with it's bright, ugly, flat lighting, plot so-old it creaks and gore scenes that would shame a Sunday School spook house! Rich man invites theatrical troupe to his isolated island mansion and the women all start turning up beheaded. Many who like bad movies will find nothing of interest. Read a book instead!
lingus After an initial release of 4 very good Eurotrash titles, REDEMPTION has managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel with THE BLOODSUCKER LEADS THE DANCE. I found NO Bloodsuckers anywhere in this movie.The story is simple. A mysterious count invites several actresses to his castle for a little vacation. After some sofcore sexual shenanigans the girls get decapitated one by one. Who is the killer? Who knows? There are more red herrings in this one than at the local fish market on Friday.The pace is excruciating. The story is silly and the skin scenes aren't all that terrific either.Give this one a miss.