The Blackout
The Blackout
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
The Blackout Trailers

It's Christmas Eve, the city goes dark, and the few remaining tenants of The Ravenwood find themselves trapped in their building. And they are not alone.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
SikHunt Everything that needs to be said about this movie has been said in nearly all of the other reviews, so I won't bore you with details explaining how bad it is.The only good thing about this flick is that it moves the Troma movies (The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'Em High, Surf Nazis Must Die, etc) up a few notches from their celebrated 'Z class' status. At least Troma know they make bad films and revel in the fact.I'm glad I didn't pay to watch The Blackout, as I would hate to think of even one cent of my hard earned money going to the makers of this abomination.I think this movie gave me cancer when I watched it.
hopla68 I stumbled across this movie and although the artwork was a feast ripoff it had an interesting plot ( who isn't afraid of the dark) so I gave it a chance.plot rundown, some people - where one has armed himself with not one but two guns.. still curious what his plans for that party were before the monsters came, might be an interesting movie hidden there somewhere- get trapped inside a building when a blackout happens and are stalked and killed by scorpion like monsters. Running at a pleasingly short running time, by my accounts it didn't hit the 90 mins mark its a mixed bag.I can agree with most of the other user comments in regards that it is a very low budget movie ( must be the only building in the city with around 10 people living in it) and speaking of the building; they used a very different building for the outside shots, clearly visible if you look at the windows. It had some crap acting and some CGI that makes a play station graphic look state of the art. And yes the story had some holes in it you could drive a truck through.. but..The idea behind the movie is cool, the monsters are at least somewhat original and it has a minimal ( but still there unfortunately) amount of padding. So if you catch on to the idea behind this you can be forgiving. What makes it hard at times are the awful actors ( nobody makes anything of his part so you have a small dozen of cannon fodder entries) the plot holes and goofs that are so evident it becomes disturbing ( best example is the climatic..yeah well, I give them a break.. climb through the elevator shaft where it is clearly seen the camera is tilted and nobody is actually climbing.. kinda kills the scene). And if you try to convince even the most forgiving audience that there is an earthquake, please try to let the wine in the glass move too instead of just shaking the camera. But all in all for a micro budgeted, main actor produced and funded end of the world movie you can get worse. At least it is a hell of a step up from your normal micro budgeted zombie, slasher, inbred, cannibal movie you normally encounter. You could see that the ideas were there, some skill was there but the budget was too tight. The ending however does make for a nice sequel in the veins of resident evil 2.
Pip This has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The movie is about some people trapped on a building, after a major blackout. It seems that it was caused by some weird monsters that were also inside the building. It's going to be hard to review this movie, since even after seeing I know nothing about it.For starters, there is absolutely no plot. Just some people having a party. You barely get to know the characters name's, You don't know who the monsters are, where they came from, nothing. The acting is also terrible. The special effects aren't bad but are nothing special either. As the movie progresses you get the idea that the characters are paid just to die. Whenever a monster comes they just stand there, watching. Also, why wouldn't they try to exit the building? The elevators were off due to the power cut, but what about the stairs?One major "goof" that I recall from the movie is when they go to the basement looking for their kids(Ashley and Kyle). The oldest brother spots a shoe and starts moaning and the mother comes running. He doesn't let her see whatever was on the floor, yet she starts crying "Poor Kyle". How did she know it was her son and not her daughter? It could have been both too. Another one is Ashley being in the elevator, in the end. She was trapped in the basement but in the end of the movie, she appears trapped in the elevator, some floors above. How did she get there? There are some terrible movies that are entertaining, so the overall isn't as bad as it should be, but this one.. Plot: 1/10 Acting: 3/10 Sound: 6/10 Special effects: 5/10 Overall: 3
Shizuka A flick that tries to be more than it is.It's about some monsters wrecking havoc on the tenants of some apartment building in Los Angeles.Although everybody who took any part in this desperately tried to make this flick look like more - there is one big problem: even if you have the money to do it, it doesn't mean squat if you don't have any talent to do something with it.First of all the actors are just plain awful, the dialogues are boring and mostly don't make any sense at all.The whole screenplay just sucks - there is no suspense no thrill - just boredom.And the worst of it is the directing - all chances of making something out of that flick are just wasted.A young Hitchcock, John Carpenter or Wes Craven would have made something good or decent out of that flick - even with no-budget.But not this "director" Better watch "Paranormal Acitivity".Don't waste your time with that failed attempt at acting, screen-writing, and directing.
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