The Bewitched House
The Bewitched House
| 21 December 1907 (USA)
The Bewitched House Trailers

A group of travellers go into a house for protection. Little do they know, it is filled with ghosts who make unusual things happen to them.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
noonoonomore OMG! This movie is amazing and very entertaining. I think it's the first scary movie in history about friends going on a trip and is one of the very best among them as well. It's so beautiful in every way, the age in which it was made, that original idea that would pave the way for many scary movies in the future, with those cute comic reliefs; the falls are actually funny, I've always wondered why film makers think people falling down is funny, now I get the idea and it's sad that in all these 111 years, many big budgeted directors have come up with no newer ideas.I couldn't stop watching the part with the knife and the napkin doing their jobs, and I'm writing this after watching that scene for more than ten times. It's one of those movies of which you never get tired. Highly recommended.
tobias_681 I don't why only about 50 users have rated it. It's in my opinion better then "A trip to the Moon" which way more people have seen.This movie features some of the greatest special effects. The story is good. It's actually somewhat creepy and the visuals look good. When it comes to shorts it's in my opinion a must watch.Now let's go a little more in to depth: The best thing about the movie are the special effects which nicely fit into the movie. They either add something really great to the picture or make the entire picture. All special effects are really well done and none are unnecessary. The special effects really work here. The people who made this movie knew how to make good special effects and how to put them into a movie to make the most out of them. The special effects make the story and thats great. Concerning this it's the Space Odyssey of it's time in some way. I'll highly recommend you to watch this.
boblipton Segundo de Chomon directed this version of Georges Melies' most imitated movie, THE BEWITCHED INN. Versions were made by every film producer in the decade after Melies' 1897 version, including several remakes by Melies.The story is relatively simple: some travelers stop at a house or inn for the evening. Clothes vanish, chairs disappear when they try to sit down, food cooks itself and eventually the Devil -- who is responsible for this -- kicks them all out. It's a combination of stage and film illusion that is still engaging more than a century later.De Chomon's handling here is both more realistic than Melies' -- the first scene shows our travelers tramping about a real landscape -- and much more stagebound -- the sets are not as realistic looking as Melies, the characters are stock Irish characters. The increasing disquietude and terror is punctuated by jokes, as when a bit of sausage, which has been cut off in an elaborate stop-motion sequence, attempts to escape from the plate.By making the terrifying sections less realistic and breaking them occasionally for comedy, de Chomon was trying to disengage the audience from the events, to make the work sustainable for greater length than unrelieved terror. It was a valiant attempt to see if techniques from other arts would work in the new medium. Although it was not immediately successful, it would bear fruit in a couple of decades. The scary comedy is still a popular genre. Just ask Kennan Ivory Wayans.
hugo_manso_javea Segundo Víctor Aurelio Chomón y Ruiz (17 October 1871 in Teruel - 2 May 1929) was a pioneering Spanish film director. He produced many short films in France while working for Pathé Frères and has been compared to Georges Méliès, due to his frequent camera tricks and optical illusions.I was surprised by this one. I've been searching for old movies for quite a while and often I found interesting movies based on how many years they have. But this one (we are talking 106 years ago!) is actually entertaining. A refreshing use of camera tricks for its time and a good 6 minutes watching.